Compass No 415 - April 2016

From the Principal

We Remember Them

As we commemorate Anzac Day this weekend, we remember all those who have made sacrifices to preserve our way of life through involvement in and with the armed services. We remember those who have and are engaged in operational service and their families. There is increasing understanding of the lifelong, and even generational, impact active service has on individuals and their families. We show our respect by making the most of the freedoms we have been given, through living our lives well for the betterment of others. 

Principal's Log

There was vibrancy in the air as we welcomed new families on Open Day last Sunday. Thank you to parents, staff and students for the very significant contributions you made in preparation for and in the leading of this day. At the risk of omitting someone, thank you to our grounds staff for their attention to detail and initiative in the preparation of the grounds and facilities, Mrs Stephanie Scarlett for creative and effective marketing, our administration and business staff for the variety of ways they capably led and supported different aspects of the day, our teaching staff for the thoughtful, creative and committed way they showcased their various areas of learning and to our parents and students who generously gave of their time to join staff in warmly and professionally welcoming families to the nature of learning within our community. The engagement and leadership of our students and parents is worthy of significant celebration! The professional and personal commitment of staff, students and parents reflects the great heart, connection and purpose within our community. Well done to everyone on a highly successful community day. We appreciate the role of Mrs Tanya Crooks in her overall leadership of the day.


Thank you to parents, students and staff who took the opportunity to enhance student’s learning through engagement in the Senior College Interviews this week. Maintaining a good balance between learning, paid work, family, rest and co-curricular, social and leisure activities is particularly important in the senior years. Having focused time to consolidate understandings on a daily basis is an important aspect of success for senior students.  

Students are to be congratulated on the high levels of participation and strong spirit shown at the Year 3 -6 and Year 7-12 Cross Country events last week. It was heartening to see students of all capabilities giving their best and being encouraged by their peers. Well done to all students and congratulations to Wira who were the champion house on the day and to Bula for winning the House Spirit award. Thank you to Mr Darren Hooper, Mr Mark Hauser and the sports staff for their organisation of the Cross Country events.

We look forward to the Jazz Evening this Friday night. The relaxed atmosphere will provide the opportunity for us to enjoy the talent of our young people and professional jazz musicians. The food provided by the Hospitality Department will add to whole experience. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Mr Matthew Maynard who passed away last week after illness. We particularly pray for his partner, Georgina, and children, Joel and Gabbie, and trust that God will hold them in His comforting hands.  

We pray for all those who grieve and for all those who have been impacted by war. We pray for peace in the world and in the hearts of people.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor

Worms and Love

One of my loves in life is gardening, composting and watching my worm farm grow. On my journey to Pacific from Wodonga, Victoria, I drove in two cars over three days with my wife, two children, pet cockatiel and a bucket of worms. You see, I love gardening and in packing up my old home I had to bring some of my worms so I could start a new worm farm in my new home. The unfortunate thing is that the worms all eventually died on the trip. I didn’t listen to my wife and give them breathing space in their container. In the end, after arriving in Caloundra, I had to buy some new worms and start a new farm. 

In life we can do the same thing when we love something or someone. We can hold onto that love so much that we actually strangle the life out of what we love. Our intention to love can produce an opposite reaction. To learn to love like God loves is a mysterious thing. Displaying God’s love in human relationships is a delicate thing. It is fragile because God’s love involves sacrifice, grace and forgiveness. It also involves being considerate and aware of our effect on others. Paul puts it beautifully in First Corinithians:

Love is patient, love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful…It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

May God’s freeing, life giving love, strengthen you in your relationships this week and always.

If you see me around the College, feel free to introduce yourself to me and pass around the love! God bless.

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Head of Senior Students

Term 2 – Developing Community Connections

We extend a warm welcome back to all students and their families. As Term 2 commences, it is important that students have established routines and good practices for the remainder of the academic year.

A significant component in the development of students is inspiring them to adopt of a sense of civic responsibility to the communities they live in. Volunteering their time to assist others is a pursuit that will immensely benefit their personal growth and lifelong experiences. In Term 2, students across the Senior College continue to have the opportunity to make a difference by helping others.

On Wednesday morning, the Student Leadership Team and I attended the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal launch breakfast. The Red Shield Appeal collection date is Sunday 29th May. Students and families will be invited to support this worthy cause and information will be communicated in the coming weeks. It is positive to see students take initiative and engage in service beyond the school context. We continue to grow young people to think beyond self with the many service-learning opportunities at Pacific.

Pacific Lutheran Alumni

Are you a past student of Pacific Lutheran College? We are interested in hearing from and connecting with you for our upcoming Compass Review magazine. If you are able to contribute to this College publication, please email for more information. 

Class of 2006 - 10 Year Reunion

We are interested in hearing from and connecting with past students from the 2006 graduating class. If you graduated in 2006, please email to ensure you hear more about the upcoming 10 Year Reunion Celebrations.  

Miss Kim Stone, Head of Senior College Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival

Last Friday the Years 3-7 Cross Country Carnival was held at the College. Thank you to the many parents who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the Carnival and support their children.

Student participation and the standard of performance across all year levels was outstanding. In every race there can only be one winner (unless of course there is a tie), but what particularly impressed me about the participants this year was their persistence and effort in completing the course. Some things we face in life can be a bit challenging and uncomfortable. Facing these trials with effort and a persistent attitude, as displayed during the cross country races, are positive attributes to be applauded and encouraged. A special thank you to Mr Darren Hooper for organising the event and to all HPE and class teachers who helped make the day a success. 

Anzac Day

Recently, a relative of my wife passed away at the age of 99. He had a great long life, filled with achievement. However, the last 70 years of his life were somewhat sullied by his experiences as a serviceman during WW2.

Captured in Malaysia and miraculously surviving the rest of his platoon’s execution (including his best friend since childhood) after capture, he spent the next four years in work camps on the Burma Railway and in Changi. After the war he was eventually deported back to Australia. He was deeply affected by his experiences and spent the rest of his life wondering how and why he survived the suffering and deprivation when so many of his comrades didn’t.

There has been thousands of similar stories from servicemen and women who, at difficult times in our history, accepted the call to defend the lifestyle we now enjoy.

On Monday morning at the Caloundra March, a contingent of students from the College will represent our community. Students will also remember the sacrifice of our service personnel at our College’s Anzac Day Service on Tuesday. As the number of veterans dwindle, it is important for young people to not only remember their sacrifices but to accept responsibility for continuing this legacy of remembrance into the future.     

Jewellery Guidelines

Parents and guardians are reminded that students can only wear one pair of earrings and a watch to school. For safety reasons, earrings should be studs not sleepers. Rings, bracelets and other forms of jewellery are not permitted to be worn.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

From the Head of Learning K-5

The Benefits of Home Reading

All teachers across P-5 set reading as homework for your child. Here are some of the reasons why:

Language and speech development: Reading to a child makes it easier for him/her to develop speech. As a matter of fact, it is recommended that parents read to children with speech delays as it is an important part of their treatment.

Vocabulary and pronunciation: By looking at a picture in a book or seeing a word and then hearing how it is pronounced out loud, children can learn new words along with their pronunciation.

Preparing for school: Children are ready to go to school when they can attend or listen to what is being said, learn and participate in structured situations and focus in and listen to one central person in the classroom. Reading to a child is a great way to prepare a pre-schooler for the school environment. On a higher level, children will get used to hearing stories and following sentences. This will be very helpful when they start to learn about grammar and sentence structure.

Bonding time: Reading to a child is also an ideal opportunity for a parent to spend some time with their child. Reading time can be perceived as ‘their time’. Parents should spend time with their children at their level and reading an interesting children's story to them accomplishes this.

Part of a routine: Reading to children before bedtime becomes a nice pre-bedtime ritual or routine. Children tend to have an easier time going to sleep if there is a set routine. For example: brushing their teeth and having a story read to them.

Life-long benefits: As a child gets older, they will read on their own, building on the interest and experience of being read to for years. This sets off a life-long interest/aptitude in reading which comes in handy in any aspect of our lives, especially during the formative school years, through to university and beyond.

One of the modern day challenges parents are faced with relates to the ‘high-tech’ revolution of computers, the internet and video/computer games. Many will argue that these may cut into a child's reading time and interfere with parents reading to them. Children need to become technology savvy, but parents should accompany them while they work/read and learn on the computer or internet. Parents should also make sure that they reserve regular time to read a book to their children – an old fashioned, yet still very beneficial thing to do!

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5

Important Notices

School Photos

Year 6-12                    Tuesday 17th May

Sibling / Family           Tuesday 17th May

Prep - Year 5              Tuesday 24th May

For the convenience of our school community, school photos can be ordered and paid for online using a secure platform. Orders placed online are paperless and DO NOT require an envelope with cash/cheques to be returned to school.

Photos can also be purchased in the traditional manner using an envelope, with cash/cheque enclosed. However, the preference of the College is that orders and payments are made online, as this reduces administration time and security issues related to the return of cash on photo day.

To place your order, visit and enter the code B7H 8V9 RRH. This code can also be found printed on your envelope. Please be aware that:

  1. Sibling / Family photos can be ordered online or via envelope. Online orders for Sibling / Family photos will be cut off at 12.00am the night before so a run list can be compiled. Sibling photos can still be ordered after the online cut-off date by collecting an envelope from the office and returning the envelope on photo day with your payment enclosed.
  2. All online orders should be placed on or before our day of photography.
  3. The online code above may also be used to order sports and other group photos.

All orders placed online will be delivered to the College for collection.

Student Awards

Stars of the Week

This Week Monday 18th April

Prep:  Prep H, Faolan Shearer, Prep P and Prep M.

Year 1:  Porscha Taylor, Sienna Pyke and Kooper Tink.

Year 2:  Phoebe Shearer, Emily Creamer, Monty Palmer and Ryan Schimmel.

Year 3:  Austin Lauritzen, Addison Biggs, Leila Osborne, Danica Cockburn, Sameeha Thompson and Hayden Burnett.

Year 4:  Jett Forman, Ainslie Carter and Olivia Boland.

Year 5:  Jade Smart, Jack Styles, Ella Jarick and Riley Holiday.

You Can Do It Awards

This Week Monday 18th April

Confidence:  Mia Murphy, Emily Holliday, Kody Farmer and Tyler Jacobs

Getting Along:  Jada Baker.

Other Awards

This Week Monday 18th April

Japanese Poster Competition:  Haylie Powell, Isabella Feckner, Maya Armitage, Caitlin Moffitt and Allegra Pollack.

Food for Thought

Easing Children's Anxiety

Anxiety is normal and part of everyday life. There’s no better time than childhood to learn how to cope with anxiety. None of us wants to see a child unhappy, but the best way to help children overcome anxiety ISN’T to try to remove stressors that trigger it. It’s to help them learn to tolerate their anxiety and function as well as they can, even when they’re anxious. The anxiety will decrease or fall away over time as a result of this strategy. To find out more, visit:

Ms Annie Williams, College Counsellor

Library News

Book Club

Book Club orders are due to the library next Tuesday 26th April.


New LibGuides have been added this week for Year 5 and Year 11 English. The Year 10 History guide has also been updated.

Shakespeare Week

Shakespeare Week has been a great success. Congratulations to Mumba 1 for winning our Shakespeare Quiz. The dress up photo booth was very popular with students and even some staff. Photos are on display in the library if you’d like to have a look. We screened the movie, Much Ado about Nothing, and Year 7 Drama students Georgia Moor, Georgina Jones, Emily McKenzie, Briarna Bell and Indie-May Temenes performed scenes from Macbeth. Thank you to the girls and to their teacher, Mrs Lisa McKibben, for their hard work.


Our MakerSpace activity this week was also Shakespeare themed with students making swords! The week concluded with a Shakespearean games day for our junior students.

Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian

Cultural News

To Kill A Mockingbird

Our cast of 34 students has been eagerly rehearsing since last year; running lines, building their characters and practicing for the hard-hitting play, which is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Tickets are on sale now and are selling fast! To secure yours, visit: or phone: 5491 4240. Make sure you don’t miss this must see event!

Mrs Janine Delaney, Director

From the Head of Career Development

Pilot Training - Airline Academy of Australia

The Airline Academy of Australia offers accredited pilot training and aircraft maintenance engineering training. It has campuses at Archerfield Airport, Brisbane and at Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport, Toowoomba. For more information about the Academy, visit:

Australian Youth Aerospace Forum (AYAF)

Love everything about flying? AYAF is an annual five-day conference for students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in investigating careers and pathways in the aerospace industry (such as Aerospace engineering, Aerospace trades, Military aerospace and Pilot Training). In 2016 the AYAF conference will run during school holidays from 27th June – 1st July. It will be hosted by The University of Queensland and includes day trips to other universities and industry locations. Early bird applications ($199) are now open and will close on 30th April. Standard applications ($249) open on 1st May and will close on 30th May. The cost includes all meals, accommodation and activities for the week. A subsidy can be organised for students travelling long distances. For further details and to apply, visit:

Year 10 Subject Selection - STEM Careers at QUT

At this event, Year 10 students and their parents will learn about the Year 11 and 12 subjects that will prepare them for success at QUT in Science, IT, Engineering, Mathematics, Health and Education. The event will be held on 27th April at QUT’s Gardens Point campus. A mini career fair will also be held on the night with current students from the faculties of Health, Science and Engineering, Education, Business, Law and Creative Industries. A tour of QUT’s Science and Engineering Centre will be available to attendees. To register your attendance and for details about the event, visit:

QUT Parent Information Seminars

This is a reminder about the Parent Information Seminars to be held in Caboolture on 10th May, Gardens Point on 11th May and North Lakes on 12th May. The seminars will provide parents and students with information about studying at QUT. For further details, visit:

Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo

The Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo will be held on 27th and 28th May. For more information, visit:

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange will hold an information session in Spring Hill on Tuesday 26th April from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. For more details, visit:

World Education Program (WEP) Student Exchange

The WEP will hold an information session in Spring Hill on Wednesday 27th April from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. For more information, visit:

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor

Junior Sport

Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival

Conditions leading up to the carnival were not ideal but the rain held out on the day for another successful running of the Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival. The course was a little muddy but this just added to student’s excitement and enthusiasm on the day!

Wira house had a number of top three places throughout the morning and was comfortably named the champion house at the end of the races. Congratulations to the following students who finished in the top three places on the day:


9 Years

10 Years

11 Years

12 Years



Darcy Connors

Christian Schlotterbach

Sam Swan

Jason Wulff


Luke Becker

Luca Turney

Will Swindles

Jack Connors


Sam McKean

Jack Brewer

Tom Farrell

Matthew Becker



Kate Daniels

Zaida Williams

Olivia Cooke

Alicia Woods


Ainslie Carter

Jemma Hynes

Liliana Taylor

Eliza Woods


Danica Cockburn

Katie Graves

Aviva Kelly

Yasmin Richters

The overall results for the carnival were as follows:

Wira – 241 points

Mumba – 198 points

Bula – 196 points


Students who finished in the top six places of their age group will represent Pacific next Wednesday 27th April at the District Cross Country Carnival. This carnival will be held at the Maroochydore Cricket Club grounds in Buderim. All competing students have received permission forms and need to return these by Friday 22nd April. A bus will be provided for students, departing the College at 8.00am. All students will return to school at the completion of the carnival at 11.15am.

Junior Basketball Program (Years 2-5)

The Junior Basketball Program will run this term on Thursday afternoons from 3.30pm – 4.45pm. The program goes for seven weeks beginning on Thursday 28th April.

All abilities are welcome. Most classes from Years 3-5 have had basketball instruction in their Physical Education lessons but this program will expose all students to fundamental skills training every session, before players are placed into competition teams. The main focus of the program is to develop basketball skills and to teach players how to apply these skills in game situations.

The cost for the seven-week program is $25 per participant and all participants will receive their own personal basketball as well as a Pacific Basketball training shirt. Please note that the shirts will not be ready for the commencement of the program. Students have received registration letters this week and those wanting to participate have until Tuesday 26th April to register.

Student Success

Congratulations to Year 6 student, Tom Chapman, who recently competed at the Queensland Schools State Swimming Titles. He competed in the 50m and 100m breaststroke events and finished in second place for both events. Tom is now training hard for the national schools championship, which will be held in Darwin in September. This is a fantastic achievement and we wish Tom all the best for the upcoming championships.

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport

Secondary Sport

SCISSA Volleyball

The SCISSA volleyball season continues throughout the term, with our teams playing against a range of SCISSA schools on Wednesday afternoons. Congratulations to the Open B Boys team who had a very convincing win over Glasshouse Christian College this week. The Year 11 Girls team also recorded a win over Suncoast Christian College in a hard-fought match. The other teams lost in very close matches this week.

Training will occur every Tuesday morning from 7.00am in the gym and is compulsory for all members of the Senior A Boys team. All other players are invited to attend for extra training as well.

Games for next week are as follows:





Bus Details

11/12 A Boys




Bus departs: 3.15pm

Bus returns: 5.50pm

11/12 A Girls




12 B Girls (PLC 2)




10 B Girls (PLC 4)




Bus departs: 3.05pm

Bus returns: 5.20pm

11/12 B Boys




Meet in gym by 3.30pm

Duty for Open Girls

11 B Girls (PLC 3)




Meet in gym by 3.30pm

Duty for Open Boys

Junior Basketball Program (Years 6-8)

This year, Pacific is running a basketball program for students in Years 6-8. This program will run for seven weeks at the same time as the Year 2-5 program, but will focus on skills and drills of a slightly higher level. Students have until Tuesday 26th April to register, as the program will begin on Thursday 28th April from 3.30pm until 4.45pm. All students are welcome to register. Information letters and registration forms are available on the sports notice trays outside the sports staffroom.

Year 7-12 Cross Country Carnival

Last week the House Cross Country Carnival was held at the College. It was a great day for all and the level of participation was fantastic, with all houses representing themselves well.

This year, the ‘Championship Event’ proved to be highly popular with over 80% of students running this race for maximum points. Congratulations to all who ran, but special mentions to the following Age Champions on the day:


13 Years

14 Years

15 Years

16 Years




Sam Larsen

James Brown

Kian Strong

Drew Chaplin

Jake Hynes


Patrick Swindles

Nicholas Lloyd

Tomas Evans-Butcher

Kurtis Modlin

Bailey Hockam


Neils Whiteley

Jye Gallagher

Haden Hurd

Samuel Reidy

Harrison Greenland



Bethany McKenna

Georgia Harle

Natasha Whiteley

Georgia Woods

Jazz Morris


Rhianna Higginson

Chloe Johnston

Sarah Gale

Emma McKean

Amy Fleming


Zoe Teys

Bridget McKean

Tamika Cheney

Ella Smith

Cailtin Davine

The overall points at the end of the day were as follows:


House Participation Event

Championship Event

Total Points


Wira (30 points)

Wira (747)

Wira (777)


Bula (27 points)

Mumba (738)

Mumba (754)


Mumba (16 points)

Bula (677)

Bula (704)

The District Cross Country Carnival will be held next Wednesday 27th April and all students who finished in the top six last Friday at are required to attend. The bus will be leaving the College at 10.35am for students participating in the 13 years to Open age group events. 

District Selections

Congratulations to the following athletes who have been successful in making it into the Independent District team for their respective sports this term: Brooklyn Graves (Basketball); Georgia Harle (Soccer); Brooke Tait (Soccer) and Kian Strong (Rugby Union). We wish them all the best at the Regional section trials later in the term!

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Soccer
  • Round 4 Wrap Up
  • Canteen Assistance
  • Fair Play Award
  • Next Home Games
  • Round 5 - 23rd April
  • Involvement With Pacific Soccer
  • Pacific Soccer Contacts

Click here to download the Pacific Soccer newsletter for this week.

Mr Ian Barnes, Pacific Soccer President

Uniform Shop

Meet Our New Uniform Shop Convenor

I am very excited to join the Pacific Lutheran College community in the role of Uniform Shop Convenor, taking over from the wonderful Mrs Donna Hollindale. I am a parent of two children in the Junior College. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family camping and experiencing the Sunshine Coast lifestyle.

I look forward to meeting many of you during the year. Please keep an eye on this section of the newsletter for updates on uniforms, shop hours and any other important information. I wish all of our students a great start to Term 2.

Opening Hours and Online Ordering

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Coordinator

Church News

St Mark's Lutheran Church Caloundra

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra

General Notices

Entertainment Books

Pacific Lutheran College is fundraising with Entertainment™ again this year. The NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Book and Digital Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers. From every Membership we sell, 20% of the proceeds go towards our fundraising for Pacific Lutheran Kindergarten and Early Learning Centre! Click here to order your book or digital membership:

Upcoming Dates

22 Jazz Evening
25 Anzac Day March (Public Holiday)
26 College Anzac Day Ceremony
27 9-19yrs District Cross Country
2 Labour Day Public Holiday
3 Trimester 2 Begins
  Year 6 ALWS Awareness Day
5 Ascension Day
  SCISSA Trial Game 3
6 Sunshine Coast Health Careers Expo
10-12 NAPLAN
13 Under Eights Day
13-14 To Kill A Mockingbird Production
17 Year 6-12 Sibling Photo Day
  13-19yrs Regional Trial Day 4
  Year 10 Camp Information Evening (6.00pm)
  Friends of Pacific (7.00pm)