From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Welcome Back Year 2-5!

It was uplifting to see so many happy students (and parents!) at the car park on Monday morning as we welcomed back students across Years 2-5. The College was once again filled with the noise and energy of children playing and learning together! The...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Drop Off and Pick Up

We thank you for the way in which you have supported the change in process to student drop off and pick up. Your support when accessing the car parks and coordinating your pickup times has enabled our P-2 car park to function as smoothly as possible...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

P-5 Uniform Expectations

A reminder that all students need to be adhering of the College’s uniform policy. Formal jumpers are to be worn with the formal uniform only and accompanied by leather shoes. Correct socks must also be worn. The sports uniform can be accompanied by...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Items From Home

With the current restrictions in place, I would like to remind parents and students that items from home (other than laptops, devices and learning materials) are not permitted to be brought into school. This includes sport equipment, beyblades,...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Welcome Back Prep and Year 1!

On Monday morning, there was a buzz about the College as our enthusiastic Prep and Year 1 students returned. Teachers and staff were so excited to see them and students were also eagar to connect with their peers and resume classroom learning. We...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

You Can Do It

This term in assemblies, we will be examining the elements that contribute to our You Can Do It Program (YCDI) that is part of our curriculum at the College. The YCDI Program has been developed to build social and emotional capacity in students...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Prep - Year 5 Drop Off and Collection

With Prep and Year 1 students returning this week, the morning and afternoon drop offs have required some significant changes. As communicated previously, the Prep – Year 2 car park is for parents of Early Learning Centre children and our Foundation...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Thank You

We acknowledge and thank our wonderful parent community as we have also adjusted to our new normal. We thank you for taking the time to read correspondence from the College that highlights changes to our normal routines and methods. Your...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Staying Connected

Thank you again for your continued support as we move into the next phase of schooling. As per the advice provided by the government last weekend, we look forward to welcoming back our Prep and Year 1 students on Monday. It will be fantastic to have...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Welcome to Term 2

A warm welcome back to all Pacific families as we begin our learning journey into Term 2. It is certainly a different way to begin our term and although we may not all be together physically, we remain connected through community. A special welcome...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5