Da Vinci Decathlon

Da Vinci Decathlon

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Last week, students from Years 5-10 competed in the da Vinci Decathlon. Students had a rewarding and stimulating time, working to solve problems from 10 disciplines under the pressure of time and competition. They demonstrated great collaborative skills and resilience in the face of rigorous academic challenge.

The results were:

Year 6

  • 2nd place Science
  • 3rd place Code Breaking
  • 3rd place Engineering

Year 7

  • 3rd place Art and Poetry

Year 9

  • 3rd place General Knowledge

We are very proud of all our students and thank them for their positive and disciplined representation of the College. Some of our Year 6 competitors have written about their experience below.

“Last week, students from Years 5-10 competed in the da Vinci Decathlon. For Years 5 and 6, it was held at St. Joseph’s Nudgee College on Wednesday 29th May. It was a huge school, it looked like a mansion! The theme was landscapes. On our day, we had to complete tasks for Code-Breaking, General Knowledge, English, Creative Producers, Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Art and Poetry, Ideation and Cartography; the areas in which Da Vinci studied. It was a challenging day, which we had been preparing for every Wednesday during lunchtime.

At the end of the day, the awards were announced. Our team placed second in the Science event and third in both the Engineering and Code Breaking events. Everyone tried their best and were amazing! Overall, it was a memorable experience and we achieved a lot. We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Belchamber for organising our lunchtime practices.” – Lily, Jasmine and Emily, Year 6 Students

Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Enrichment