Compass No 730 - July 2024

From the Principal

Aiming High

Many of us will be inspired to aim high as we enjoy watching and cheering on our Olympic Athletes over the coming fortnight. Aiming high creates energy and focus. Having high expectations of ourselves means that we are striving to be the best we can be. We grow in our sense of purpose as we act to bring these expectations to life. Bringing those expectations into reality requires practice, hard work, perseverance and learning through success, disappointment and mistake making. Behind every Olympic athlete there will be stories of determination and grit as they have overcome setbacks and obstacles. Life is a journey of growing. At any time we can reset and aim higher.

God encourages us to make the best use of the talents and gifts that he gives us. Within the Bible there is the story of the master who gives his three servants different amounts of money. On his return, the master is pleased with the two servants who have increased the value of what they have been given and angry with the servant who could only return the original amount since he had buried what he had been given.  God wants us to grow and share his gifts of love and grace and in doing so multiply the effects of his forgiveness and love for us. We have also been blessed with many gifts and talents. Growing and using our gifts to make a difference for others multiplies their worth as we and others are lifted to greater possibility.

Principal’s Log

Every week I am inspired by staff, students, parents and volunteers who aim high to make the most of their gifts and talents to make a difference for those around them in ways large and small.  Gifts of teaching, coaching, learning, appreciating, supporting, listening, encouragement, humour and doing and being their best make a big difference. Pausing to appreciate the tremendous energy and gifting of talents that occurs every minute at Pacific is uplifting.

We celebrate with our very talented Visual Art team who have made a significant contribution to the recent Queensland Art Teachers Conference. Mrs Marnie Whittaker was invited to be a showcase presenter and shared her expertise in using digital technology and AR. Miss Elise Black as the Communications Officer of the Executive Team assisted in the organisation of the event and acted as MC. We benefit a great deal from the passion and capability of our Visual Art team of Miss Elise Black, Mrs Marnie Whittaker and Mrs Lara Masselos and look forward to the ongoing growth of Visual Arts within the College.

Our Year 12 students and parents took advantage of the Year 12 Tertiary Information Evening held this week. We thank Head of Career Development, Mrs Veronica San Marco and Head of Learning, Senior College Ms Anne-Marie Gerlach for leading this event and Mr Steve Rattey for IT support. A link to the presentation will be emailed to Year 12 families.

The Year 7s have been enjoying their 4 day Outdoor Education Experience at Somerset Dam. Through engagement in a range of activities they have had opportunities to strengthen relationships and grow in their sense of confidence, their understanding of themselves and others and in their connection to nature and to God. We look forward to their return on Friday. We thank Mr Paul Brace and Mrs Lisa Muir for their leadership and organisation and staff for their guidance of students over the four days.

Next week, we look forward to re-establishing our exchange experience with Seishin Gakuen as we welcome staff and students from our sister school. International connections play an important part in the development of understanding, appreciation and respect for our interdependence as part of a diverse, culturally rich global village. We thank Mrs Michi Hauser, Mrs Kana Chan, our host and shadow students and their families for the time spent in getting ready for our guests.

Staff and students across Prep-Year 5 have been excitedly preparing for Grandparents and Friends Day next Friday. We thank Mr Damian Davis and Mrs Sue Zweck and the P-5 staff for their organisation and look forward to another great day of connection and learning.

We give thanks for the tremendous gifts that God has given us as individuals and as community. We pray that God would equip us to aim high to make the most of our gifts to make a difference within and beyond our community.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the Director of Students

Year 11 Leadership Action workshop: Creating a positive impact through role modelling

This fortnight, students, staff and community have the opportunity to reflect on the theme of true greatness focusing on the teachings of Luke 22:24-27, where Jesus served as a powerful reminder of the qualities we strive to embody, in particular serving for each other. This message encourages students to view leadership as an opportunity to serve others and make a positive impact through role modelling.

Last Wednesday, 17th July, our Year 11 students participated in their final Leadership in Action workshop before officially commencing their leadership application process for formal leadership, commencing 2025.

The workshop had a strong focus on sharing ideas, goals and areas of action for 2025.  The workshop was capably led by this year’s College and Action Captains.  The collaborative environment in which the workshop was delivered, fostered a sense of community, mutual support and highlighted the importance of working together to achieve goals and actions set for their final year as Pacific students. The workshop concluded with Year 11 students trying on their jersey sizes and enjoying a pizza lunch together, and a well contested Year 11 vs. Year 12 basketball game during the break period.  Although the Year 12s were victorious, the Year 11s completed the Leadership workshop united with a sense of excitement for what is to come in their final year as Pacific students.

Year 11 students interested in applying for leadership positions are invited to complete their Leadership booklets and submit their applications either in hard copy or electronically to the main office by Wednesday 31st July. Interviews will commence in Week 5.  We wish all Year 11 students the very best, as they begin the transition to being the leading cohort of the College.


Learning Hub

We are excited to support ‘Vaping Decoded’ a free webinar by Blurred Minds that explores how parents can help children navigate social and physical choices they need to make in a safe and informed way.

This free live 60-minute webinar covers the following topics:

• Understanding today's vaping culture and peer influences

• The most frequently asked parent questions on vaping

• How vape products are marketed to young people

• Health and environmental risks associated with vaping

• Strategies on how to start a conversation with your child

• Tips and strategies for preventing vaping among young people

• How you can support young people who have started vaping

Together, let's empower our teens and make a difference!

Secure your virtual seat to this free webinar from 7pm Thursday 25th July via Zoom.


Ms Leigh Finter, Director of Students

From the Head of Learning K-5


What is it?

Early intervention is about giving children with learning and developmental challenges, wellbeing concerns or a disability, and their families support to enable their child to have the best possible start in life. Early intervention helps children develop the key foundational skills they need to learn and thrive within their environment. It helps set children up for school and provides them with many more learning and social opportunities. Early intervention is reliant on collaborative working across services and with all stakeholders supporting the child.

What does the intervention look like?

As it is important to identify in which areas a child requires support, to assist in their development, parents will be invited to a meeting where we can gather information on the history of your child’s development, concerns seen at school and recommendations to be actioned. We can then assist you with the referral process to access intervention. Parents can also initiate a referral process and inform the school of any recommendations that may be implemented during the school day. This could be in the form of; - Occupational therapy - Speech therapy - Behaviour training - Social skills - Tutoring (outside of school) - School psychology services - Specialist medical practitioners (e.g., psychologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, neurologists, ophthalmologists) - School-based intervention (e.g., small group work, MiniLit, MultiLit, curriculum adjustments) - School-based Health and wellbeing support - English as an additional language or dialect support.

Why is Early Intervention IMPORTANT?

• Prevents problems from occurring or getting worse

• Fosters personal strengths and skills that prepare a child for adult life

• Reduces the amount of support a person needs during their lifetime

• Relieves the pressure on public services

• Builds communities that are more resilient and supportive places for children and young people to grow up

• Helps children and young people to develop the skills they need to live happy, healthy, and successful lives

• Improves the quality of children’s home lives and family relationships

• Increases educational attainment - the best outcomes are achieved when a child is 0-5 years of age.

• The developmental and learning gaps grow larger with the delay of intervention.

• Services prioritise younger children, so wait times are often less.

If you have a concern about your child please speak with your child’s teacher.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5

From the Head of Career Development

Careers News

Year 12 Tertiary Application Key Dates and Actions

Thank you to Year 12 parents and students that attended the Tertiary Information evening on Tuesday afternoon. Please find details of key dates to keep a close eye on. All students are encouraged to book a careers appointment using the QR code if they have not done so already.

Now                  Decide on your preferences and order

                          Create or find your Unique Student Identifier (USI)

                          Make sure you know where to find your Learner Unique Identifier (LUI)           

                          Start thinking about accommodation if you are moving

NOTE: Early offer at ACU (ACU Guarantee) is already open

1st August          ATAR registration and QTAC applications open

                          UniSC Early offer applications open

                          Scholarship applications open

NOTE: Some courses have early closing dates - check QTAC website carefully

Sep-Oct            UniSC processes early offer applications and issues offers (multiple rounds)

Mid-End Oct   QUT and Griffith early offer applications are due

15th November Last day of Year 12

                           Last round of UniSC early offers

                           Griffith and QUT issue their early offers

                           Individual offers commence for non-ATAR-dependent courses

NOTE: Once your application is in, check for correspondence regularly!

8th December   Due date for QTAC applications to be considered in main round

                           Due date for documentation

NOTE: It’s advisable to get all your documentation in well before this date

11th December                  Year 12 results and Senior Education Plans released

13th December                  ATARs released

18th December, 12pm       Deadline to change preferences in time for December offer round

23rd December, 12pm       December offer round - 7 days to respond

7th January, 11:45pm        Deadline to change preferences in time for main January round

16th January, 12pm           Main January offer round - 4 days to respond

NOTE: “Mop-up” offer rounds continue until first semester starts.

            (Check “Course Offers & Vacancies” page)

Students are encouraged to explore Early Offer Guarantee programs for the institutions they are interested in to see if the program they are applying might be eligible.

Early Offer Dates


Applications Open

Applications Close


More Information


22nd July 2024

16th September

Year 11 results &

Personal Statement

ACU Guarantee


1st August 2024

2nd December 2024

Principal’s recommendation letter

Principal's Recommendation Scheme - CQUniversity


1st August 2024

14th October 2024

Level of achievement across IA1, 2 and 3 in 5 general subjects


VET Cert III or above


Headstart (Guest) @ GU

Year 12 Early Offer Guarantee (


1st August 2024

13th October 2024

Nomination form signed off by school

JCU Early Offer Program


1st August 2024

31st October 2024

QTAC Application / Invitation from QUT


Level of achievement across IA1, 2 and 3 across subjects

QUT - Year 12 Early Offer Scheme


1st August 2024

December 2024 offer rounds

Apply via QTAC

Meet ATAR threshold

ATAR guarantee - Study - The University of Queensland (

Torrens Uni


Early September 2024

On-line application

Early Entry Program | Torrens University


1st August 2024

11th October


QTAC, school recommendation form and year 11 report card

Early Entry - Apply For Early Entry | UniSQ


1st August 2024


11th October 2024

QTAC and school recommendation form

Early Offer Guarantee | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia (

Mrs Veronica Sanmarco, Head of Career Development

Food for Thought

Helping Your Child Stay Organized and Prepared for Success

As we embark on a new school term, one of the keys to academic success is helping our children develop strong organisational skills. Being organised not only reduces stress but also enhances productivity and fosters a sense of responsibility in students. Here are some practical strategies to support your child in staying organised throughout the term:

1. Establish a Routine: Encourage your child to follow a consistent daily routine that includes designated times for homework, studying, extracurricular activities, and relaxation. Consistency helps in creating habits that promote organisation.

2. Use a Planner: Provide your child with a planner or help them use a digital calendar to keep track of assignments, projects, tests, and other important dates. Encourage them to review their planner regularly and prioritise tasks accordingly.

3. Create a Study Space: Designate a quiet and well-lit area at home specifically for studying. Ensure this space is stocked with necessary supplies such as pens, paper, calculators, and any textbooks or materials needed for homework.

4. Break Tasks into Manageable Steps: Teach your child how to break down larger assignments or projects into smaller, manageable tasks. This approach helps in avoiding procrastination and feeling overwhelmed.

5. Encourage Daily Check-Ins: Take a few minutes each day to check in with your child about their schoolwork and upcoming deadlines. Offer guidance and support as needed, but also encourage independence in managing their responsibilities. You don’t need to always fix their problems for them.

6. Teach Time Management: Help your child learn how to estimate the time needed for different tasks and allocate their time effectively. This skill is crucial for meeting deadlines and balancing academics with other activities.

7. Celebrate Achievements: Recognise and celebrate your child's efforts and successes in staying organised. Positive reinforcement builds good habits and motivates continued improvement.

By implementing these strategies consistently, you can help your child develop lifelong organisational skills that will serve them well beyond their school years. Together, we can support our students in achieving their full potential and enjoy a successful school term.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Mr Brendan Macaulay, Head of Student Support


From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) 2024

Schools in Australia participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about support provided to students with disability. Please find the Principal’s letter to parents and carers about the national data collection here.

What is the NCCD?

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts:

• the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability.

• the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability.

How does the NCCD assist schools?

The NCCD prompts schools to identify students with disability and to review their processes and practices. It records the adjustments already undertaken in school to support students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as their peers.

To know more click on these links:

Parent Factsheet:

The NCCD Infographic:

What do Parents, Guardians or Caregivers of students with disability need to know?

Watch an insightful video here.

For more information, please contact the LEC.

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment

College News

Visual Arts

Where were all the art teachers Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th of July?

We were at the annual Queensland Art Teachers Conference, which gathered 330 art educators from across Queensland. The event focused on the theme "Create the Future," exploring topics like integrating AI, AR, VR, sustainability in arts curriculum, and future applications.

Miss Elise Black, who has been the Communications Officer on the Executive Team of the Queensland Art Teachers Association for three years, assisted the executive team in developing this event and served as the MC for the two-day event.

Mrs Marnie Whitaker was selected as an educator showcase presenter to other art educators, demonstrating her expertise in using digital technologies and AR to enhance audience engagement and provide students with opportunities to present their artworks in engaging and contemporary contexts.

Mrs. Lara Masselos, Acting Head of Department  Film and TV engaged in workshops introducing innovative technologies such as movement tracking and 3D AR. These sessions aimed to enhance knowledge, skills, and interdisciplinary innovation within the arts subjects.

Additionally, we collaborated with Sunshine Coast art teachers on a project where we created wearable art pieces using recycled materials. The Sunshine Coast team won first prize across all other regions!

We're excited about the inspiration gained and look forward to implementing our new knowledge into our curriculum over the next year.

 Miss Elise Black, Head of Department - Visual Arts

Science News


This year, Pacific Lutheran College will take part in the Nature Quest Adventure, an inclusive event spanning five lunchtimes in Week 6, involving all students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Taking place in the library as the central hub, this immersive experience combines a scavenger hunt and bird feeder making activity, which will ignite excitement and unity among students.

Students will embark on a thrilling journey through diverse ecosystems within the College grounds. The scavenger hunt will challenge student’s knowledge of nature as they uncover hidden images or facts about various species. Each discovery will be accompanied by a riddle or puzzle, enhancing critical thinking skills and teamwork. From the jungle's roar to the flutter of wings, every clue will deepen their understanding of the natural world.

Following the hunt, students will then transition to the bird feeder workshop, engaging in hands-on learning. Using simple materials, they will craft feeders, learning about habitat provision. As feeders are hung up, students will eagerly await feathered visitors, witnessing the impact of their conservation efforts.

The Nature Quest Adventure fosters environmental stewardship and appreciation for life's interconnectedness, for students of all ages. It will leave a lasting impact on the College community, inspiring a love for nature and conservation.

Mrs Claire Richards, Head of Science

Koda’s Corner

Year 7 Pacific Plus Students, Anita and Macey

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop stocks all the College’s uniform requirements. If you have any questions regarding the uniform requirements, please contact Peta King at the Uniform Shop via the number below or see the College Uniform Guide here.

The Uniform Shop opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday 8.00am – 10.30am

Tuesday Afternoon from 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Please contact the College’s Main Reception on 5436 7300 to make an appointment.

Flexischools orders are also available for your Uniform needs. These orders are completed Monday - Thursday and delivered to the students’ classrooms in the Foundation and Junior College and to the PCG pigeonholes in the Wellbeing Centre for Middle and Senior College students. Please ensure ordered uniforms are collected promptly to ensure that they do not go missing.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Convenor

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Like our FB page Pacific Facebook page for regular updates for this great night and hints to help win prizes on the night or even before the night! There will even be answers to use on the night!

Tickets for raffles will be on sale prior to the night, if you are unable to attend on the night – we have some AMAZING PRIZES from local businesses.

Moffatt Beach Brewing Co are our major sponsors and will be providing refreshments for sale on the night. As it is a licenced event there are no BYO Drinks and is for 18yrs+ only.

Thanks also to our sponsors Brilliance For Business and Amber Werchon

Tickets Selling Fast !!!!

Over 50% of tickets sold already


CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS– we can only run our events if we have volunteers!

Volunteer opportunities outside of school hours- We have many parents say “I would help but I work full time” – here are some opportunities to give back and at the same time have some fun.

Battle of The Bands Trivia Night  - Want to join our Band Roadie Crew? Even for an hour on the night or just set up?

Saturday Maroochydore Bunnings BBQ on 24th August and we would love to meet some new volunteers.

Father’s Day Stall – Tuesday 27th August 2024

Haven’t completed your Volunteering Training at Pacific yet and want to help us in our upcoming event? Don’t worry it is quick and easy. The Volunteer Handbook is accessible via the parent portal in Nav - Nav Community Links.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Committee and we can talk you through the process –


Have you heard about Pacific Together?

Pacific Together is a care-based service offered by Friends of Pacific to College families in times of need. If you, or someone you know within our College community, needs extra support during the year, the Pacific Together care group may be able to help in some small way or offer a care package. Please contact Chaplain Mr Mark Hauser-

If you would like to support the continuation of the care-based service through a financial contribution, we invite you to contact Pacific Together via email:

Ms Jan Watman, Friends of Pacific Chairperson


Year 7 – 12 Sport

Competitive Sport News:


On Wednesday night our girls had their first round of competition at Gympie. The girls played exceptionally well, with a large number in the squad, brand new to the game. The girls had a narrow loss to Victory College in their first fixture and then backed this up with a 41-0 victory against St John’s in their second. I look forward to seeing the continued growth in the girls throughout the season.

Mr Josh Cummings, Head of Rugby


It was a successful second week for our Senior Basketball teams with 4 out of our 5 teams picking up a win. Congratulations to the Senior A, Senior D and Senior F Boys as well as the Senior D Girls for their strong showings in their matches. The Senior A Girls played their first game of the season against a very polished opposition and while they went down, the girls showed improvement from their corresponding fixture last year. We wish our teams all the best in their games this week. A quick reminder that a number of our Junior and Intermediate teams will begin their campaigns next week. Information will be sent to Junior and Intermediate students and parents before the end of the week. Please contact Mr Burdon or Mr West if you have any queries.

Touch Football:

Congratulations to our Junior A Boys, Senior A Girls and Junior B2 girls for their strong wins last night. Our Senior Boys competed admirably considering they were short on players. The Junior B1 Boys and Intermediate B1 Girls had some tough games at Meridan Field and have picked up some valuable lessons for next week. Special mention goes to the Intermediate A Girls who showed considerable improvement in their game play this week and were unlucky not to pick up a win in their away game. Now the season is in full swing, students and parents are encouraged to check Clipboard and the Student NAV Calendar each week for fixture updates.

Student Acknowledgements:

Well done to the students listed below for their outstanding achievements in sport:

• Jye Flynn for his excellent efforts at the Australian Kart Championships last week for Round 4 in Coffs Harbour. Jye placed 2nd in KA3 Junior Light out of an elite field of 72. He is currently tying in this year's SP Kart championships in 4th out of 114 competitors. Well done Jye!

• Miles Romagnoli has worked towards some outstanding golfing achievements this year. He has travelled interstate 3 times this year to compete in major junior tournaments on the Golf Australia calendar. Some of his achievements are listed below.

  • Successful male recipient of the 2024 Titleist/Footjoy Scholarship for Queensland
  • Current squad member in the QLD Tier 4 State Squad Training Program - run by Golf Australia and the QLD Academy of Sport.
  • Qualified to compete in the Australian Junior Amateur which was held in Perth back in April
  • Competitor at the Queensland Junior Amateur which was held at Nudgee Golf Course. Miles finished on 4 under par for his four rounds and finished 2nd place overall. Ultimately this has now earnt him the highly sought after World Amateur Golf Ranking (WAGR.) He is one of only 4 current juniors in QLD to achieve this ranking.
  • Selection to represent in a team from Australia at the upcoming New Zealand Boys and Girls Age Group Championships and he will travel to NZ in September to compete in this tournament.

These remarkable achievements are a testament to his hard work and dedication and we wish Miles all the best in his upcoming golfing pursuits.

 Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Sport News

Junior Sport

Junior Basketball Program

This term we are pleased to once again offer a Junior Basketball Development Program for students in Years 2 -5. The program will be run after school on Thursday afternoons from 3:00 – 4:00pm in the school gymnasium and outdoor courts.

The basketball program will be run by Mr Brad Burdon who has previous experience in coaching both here on the Sunshine Coast and in Cairns with school, representative and senior teams including the Cairns Taipans. Mr Brad Burdon will be assisted by myself, and senior school basketball players as well as some PLC ex-students. 

The program will commence on Thursday 1st August and will run for five weeks, finishing on Thursday 29th August. During these sessions, students will focus on fundamental basketball skills through drills before moving into gameplay.

The cost of this 5-week program is free. If students would like to receive a basketball at the end of the program there will be a $30 charge which provides each student with a basketball that they can keep at the completion of the program.

If you are interested in registering your child for this program, please send an expression of interest email to  by Friday 26th July. An information letter and payment details will be forwarded to prior to the commencement of the program.

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport P-6

Club Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Lutheran College has several sports development programs outside of school hours. These programs encourage participation, giving students the opportunity to be part of a team, and learn basic skills of the game. The parent-led Pacific FC Soccer and PLC Netball Clubs compete on Saturdays in community competitions throughout the Sunshine Coast.

Run Club

Sunshine Coast Marathon 2024

Please come and join the PLC Run Club at this years’ Sunshine Coast Marathon on Sunday 11th August 2024. This is a culminating event for students who have attended Run Club, and we would love to have anyone in our school community who are keen runners to join us on the day. There are a range of distances to enter: 2km, 5km, 10km, 21.1km and 42.2km (age dependent).

When registering, join the team ‘PLC Run Club 2024’ to automatically receive a 10% discount off your entry price. Parents are more than welcome to enter as well under this team-

We will have a tent set up on the day where we can meet, and some refreshments will also be provided after your race. It would be great to see as many of you as possible come along and celebrate a great year of running.

Mrs Kim Kiernan, Run Club Coordinator

PLC Netball Club

Game details for this weekend:

Please contact your team coach or manager if someone is unable to attend training or the game, remember to update your contact details if needed (email and mobile phone number).

BBQ Duties …PLC Netball club will be hosting the BBQ at Caloundra Indoor stadium on Saturday 3rd August. Volunteers from each team are required to help with BBQ duties throughout the day – please let your team manager know when you are available to assist. Cupcakes are needed for the day as well, so please dust-off your cupcake tins in preparation. The BBQ is the major fundraising activity for the club this year and your help would be greatly appreciated.

End of Season Presentation - Save the Date … PLC Netball Club presentation day will be held on Sunday 8th September 11 – 2pm at the Moffat Beach Brewery Co Production House, 51 Caloundra Road. We are holding a raffle on the day as a Club fundraising activity and would appreciate donations for the raffle - these can be given to your team coach or manager. We hope to see everyone come along and celebrate the 2024 netball season.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media – Facebook and Instagram.

Good luck to all teams for this weekend!!


Your PLC Netball Club Committee

President – Donna Watkins |

Secretary – Peta King |

Registrar – Karen Costa  |

Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club

Mrs Donna Watkins, PLC Netball Club President

Pacific FC


Congratulations to Haylie Powell, former Pacific FC player who is heading to the Olympic Games for skateboarding!


We are back at Pacific this Saturday the 27th July for Round 16.

To celebrate the 2024 Olympics in Paris, our canteen will become…La Cantine!

Enjoy all the ‘Flavours of the World’ at Pacific Soccer FC for 2 weeks only.


Plus…Soak up the atmosphere with the following activities before or after your game:

•          Visit our Aussie tent to have your hair sprayed green and gold

•          Visit our craft table to colour a ‘Go Aussie’ banner to hang around the canteen

•          Try versing a mate to win GOLD at our ping pong table - near the canteen!

Enjoy your day at Pacific FC


• Round 17 - Home games (3rd August) Olympic celebrations

• Round 18 - Away games (10th August)

• U6-U10 Carnival - (17th August) at Pacific

• Semi-Finals - Away games (17th August)

• Preliminary Finals + U9 and U11 All Girls Exhibition Matches at Pacific (24th August)

• Grand Finals - 31st August (Buderim)

Click here for the Round 16 Draw.


Match Reports


What a glorious win on a sunny day for the Wahoos.

The entire team played so well against the Caloundra Tiger Sharks and won 3-1!

Brilliant goals by;

  • Heath x 1
  • Noah H x 2 and the Player of the Match award
  • Shout out to Noah W who got the Player of the Match award for last weekend

Well done team and keep it up!

Manager Stephanie



Tough match for the Stingrays against a strong Currimundi.

Archie was super strong in goals and had a great second half and was awarded Player of the Match!

Oscar was super fresh and showed beautiful team spirit by rejoining his teammates at this point in the season. Welcome back Oscar!

Eddie D had a great game, with strong defence and an amazing header! He was awarded Player of the Match by our opponents.

Manager Sarah



The Sharks took the field with only 1 sub. Every player putting in extra effort from the start.

Great passing was again a highlight demonstrating the phenomenal improvement as a team. The win propelled the Sharkies into the semi-finals. Congratulations Team!

Goal scorers: Angus, Ashton, Charlie, Hunter

Team Awards:

Player of Match - Lukas

Spirit - Angus

Effort - Charlie

Manager Lola

Contact: The Registrar

Facebook: Pacific Soccer FC 

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark’s

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we can meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, and hygiene requirements we need to follow to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming Dates


22-26  Duke of Edinburgh Gold Program

23-26 Year 7 Camp

30      Year 8-9 2025 Subject Expo

31      Staff and Cocurricular photo Day

30th July-5th August  Seishin visit



30th July-5th August  Seishin visit

2         Grandparents Day

6         Yr 4-6 Author visit

7          K-3 Author visit

8          Yr 2 Outdoor Camp experience

9-11    Senior School Cup Volleyball

12       Trimester 3 commences

12-16  Science Week

16        FoP Trivia night

18-23 Yr 6 Canberra Trip

19-23  Book Week

20       Friends of Pacific

26-29  Yr 12 Mock exams

27        FoP Father’s Day stall

29        Celebrating Dad’s Breakfast

30        Staff day