Compass No 722 - May 2024

From the Principal

Uplifted as We Lift

As we lift others through acts of kindness or service we are uplifted as individuals and as community. Helping others has been shown to boost a sense of belonging and purpose which are developed through making a difference. As we help others we can develop a better perspective and see the abundance in our lives. Through acts of kindness, relationships are built. Acts of kindness are also contagious and uplift as they flow through a family, group or community.

God encourages us to live with servant hearts where we are outward looking and share our gifts generously with those around us. The more we share out of love for others and the environment, the richer our world becomes. Love, hope and possibility flow strongly as we switch from gathering to giving.

Principal’s Log

We have continued to explore the mindset that learning occurs at the point of challenge on our 6-12 Assemblies. As we embrace the mindset that learning occurs at the point of challenge there is a shift from getting it “done” to opening the door to curiosity and wonder, which leads to building deeper understandings and connections. When we think about something we have really enjoyed learning or learnt well, we have often travelled deeply into the concept with a sense of wonder. We have engaged in the productive struggle as one of exploration and going deeper with our eyes wide open to connections and possibilities. Like solving a Rubik’s Cube, we have turned things around and looked from different angles and perspectives with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Questions of curiosity, of I wonder if.., imagine if …, what if…, how might … open us up to deeper exploration. Small sparks of joy occur and energy builds as new connections and understanding build. Going deep with curiosity can even open us up to the elegance and beauty of an idea, concept or way of thinking.

The Middle and Senior College cast and crew of Sense and Sensibility have bumped into the Events Centre and are excitedly getting ready for their performances over Friday and Saturday of this weekend.  We wish Director Mrs Delaney and the cast and crew all the best and look forward to thoroughly entertaining performances. Limited tickets are still available through the Events Centre for those who are yet to take up this great opportunity to enjoy a high-quality theatrical production on the Sunshine Coast.

Our Years 3-6 students enjoyed their athletics carnival on Tuesday, competing with great energy and spirit. We congratulate all students for participating with great enthusiasm. The Spirit Trophy and Overall House Champions will be announced at a Year 3-6 assembly on Monday morning which will be held in the gymnasium. We thank Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport and Mrs Lisa Muir, Sports Administrator, for their organisation and staff and parents for their support.

Our Year 4 students are currently on camp and we look forward to hearing their stories on their return today. We thank Head of Outdoor Education, Mr Paul Brace for his leadership and organisation and Mr Damian Davis, Mrs Sharon Middleton, Mr Mark Hauser, Mrs Sarah Atkinson, Mr Joe Doran, Mrs Amanda Empson, Mrs Chrissy Dobson, Mr Robert Belchamber and Mrs Pia Henriksen for their support of this experience which provides tremendous opportunities for growth for our students.

The Sunshine Coast Independent Primary Heads Association provides opportunities for students from across member schools to extend and enrich their learning through involvement in Challenge Days. Pacific hosted this term’s experience providing the opportunity for Year 6 students from Independent Schools across the Coast to explore the concept of tensegrity as they investigated the balance between tensile and compression forces in structures. This was a very rich learning experience planned and led by Industrial Design and Art Teacher Mrs Marnie Whittaker and Head of Learning Middle College, Mrs Jo Belchamber. We congratulate and thank Mrs Whittaker and Mrs Belchamber for their leadership, facilitators Mr Chris Bartlett and Mr Andrew Block and support staff Mr Robert Belchamber and Mrs Alison Fergusson for providing this inspirational learning experience.

We wish our Senior netball team all the best as they compete in the Vicki Wilson Cup tomorrow.

May God give us generous and grateful hearts as we serve each other and the community.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal


From the College Chaplain

Red Shield Appeal

Every year, we come together as a school community throughout the month of May to gather non-perishable food donations for the Salvation Army's Red Shield Appeal. To participate in the Red Shield Appeal this year, all families from P-12 are invited to contribute if they feel called to. Non-perishable food and household items can be brought into school up until the 27th May. P-5 students can bring these to their classroom or place donations directly in the Library foyer area; while 6-12 students can take donations to their PCG rooms.

Thank you in advance for supporting our community.

Mr Mark Hauser, College Chaplain

From the Director of Students

Resilience Building: embracing courage, inside and out of the classroom

At the heart of the pursuit of knowledge lies the essence of courage—a force that propels individuals to venture beyond the familiar, confront uncertainty, and challenge the status quo. In the classroom, students at PLC are not just passive recipients of learning content; they are active participants in their learning journey, where courage opens new possibilities.

When students use the value and strength of courage to step into the unknown, they embrace opportunities to explore new possibilities and become innovative and creative and learn new things about life and about themselves. It is this courage that emboldens them to question established norms, to challenge beliefs, and to seek out new perspectives. In doing so, they not only expand their own intellectual horizons but also contribute to the collective growth and learning of others.

The Resilience Project

This term, across Year 6-8, students have commenced The Resilience Project during Personal Development lessons. The Resilience Project, endorsed by Melbourne University focuses on three key pillars that have been proven to cultivate positive emotions i.e., Courage; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM), with Emotional Literacy being a foundational skill to practice these strategies when faced with personal struggles, learning challenges, friendship fires and relationship conflict with the aim of flourishing in pursuit of academic and personal goals.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Resilience Project, 2022)

By practicing gratitude, students develop the skills to appreciate the opportunities for learning and growth that come their way, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. By cultivating empathy, they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, fostering a sense of connection and belonging that sustains them through difficult times. And by embracing mindfulness, they cultivate the self-awareness and presence of mind needed to navigate the ups and downs of academic life with grace and resilience.

The Resilience Project offers students a roadmap for integrating courage into their daily lives, empowering them to approach their studies with confidence, curiosity, and compassion. By embracing the principles of gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness, students can unlock their full potential as learners, enriching not only their own lives but also the lives of those around them and become a crucible for the cultivation of courage—a space where students learn to confront their fears, lean into uncertainty, and embrace the discomfort of intellectual growth. By asking difficult questions, engaging in critical and creative thinking, students not only hone their cognitive abilities but also develop the resilience and fortitude necessary to navigate the complexities of today’s many challenges.

By practicing gratitude, students learn to appreciate the opportunities for learning and growth that come their way, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. By cultivating empathy,​ they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, fostering a sense of connection and belonging that sustains them through difficult times. Again by embracing mindfulness, they cultivate the self-awareness and presence of mind needed to navigate the ups and downs of academic life with grace and resilience.

The Resilience Project that forms under the umbrella of Personal Development at PLC, offers students a roadmap for integrating courage into their daily lives, empowering them to approach their learning with wonder, curiosity, and discernment. By embracing the principles of gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness, students can unlock their full potential as learners and leaders, enriching not only their own lives but also the lives of those around them.



Ms Leigh Finter, Director of Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5


This week’s P-2 Assembly covered the concept and power of persistence. Following on from the statement that “Learning occurs at the point of challenge” it is often when things appear “tough” that our brain begins to protect us from hardship and look for shortcuts or maybe even completely shut down.

Within our Pacific Way Beacons, persistence stands as a beacon guiding students through challenges toward success. It is often referred to as application and or grit. It requires initiative to find workarounds and is crucial within the commitment to learning, the resilience to overcome obstacles, and the refusal to yield in the face of adversity. In our school community, we celebrate the power of persistence as a fundamental trait that propels students toward their goals. Whether it's mastering a difficult concept, excelling in extracurricular activities, or navigating personal hurdles, persistence is the key that unlocks doors to achievement and fundamental self-belief. When we promote a culture of persevering through challenges, we empower them with the invaluable skill of resilience, preparing them not only for academic success but for lifelong endeavours. The assembly was full of students willingly volunteering moments in their lives where persistence has played a part. It was clear to see that even our very young understand and grasp the notion of persistence in their success.

SCIPHA Challenge Day

Each term SCIPHA (Sunshine Coast Independent Primary Heads Association), takes responsibility for developing and implementing a learning opportunity for a small group of students from each college. These are known as SCIPHA Challenge Days. Last Wednesday, students across the Independent School Network of the Sunshine Coast came together at the College to engage in a day of learning and collaboration. The primary focus of the day was around making and constructing whilst using engineering principles specifically on the concept of tensegrity. Tensegrity architecture is the name given to a form of tensile architecture, whereby physical structures are held in place by the balance of tensile and compression forces acting upon them.

During the day, the students were engaged in a range of learning opportunities around this concept. This experience was concluded with an address from our partnered CSIRO STEM Professional in School, and USC Lecturer, Mr Jose Tirado, a structural engineer, who used the day’s learnings to link to physics as well as the role that engineers, and professionals play in the built environment.

Challenge days allow for connection and collaboration within the Independent School Network and the conversations and learning evident during the day were a testament to the intention of these days. This day would not have been the success it was without the tremendous input and energy from many people. I would like to thank Middle and Senior Design Teacher, Mrs Marnie Whittaker, and Head of Middle College Learning, Mrs Jo Belchamber for the co-ordination and preparation before the day as well as facilitators Mr Chris Barlett and Mr Andrew Block ably aided by support staff Mr Robert Belchamber and Mrs Alison Fergusson.

Outdoor Education

When the Pacific Way was being planned, there was an intentionality in involving the outdoor education department in the finished proposal. How we access risk and what achievement looks like in an unfamiliar setting. Taking a calculated risk and that feeling of success take many varied forms. How we value others and communicate when outdoors is addressed throughout the document.

This week, our Year Four students engage in their outdoor education experience, I look forward to hearing about their experiences on their return and witnessing the growth within themselves. I thank Mr Paul Brace, the Year Four Teaching Team and the many staff involved in preparing this rich experience for our students. I look forward to witnessing the learning connection between the college and the outdoor classroom.


Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5


From the Head of Learning K-5

Building a National Picture of Child Health

From May 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative and is completed nationally every three years.

Children don’t miss any class time while the AEDC is completed, and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information. The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need. AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory and national level. AEDC results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool.

Some teachers have found that completing the AEDC made them more aware of the needs of individual children and their class, and that the data was useful for planning for transitions to Year 1 as well as developing programs.

Participation in the AEDC is voluntary, however the AEDC relies on all schools with children in their first year of full-time school participating in the collection. Parents/carers don’t need to take any action unless they choose not to include their children in the census. To find out more about the AEDC and how it is being used to help children and families visit:

If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs Sue Zweck –

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5

From the Head of Career Development

Careers News

Tertiary Open Days and Career Expositions


Griffith | Creative Arts Open Day 2024

Sunday May 19, 2024, 10:00am – 02:00pm South Bank Campus

Explore a world of artistic innovation and creative expression as we showcase our vibrant community of budding artists, designers, performers, and writers. Immerse yourself in interactive workshops, captivating exhibitions, and engaging demonstrations across a spectrum of disciplines, from visual and performing arts to film and animation, industrial design, architecture and more. This is your chance to connect with passionate faculty, gain insights into our cutting-edge facilities, and envision the endless possibilities of a future in the arts.

Find out more


Brisbane Careers & Employment Expo 2024

Friday May 24 to Saturday May 25, 2024, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Queensland’s largest Careers & Employment Event is open on May 24 & 25, 2024 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. The Expo will host over 130 organisations and employers with career opportunities for all ages. Entry is free.

The event is for school students, parents, teachers, graduates, job seekers, people looking for courses and workers seeking new opportunities.

Find out more


Brisbane Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo 2024

July 13 to July 14, 2024

Get expert advice at the Brisbane Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo TSXPO Expo for your transition from education to employment. The Brisbane TSXPO is a fantastic opportunity to find all of the information you need to kick start or redirect your career and find information all under the one roof!

Brisbane TSXPO is suitable for a range of visitors, including:

•          High school students and their parents,

•          Mature age and post graduate students,

•          Career seekers of ALL ages,

•          Employers looking for staff training.

Find out more


Sunshine Coast Careers Expo 2024

July 16, 2024

The 2024 Sunshine Coast Careers Expo is a must for anyone interested in starting, changing or upgrading their career, including high school students and their parents, mature age and post graduate students, career seekers of all ages, employers looking for staff training, and others.

This annual event held at Venue 114 offers a wealth of information for visitors, including:

•          Access to the latest careers, course study and employment options.

•          Advice on enrolment procedures.

•          Local and national employers.

•          Opportunity to talk to admissions staff.

•          Meeting with interstate and overseas exhibitors.

•          Information on bursaries, scholarship and application procedures.

•          The chance to compare courses from different providers.

•          Students services, GAP and exchange programs.

Find out more


Year 10 in Year 11 2025 Career Guidance and Subject Selection Conversations Term 2 and 3

Year 10 is an exciting time, with it come some big decisions. Students can choose which subjects to study in Years 11 and 12. While the idea of finally only doing their favourite subjects for students is great, the pressure can also feel huge. 

Many students may not know what they want to do post-school. There is still plenty of time to decide and plan for their post-school options.

At PLC, we have started exploring career conversations to assist students in identifying possible career goals, then look at pathways to help achieve them.  After these conversations, we will get into the business of picking subjects. A letter will be going out to parent/caregivers and Year 10 students with further details of how career conversations will take place at PLC this year.

Mrs Veronica Sanmarco, Head of Career Development

Food for Thought

Celebrating Diversity: Teaching Our Children to Embrace Differences

In our ever-changing world, it's becoming increasingly important to teach our children the value of diversity and the beauty of differences. Embracing diversity not only fosters empathy and respect but also enriches our communities and prepares our children for success in a global society.

Why is this so crucial?

First and foremost, understanding and appreciating diversity promotes inclusivity and helps counteract prejudice and discrimination. By teaching our children to respect different cultures, backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs, we nurture a sense of empathy and acceptance that is essential for creating a harmonious and equitable society.

So, how can we instil these values in our children?

Here are some practical tips:

1. Lead by Example - Children learn by observing. Model inclusive behaviours and language at home. Embrace diversity in your own life and interactions with others. It is amazing how much of what we do, is watched, and copied by our children.

2. Expose Them to Diversity - Encourage exposure to diverse books, films, music, and experiences. Visit cultural events, museums, and festivals together as a family, and discuss why they are important for our community. Explore and celebrate cultural traditions and holidays from around the world. Participate in activities that highlight various customs and values.

3. Encourage Curiosity - Welcome your child's questions about differences with open, honest, and age-appropriate answers. Use these opportunities to celebrate diversity and promote difference between people as a positive trait.

4. Foster Friendships – We are all human and we are all unique. Encourage your child to form friendships with peers from diverse backgrounds. Friendships across differences promote understanding and empathy.

5. Challenge Stereotypes - Discuss stereotypes and misconceptions with your child. Teach them to question assumptions and judge individuals based on their character, not stereotypes.

6. Teach Respectful Language - Emphasize the importance of using respectful language and avoiding hurtful stereotypes or jokes. Model correct language and be mindful of language and stereotypes children are being exposed to in media.

By incorporating these practices into our everyday lives, we lay a strong foundation for our children to become compassionate, respectful, and open-minded individuals. Let's empower our children to embrace diversity as a source of strength and inspiration.

Together, we can create a brighter future where every individual is valued and respected for who they are.

Look after each other.

Mr Brendan Macaulay, Head of Student Support

College News

Year 9 Leadership Day

The Year 9 Leadership Team attended the YLead Altitude Day on Tuesday, where they enjoyed activities designed to further unlock their leadership potential. At the end of the day, they shared the following reflections:

‘On Tuesday the 14th of May, the Year 9 leaders went to an event known as Altitude Day at the University of Sunshine Coast. We connected with inspirational guest speakers who shared their stories and inspired us with adventurous ideas.

The first speaker we heard from was none other than Elijah Delporte, a young inspirational entrepreneur who showed us how to take the first step in leadership.

Next, we heard from Dylan Conway, a retired infantry captain. He taught us about the pillars of resilience and the importance of bibliotherapy.

The final speaker was Krushnadevsinh Champaksin Raudliji, also known as Kano. He is truly passionate about celebrating diversity and overcoming the challenges of racism and discrimination.

We connected with other leaders from around the Sunshine Coast, engaging in a range of activities that enabled us to build new relationships and become more capable leaders. Many strong connections were made during the day.

We thank Mr Kersnovske and Ms Finter for organising the experience for us.’

The Year 9 Leadership Team

Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Middle College

Da Vinci Decathlon

We continue to celebrate our Da Vinci teams who performed very well against teams from across the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane in this highly regarded academic decathlon. We congratulate all our teams, in particular our Year 5 and 8 teams who were placed second and the Year 6 and 9 teams who placed third overall in their divisions. It was pleasing to see our teams consistently performing very well on the ideation, science and creative producers section of the competition. We wish again to thank Mrs Linda Sydes, Mr Andrew Block, Ms Taylor Edwards, Ms Adelle Byerlee and Mrs Chantal McAllister for their leadership of these teams.

Mr Andrew Block, da Vinci Coordinator

School Photo Day – Prep to Year 12- Tuesday 21st May 2024

Students are required to:

▪ wear full winter school uniform;

▪ adhere to jewellery, hair and make-up expectations; and

▪ be neat and tidy in their appearance.

Year 12 students are required to meet at the Gym at 7.30am to have attendance noted, uniform checked, and photos taken. Year 12 students will go to PCG after their individual photos.

Sibling Photos - Sibling photos will be taken at morning tea / lunch for children enrolled at Pacific. Do not forget to pre-order your sibling photos online. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at Pacific.

Please place your order online before Tuesday 21st May. Go to and enter the code B7H 8V9 RRH   Payment can be made using Visa, Mastercard or PayPal. If you are unable to order online, please hand your completed order envelope directly to the photographers on Tuesday 21st May. If you have any queries concerning school photographs and ordering, please contact Advancedlife directly:

School photography information:

•  Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school.

•  Sibling Photos –pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. Advancedlife provides Pacific with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so we are aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at Pacific.

•   Late fees – A late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately.

•   Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing.

•   Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at the Advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure an Advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9-digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past.

Miss Carolyn Sainty, Administrative Executive Secretary.

Senior Drama Production 2024




Come and experience the fun of Jane Austen Re-Wired


Information about parking during nearby library construction:

Mrs Janine Delaney, Director

Instrumental Music News

Save the Date

The 2024 Ensembles concert is on Wednesday evening of Week 10. We would like to remind you to save the date. Details on how to book tickets and order food for the evening will be available next week.

Alysha Borak, Performing Arts Aide

Library News

World Book Kids and World Book Student

The library, through its homepage, provides access to an online, multimedia encyclopaedia known as World Book. Fact-checked and written by experts, this is a great resource for students doing research or just for general interest. Students are encouraged to use this resource as a first step in their research, rather than just “googling”.

World Book comes in two different levels to support different age groups and reading levels. World Book Kids contains shorter, easy-to-read articles, while World Book Student has more in-depth information. Both levels offer a narrator function, which will read the article aloud, as well as containing maps, videos and games. World Book Kids also offers lots of activities and science projects.

Access is automatic at school but if accessing from home, you will need to log in with user name: pacluth1 and password: library.

Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

Winter Uniform began on Tuesday 7th May. The Uniform Shop stocks all the Colleges Winter Uniform requirements, 

All students in Year 10-12 require the Formal Blazer for Winter.  Male students require trousers, belt, and tie.  A trouser and blouse option is available for Female students if they would like. Micro-fibre tights are also available for winter in addition to the dress.

Middle College (Years 6-9) Male Students need to wear a tie with the winter uniform. 

Junior college students can purchase the V-neck knitted jumper to wear with their Formal Uniform.  Trousers are available for male and female students as well as ribbed tights to wear with the dress (only) for female students. Sports jackets and tracksuit pants are available to purchase to wear with the sports uniform only.

For Prep Students, the sports jackets and tracksuit pants are available for purchase. These are worn with the sports uniform from Prep to Year 12.

Please see the College Uniform Guide here for more information.

If you have any questions regarding the Winter Uniform requirements, please contact Peta King at the Uniform Shop via the number below.

The Uniform Shop opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday 8.00am – 10.30am

Tuesday Afternoon from 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Please contact the College’s Main Reception on 5436 7300 to make an appointment.

Flexischools orders are also available for your Uniform needs. These orders are completed Monday - Thursday and delivered to the students’ classrooms in the Foundation and Junior College and to the PCG pigeonholes in the Wellbeing Centre for Middle and Senior College students. Please ensure ordered uniforms are collected promptly to ensure that they do not go missing.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Convenor

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Volunteering at Pacific

Congratulations to all participants in this week’s Junior Athletics Carnival and a big thank you to our volunteers, we had perfect weather for a day in the sun connecting with students and families.

This term there are many activities and opportunities for families to come together, meet new families or re-connect and support our students and community by volunteering at school events.

FoP General Meeting

Date & Time:  Tuesday 21st May at 6pm for a 6:30pm start

Location: College Library


Coffee & Chat – If you can’t come to our General Meeting at night, why not come and say “Hi” and find out about Friends of Pacific

Date & Time: 24th May 800am-8:20am

Location: Coral Café


Volunteer Opportunities:

Secondary Athletics Carnival – Thursday 23rd May at USC

Reminder - we will have our BBQ cooking sausages at the Carnival as well as selling drinks, lollies, and fruit.


Working Group for Trivia Night – Friday 16th August - this will be a lot of fun, so lock it in your calendars!

Volunteers are needed for organising this great event – from sponsorships to sourcing prizes, and theme /decorations. We will also require more volunteers on the night and will call for these later in the year.

Haven’t completed you Volunteering Training at Pacific yet and want to help us in our upcoming event, don’t worry it is quick and easy. This year, the College has streamlined the induction process by using a flexible delivery platform where volunteers work through the Volunteer Handbook, complete an electronic form, and upload relevant documentation. The Volunteer Handbook is accessible via the parent portal in Nav - Nav Community Links

If you have ever thought about volunteering or becoming a part of Friends of Pacific, now is the time. There are so many exciting events on the 2024 calendar and the more people who are available to volunteer and support these events will ensure their success. Any questions please feel free to contact the Committee –

Hosting events is only possible thanks to the efforts of those in our College community who give so generously of their time.

Have you heard about Pacific Together?

Pacific Together is a care-based service offered by Friends of Pacific to College families in times of need. If you, or someone you know within our College community, needs extra support during the year, the Pacific Together care group may be able to help in some small way or offer a care package. Please contact Chaplain Mr Mark Hauser-

If you would like to support the continuation of the care-based service through a financial contribution, we invite you to contact Pacific Together via email:

Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.


Ms Jan Watman, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

Sport News

Year 7 – 12 Sport

Competitive Sport News:

Monday Night Netball

With one round left to go, we have 6 teams in the top four and 3 teams placing 5th place, all 3 teams have the opportunity to make top four after Monday’s game. This is an incredible achievement for our teams.

All the very best of luck to every team.  We would love our community to come and support our students next week, particularly the PLC Sapphire Senior Girls who will be playing their last games representing PLC. Please see the draw below and come to support.

Student Acknowledgements

Well done to the students listed below for their outstanding achievements in sport:

Last week seven players from Pacific Lutheran College were selected to trial at the U15’s Sunshine Coast Rugby Regional Trials. This year was filled with excellent talent and positions for the squad were highly competitive. Congratulations to Jairus Patelesio, Louie McCormac and Hayden Cole who were all selected for the Sunshine Coast Regional team. A fantastic effort was displayed by all Pacific students. We look forward to following the selected students’ progress at the state trials.

Well done to Sam Schefe who will be at U14 Representative Schoolboys’ Hockey in Rockhampton over the next 3 days.

Well done to James Turner, Year 7, recently travelled to Glasgow, Scotland, joining thousands of dancers from around the world to compete in the World Irish Dancing Championships. The current Queensland State Champion, Jamie was competing against a strong field from Ireland, the USA, the UK, and worldwide, and finished 36th - a great showing at his first World Championships.

Congratulations to Miles Romagnoli for his selection into the 13-19yrs Sunshine Coast Golf Team.

Congratulations to Sam Schefe and William Fowler who competed at the recent Water Polo Queensland State Titles winning a Silver Medal with U14 Boys Buderim Team. Will also played for the U16 Boys Team, representing the Sunshine Coast, who too won a Silver Medal at the tournament.


Well done to the following PLC students who competed and had success in their teams at the recent Queensland Christian Soccer Association's State Soccer Carnival. The following PLC students won the State Titles in their teams as follows:

U14 Sunshine Coast South - William Studiman & Thomas Bauer

U16 Sunshine Coast Girls - Noella Finney & Chloe Haas

Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Club Sport

PLC Netball Club

Pacific Lutheran College has several sports development programs outside of school hours. These programs encourage participation, giving students the opportunity to be part of a team, and learn basic skills of the game. The parent-led Pacific FC Soccer and PLC Netball Clubs compete on Saturdays in community competitions throughout the Sunshine Coast.

Dear PLC Netball Club Families,

Game details for round 4 this weekend:

The Thunder Premier League (TPL), formerly known as the Queensland Premier League (QPL), is a multi-division region wide competition to determine the best association teams within the region. Caloundra enters an U18s Red and Blue team to compete for the title. Congratulations to the following PLC College students and Netball Club players for being selected to represent Caloundra in TPL:

We are looking for a few additional players from Years 8 or 9 to join our club, so if you or someone you know is keen, please reach out to the Netball President via email. Netball is a great social game to play with your friends and will keep you fit while having fun. At PLC Netball, we grow future leaders through the joy of sport, teamwork, and lifelong friendship. It is about the community coming together around this great game, developing life skills and positive attitudes in our young women. As proud parents and volunteer committee members behind PLC Netball, we invite you to become a sponsor and support the ongoing success of our club and development programs. As a sponsor, we can offer a range of acknowledgement and promotion to businesses or clubs to our families and the extended community. If your business or employer can partner with PLC, please contact us with any queries.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media – Facebook and Instagram.


Kind regards,

Your PLC Netball Club Committee

President – Donna Watkins |

Secretary – Peta King |

Registrar – Karen Costa  |

Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club

Mrs Donna Watkins, PLC Netball Club President

Pacific FC

 Round 7


The team was victorious once again winning 5-1 against Palmwoods Saxons.

This team is unstoppable, getting better and better every week!!

Awards went to:

•  Aden

•  Sonny

•  Oliver

Manager Rachel



We had so much fun playing at home against our friends the Pacific Makos!

The game was quite a display of amazing opportunities in defence and attack for both teams, but the Makos took the win.

Congrats to:

• Heath for winning player of the day for his game and nearly scoring a goal

• Noah W for earning the team spirit award for bravely persevering in the goals when the game got tough

• Hazel won best player from the Makos for her awesome skills

Manager Stephanie



It was a fantastic Round 7 game for the Eagle Rays against Palmwoods Apache with a 2 all draw. You all showed great teamwork, talking to each other on the field and helping each other out! Big shout out to Sonny for his amazing goal keeping skills today, stopping the ball with his foot just at the edge of the goal post.

Award recognition:

•  Darcy - excellent play of the ball scoring 2 goals

•  Jack - team spirit award for his dedication and hard work

•  Daniel received Player of the Match for his outstanding performance. He knew what he wanted, and he wasn’t going to let anyone get in his way.

Well done boys!!

Manager Casey


Round 7 Volunteers – Thank you!

Thank you to our amazing volunteers from the Electric Rays, Manta Rays, Swordfish, Seahorses, Sharks and Marlins who assisted during Round 7, ensuring all aspects of the day ran smoothly.

A special thank you to Canteen coordinators – Lucie and Amelie for their continued overseeing of the menu and canteen volunteers. A special mention to Mr Darren Hooper, Ms Leigh Finter and the PLC Grounds Staff who prepared the pitches, goals, and grounds beautifully for the home game.

Celebrating Mother’s Day

During our Saturday home game, our team coach and manager mums were gifted a chocolate tulip or rose from their child on behalf of our club. Players were also invited to share why they loved their mum. Click here for their responses.



Thank you to all our amazing, kind, generous and courageous SOCCER MUMS.

Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mum.

Round 8

We are back at PLC this Saturday, 18th May for Round 8. Teams on duty – Makos, Angelfish, Orcas, Sharks and Barracudas.

Round 9 – Home game

• No club games on Saturday 29th June and Saturday 6th July (School Holidays)

The Junior Draw (U6-U16/17) for the whole season is now available on the SCCSA website. 


Contact: The Registrar



Facebook: Pacific Soccer FC 




Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark’s

Sharing a common mission and ministry with

Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”


Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we can meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, and hygiene requirements we need to follow to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary. 


You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.


All are welcome at any of our services.


Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming Dates


15-18  Senior Drama Production – Sense and Sensibility

15-17  Year 4 Camp

21       P-12 Photo Day

21       Friends of Pacific Meeting

22       National Simultaneous Story Time

23       Years 7-12 Athletics Carnival

28       Instrumental Tutor’s Concert

29-30  District Secondary Athletics

30       District Primary Athletics

30       Instrumental Tutor’s Concert

31       Caloundra Show Day

31       Intermediate Schools Cup Volleyball



3-5      Year 8-9 Middle College Exams

3-7      Year 10 Exams

6         Years 4 – 6 SCISSA Gala Day 2

11       Year 11 2025 QCE Information Evening

14-16  Year 12 Retreat

18       K-3 Colour Splash

18       Friends of Pacific Meeting

19       K-12 Chapel

19       P-2 Cross Country

19       Ensembles Concert

19       Term 2 Concludes