Diverse Learners

Diverse Learners

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The Learning Enrichment Centre staff have had a busy week supporting students to plan and prepare for assessments. The energy in the LEC is palpable, and as staff, we are learning about different strengths and unique gifts that LEC students share.

I marvel at the uniqueness of our PLC students and the wonderful differences in how our students learn. The gift God gives us is our differences and differences are our strength.

The Bible says, “Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ's body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So, we belong to each other, and each needs all the others.” Romans 12:4-5.

Learning is a core part of the LEC. In the next few LEC News updates, we will be looking at different ways people think and learn. We will be looking at neurodiverse learners and how exceptionally creative their thinking styles are.

Santuzzi says that when we see learning disabilities as neurodiversity, “it makes people take a few steps back to think more creatively about all the different ways work or school tasks can be done.” PLC teachers work hard to find different and creative ways for students to learn and as a teaching team we are learning to cater better to the neurodiverse learners in our community.

In 2013, Stephen Tonti shared his life journey living as a neurodiverse individual, who was diagnosed with what he and others call the ‘gift of ADHD’. He was a Senior Directing major at Carnegie Mellon and was also the President of Carnegie Mellon's Film Club.

I invite you to sit back and learn a little more about neurodiversity and the journey of hope for Tonti who has ADHD.


Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment P-12