From the Head of Staff and Students P-5


Welcome back to the final term for 2021, and a warm welcome to families new to Pacific this term. Term 4 is always such a busy term, and we look forward to engaging with the numerous events and celebrations that the end of the year brings. It was...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5


The thread for this week surrounds restraint and restricting our interactions. Living in such a fast-paced world, it is easy to slip into the notion that we need to be available at all times and in all realms. This mindset can allow us to become...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Moving with our Emotions

This week we will continue our journey through the storeys of our mind and revisit the role our emotions play in our lives. From time to time, all of us experience what we might call “big emotions.” As we mature, we are more adept at identifying and...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Parent Involvement

From the earliest days of the College, one of the great strengths is the willingness of parents and families to lend support wherever necessary. This week’s thread of parental involvement has been especially apt for the changes that were required...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

High Expectations

The past 18 months have thrown up many challenges both personally and systematically. We have needed to be adaptive in how we connect personally and professionally. We have worked out new ways to exercise, plus large events both locally and...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

How are you?

So many times, over the years we have all asked someone how they are. So often it is a cursory question or a common courtesy to each other. The busyness that surrounds our days rarely lends the time to be able to really dissect how someone really is...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Becoming a Problem Solver

Central to the ‘You Can Do It’ theme for this term, is the notion of becoming a problem solver. With so much of the world around us becoming easily accessible through technology, the concept of persisting when our surroundings become unsure, is an...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

The Domino Effect

At this week’s Year 3-5 assembly I showed the students a video of a quadruple domino display spectacularly succumbing into a multi-coloured pile. As we know, these displays can be triggered by the smallest amount of force, in this case, one...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

We are one

On Monday, we held the first of our split assemblies. Every second week, our assemblies will meet as a Foundation College (Prep-2) and two weeks after as a Junior College (3-5). We will meet as Prep-5 every alternate week. We are hopeful that by...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Kids in Action

Friday 14th of May was the 2021 Kids in Action, Immersion day at Ewen Maddock Dam. Twenty five schools attended with delegates ranging in ages from Year 4 from Good Shepherd, to Year 8 students from Immanuel. State schools and home schoolers were...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5