Outside School Hours Care

September Vacation Care Program

We look forward to caring for your child during school holidays and providing an environment where they can learn, relax and play. Our vacation care program provides a caring, safe and secure environment for children and families from Pacific...
Outside School Hours Care

Vacation Care

Do you need care for your children or are you looking for entertainment options these holidays? Pacific's OSHC has a fantastic interactive vacation care program for school aged children. The days are full of fun, laughter and entertainment. Some of...
Outside School Hours Care

Relaxation Circle

In our OSHC garden is a beautiful big tree that provides shade and a quiet area for children. Unfortunately, as it doesn’t see a lot of sunlight, the grass struggles to grow underneath. However, the children came up with a beautiful way to use this...
Outside School Hours Care

Dental Hygiene

Over the past few weeks in OSHC, we have been focusing on our dental hygiene. We have been encouraging all children to have a cup of water with them at afternoon tea so they can rinse their mouth once they have finished eating. We are also...
Outside School Hours Care

Science Lab

This past week in OSHC, children have developed a Science Lab. First, children brainstormed ideas of what they may need for the lab and how we could resource this area with items that we already have here at OSHC. Children researched experiments of...
Outside School Hours Care

Healthy Eating, Forts and Earth

In OSHC, children have been investigating healthy eating. We were interested to find out just how healthy all those drinks we consume actually are. Children learnt to check the back of drink containers to see how much sugar is in each and then...
Outside School Hours Care


Last week, children shared their understanding of ANZAC Day with their peers. Children displayed great knowledge of what the day means and shared what they would be doing with their family to commemorate ANZAC Day. Children also engaged in a number...
Outside School Hours Care

Vacation Care

During Vacation Care these holidays, our main focus was sustainability. Children were exposed to different experiences from the outside community including the Recycle Man Show and an excursion to Woolworths Currimundi. Sustainability will continue...
Outside School Hours Care

Vacation Care

YAY, holidays are finally here! If you are looking for something entertaining, relaxing and somewhere for your children to hang out with friends, why not bring them along to PLC Vacation Care. The children here at PLC Vacation Care are engaged all...
Outside School Hours Care

Vacation Care

Only one more week until we hit holidays and PLC Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) would love you to join us for our vacation program these holidays. We have an array of activities provided for all age groups including: Nerf extravaganza Camping The...
Outside School Hours Care