Come along on Wednesday 24th November and support the amazing Year 10 Drama class, who are very busy preparing a hilarious show aimed for a young audience titled ‘Totally Red’! This entertaining performance takes the audience on a ‘Red Riding Hood’...
Reminder of the Year 7 Immunisation School Clinic on Wednesday 24th November commencing at 9am. Year 7 students who have previously returned a consent form will receive dose 2 of HPV – Human Papillomavirus. Please also be aware that the minimum...
Next Wednesday afternoon, the STEM and Information Technology Departments will hold their Learning Showcase. This is a fantastic opportunity to see the project-based learning that they have worked on diligently this year. Students will be on hand to...
The Year 5 Kids in Action (KIA) and Champions for Change did a Beach Clean up on Tuesday 26th October with the Sunshine Coast Council. The group managed to collect and sort over 8kg of waste - everything from wire, to clothing, bottles, cans and...
Excitement is building amongst the cast and crew of ANNIE Jr as we move quickly towards our performances next week. A big shout out to all students and staff involved in bringing to life this wonderful musical. The enormous amount of hard work and...
The Uniform Shop is open every morning from now until Friday 26th November. Please book an appointment with Reception to get your uniform needs for next year. Remember if you have a student transitioning from Prep to Grade 1 or Grade 5 to Grade 6...
Queensland Health have launched a mass vaccination campaign and have publicised the recently opened Caloundra Vaccination Hub. The attached flyer includes several convenient booking options for staff, students and their families to access a COVID...
Pacific Lutheran College back to school packs 2022 are now online. We will be using Impact School supplies for the back to school season. Please see attached flyer for ordering steps and details.
On Saturday, the school hosted its first Speech & Drama Performance Day for students participating in the ASCA (Australian Speech Communication Association) practical exams. We had 17 performers plus a few students leading the Acknowledgement of...
Summer Internship in Neuroscience and Mental health at USC (Years 9-12)
Posted on
14 Oct, 2021
USC’s Thompson Institute offers a summer internship for secondary students interested in neuroscience, research, and mental health. Applications now open for our next Summer Internship on 17-21 January 2022. The summer internship is designed to give...