Career Clusters in focus (Years 10-12)
This is the fourth part in a 6-week series of articles, where I will be overviewing one of the 6 Career Clusters each week. Senior College students have access to information about the Career Clusters on the PLC Careers Hub and will have an opportunity to learn about the Clusters in their PD lessons.
So far, we have looked at Makers, Guardians and Coordinators.
This week’s focus cluster is Innovators.
Innovators design, innovate, and create the things, tools, places and systems we use to live our lives; and work with cutting-edge technology to protect, develop, solve, and maintain technological systems. Innovators design everything from buildings to aircraft, vaccines, and software, and their creations are used in every industry.
In addition to their technical skills, important transferable skills for Innovators include Innovation and problem-solving, Digital literacy, and Communication. Does this sound like you? What jobs do you know that fit within this cluster?
Trade Training Centre open for enrolments for 2024 (Years 9, 10 and 11)
The Sunshine Coast Technical and Trade Training Centre runs a range of Vocational Certificate courses, exclusively for school students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Courses range from traditional trades like Carpentry and Plumbing to Aviation (Drone Pilot) courses and Beauty courses. Details of all their course offerings for 2024 are in the attached Course Guide booklet.
Dates have been announced for the first three information nights for students interested in doing a course at the Trade Training Centre in 2024. They will be held on Wednesday 7th June, Thursday 3rd August and Tuesday 22nd August. Further information on evening dates will be released later in the year. Interested students and families must register to attend one of these information evenings by emailing the Centre. All details are on the attached flyer.
Please note that Aviation and Retail Cosmetics Information Sessions will be held separately and later in the year – dates for those sessions are yet to be advised.
Courses at the Trade Training Centre are run on a one-day-per-week basis. Students attend the Centre for a full day each week and will therefore miss a day of school each week. They use one of their electives for their Trade Training Centre course and therefore have a study line in their timetable, which releases time for them to catch up on the work they miss on the day they are away from school.
To avoid this situation, the Trade Training Centre is trialling the possibility of offering some courses outside school hours in the evening. This would allow students to take a vocational course at the Centre without disrupting their school timetable. When students submit an expression of interest for a course at the Centre, they will be asked whether they would prefer day or evening classes. Evening classes will only run if there is sufficient interest.
First-round applications for courses at the Trade Training Centre will close at the end of this Term, with offers of placement being made in July. The expression of interest form is attached here.
Screen Industry Careers event (Years 10-12)
TAFE Queensland Mooloolaba Campus, 8th June, 4.30pm to 8.00pm
Join a conversation with Screen Industry professionals about the skills valued by the industry and the many associated career opportunities.
4.30pm to 6.40pm: Panel discussion moderated by Jon Coghill, Sunny Coast Showdown
• Heather Macfarlane: Film and Television Producer
• Daniel Munday: Head of Unscripted at Matchbox Pictures/NBCU
• Gerry O'Leary: Training Manager, NEP Broadcast
• Liam Whitehouse: VFX artist and Unreal Engine V Instructor at FXPHD
• Finley Cameron: Games and SQ Hub Co-ordinator Screen Queensland
6.40pm to 7.15pm: Unreal Engine workshop with Liam Whitehouse - limited seats available
6.40pm to 8.00pm: Industry Expo
Exhibitors: Goat Track Theatre, NEP Broadcast, Stuffit Film Festival, FXPHD, The Screen Collective, TAFE Queensland, Screen Queensland, Sunny Coast Showdown, Huxley’s School of Makeup and more
Register here.
Design and Visual Arts portfolio workshops at the Queensland College of Art in June (Years 10-12)
Griffith is running design and visual arts workshops from 26th to 27th June (South Bank) and 29th to 30th June (Gold Coast). In these two-day workshops, tailored to those in Year 10 and above, students will create a piece of work in their chosen field.
Registrations are now open.
Griffith Film School Experience week from 26th to 30th June and 3rd to 7th July (Years 10 to 12)
Registrations for Griffith Film School Experience Week are now open. Participants will follow their passion for filmmaking, games development or animation while creating a piece for their portfolio. Two sessions will be held over the school holidays, from 26th to 30th June and 3rd to 7th July.
Registrations are now open.
Griffith Sports College elite athlete workshops on 19th and 25th July (Years 10 to 12)
After the Siren is a free program, hosted by Griffith University, that offers students in Years 10 to 12 the opportunity to learn first-hand about life as an elite athlete. Participants will meet current industry professionals and discuss how to achieve success on and off the sporting field.
• Wednesday 19th July, Nathan Campus
• Tuesday 25th July, Gold Coast Campus
Email Laura Adric to register via this link.
University of Queensland FEAST program (Years 11 and 12)
FEAST - expressions of interest open
Future Experiences in Agriculture, Science and Technology (FEAST) is a 4-day residential program for students in Years 11 and 12. They'll have the opportunity to explore agriculture, animal and plant science at our Gatton campus and test drive what it’s like to be a UQ student by taking part in hands-on workshops run by current students and staff.
Dates: Sunday 25th - Wednesday 28th June
Discover more here.
University of Queensland experience program (Years 9-12)
Experience UQ Skills
Experience UQ Skills is a full day of hands-on, interactive workshops at UQ Gatton for Year 9-12 students considering vocational study in agriculture, animal care or rural operations (including VETiS, certificates, diplomas and traineeships). RTO: #1511
Date: Thursday 6th July
Discover more here.
Defence Work Experience Program (Years 10 and 11)
The following table shows all Defence Work experience programs available for the remainder of 2023 in South East Queensland. Students are advised places are limited and are strongly encouraged to submit complete and considered applications as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The DWEP Unit works alongside ADF Units to bring students a valuable experience with serving personnel and therefore unforeseen changes to operational commitments may result in a placement being changed, postponed and/or cancelled at short notice.
Please monitor the DWEP website for updates on the program and to apply. Any questions regarding the work experience programs within South QLD can be forwarded to the South QLD Work Experience Program email address /Users/bdolling/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/ORMGETYP/">

myfuture Insights | Managing career uncertainty and anxiety: the power of career conversations (for parents and carers)
Wednesday 7th June 2023
Career uncertainty has been defined as the inability, as a teenager, to articulate a career ambition or occupational expectation for adult life. As transitions from school to further education, training or work have become more unpredictable, and employment markets more competitive and fluid, career uncertainty in young people, both in Australia and internationally, is increasingly common.
In this webinar, Dr Jo Gleeson (Monash University), lead author of the forthcoming myfuture Insights Paper ‘Managing career uncertainty and anxiety: the power of career conversations’, will talk about the findings of her research in this area, and share a questionnaire that can help you to facilitate career conversations with your child.
Find out more here.
Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development