Compass No. 620 August 2021

From the Principal

Principal's Log

There has been considerable excitement and dialogue at the College and in homes as staff, students and parents have discussed whether they wish to be pioneers who launch Buran House. On 19th and 20th August all Year 4-12 students and all P-12 families will be asked to give an indication of whether they wish to be part of the new Buran House. Year 4-12 students will complete this survey at school during their pastoral care time and all families will be sent an email with a link to the very short survey. Completing the survey should take less than five minutes. Getting feedback from parents and students will enable us to have a clearer understanding of student and family preferences. We thank staff, students and parents for the respectful way they have engaged in this process.

We congratulate the five Future Problem Solving teams across Year 6 to 11 who worked together to identify and solve problems within an unseen future scenario under exam conditions. The students have worked for over a semester to prepare and now look forward to gaining feedback and the possibility of moving to the next level of competition. We thank our coaches, students Charles and Sebastian Box and staff Mrs Linda Sydes, Miss Adelle Byerlee and Mrs Jo Belchamber.

Our Year 12 students are now engaged in preparation for their mock exams which will occur in the coming weeks. Students and families are encouraged to develop routines that will enable students to use these tests as way to fine tune their preparation and the completion of the external exams in Term 4. We wish all students well and thank our senior teachers for the considerable support they are providing.

We continue to be appreciative of the way in which our families have supported the College as COVID -19 related restrictions have changed. Once we have clarity about what the changes announced on Wednesday 18th August mean for schools we will email parents.

We say a prayer of thanks for all of the blessings that God gives us every day and pray that God would provide for those within our community and beyond who are in need or suffering.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

Being Grateful For the Ordinary

It is easy when things are going well to take ordinary everyday experiences for granted. In recent weeks we have been reminded of how much we value the opportunity to be able to go to school, engage in competitive sport, participate in performance groups, gather as community and even breathe free of a mask. On a larger scale there are freedoms that we experience from being part of the Australian society that enrich our lives greatly. This has been in sharp contrast to the images of desperation that we have seen emerge from Afghanistan this week.

Beginning and ending each day being grateful for the many ordinary and yet extraordinary gifts God has given us through our families, our community and country helps to keep things in perspective. We pray for the people around the world who are suffering including those in Afghanistan and that we might find ways to support those in need.

From the College Pastor

Wise Parents

Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding.

(Proverbs 4:1)

Listening to the wisdom and advice from our parents can be a struggle. Teenagers are often portrayed as rebellious young people who are influenced by their peers and do not listen to their parents' advice. I remember as a teenager and young adult, there were certain mannerisms, ways of communicating and habits of my parents that really ticked me off. I found it hard at times to really take in what they were saying to me. But a child listening to their parent is exactly the image the Book of Proverbs uses to describe how wisdom is formed in young people.

In the Old Testament, wisdom primarily comes from “the fear of the Lord”, “fear” here means to trust in God. However, another excellent way wisdom is taken on board in life is when people listen to the advice of others. Listening to the wisdom and instruction of those who are matured in life, like parents and elders is sign of a matured adult. Reframing our mindset that can be self-focused to listening and taking action on the wisdom of others is a lifelong goal for many people. But it is a necessary one if we are to get out of ourselves and become aware of all that those who have experienced many years in life can offer us.

In Jesus, we have all the wisdom of the universe personified. A wisdom that is real, compassionate, and loving. Wisdom that is given to us as we read his word in the gospels. As we contemplate the thread for the week may we listen to the word of the Lord for wisdom in our lives. And may we listen to the wisdom of our parents, elders and the wise around us. 


Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Acting Head of Senior College Students

Growing in Leadership

At Pacific, students grow in leadership as early on as Prep, where they have the role of line leader and weekly tuckshop monitor. As students continue in their journey, the opportunities to grow in their leadership through the foundation and primary college’s Pacific Way program and into middle and senior years, through formal roles, demonstrate sign posted moments of leadership growth.

At the commencement of the school year, current Year 11 students were given opportunity to reflect on their leadership growth, and contributions of service to the College and wider community. They were asked to then consider what they could contribute as a Year 12 Pacific leader. Because Pacific leaders grow through sharing the core Lutheran values that underpin our College’s Christian identity, student leaders are grown through their experiences to see themselves as part of a collective team, who work together in service of others. 

During Week 5, the Director of Students and I had the pleasure of interviewing Year 11 applicants for the 2022 College Captains, Vice Captains and Pacific Action Group Captain positions. What came across from each applicant was clear. They all shared in the College’s core Lutheran values, could demonstrate a journey of leadership growth and could articulate how they could contribute to further enhancing the College’s community and culture in 2022.

At Pacific, all P-12 students are given opportunity to demonstrate their leadership capabilities and especially in Year 12, where all students are considered leaders of the College. Regardless of who receives formal positions for 2022, all candidates should be proud of their applications and interviews. I cannot wait to see what these leaders will bring next year.

Ms Leigh Finter, Acting Head of Senior College Students

From the Head of Learning K-5

Wrong Answers, Great Learning

Thomas Edison said that he did not fail at making the light bulb one thousand times, but rather that "the light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. That is why I succeed."  (Michael Jordan)

Making mistakes is a natural part of all learning. Those who we consider to be ‘great’, are clear that mistakes lead to learning.

The latest research on mathematics shows that mistakes are a very important part of learning maths! When a person makes an error in maths and they have the opportunity to learn from it, they actually develop a much stronger understanding. In fact, the research states that students learn more from making mistakes than from getting all the right answers. When your child makes an error, it offers insight into what understanding your child has about a mathematical idea. It allows parents and teachers to talk to the child about what they know and ask questions to stretch their thinking around where they are currently developing their understanding. Parents can ask "How do you know that? What was your thinking here? Is there another way you could solve that? How did you think about X (an element they may be missing or have misunderstood)?" This conversation helps to develop the crucial skills of reasoning and communication and is therefore more helpful than simply showing a child how the maths is done. When you support an attitude that values learning from mistakes, you are telling your child that mistakes are a valuable and natural ingredient in learning and lead to deeper understanding. Research shows that this attitude supports stronger achievement!

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5

From the Head of Career Development

TAFE at School Applications Now Open

Year 10 and 11 students who are intending to commence a new TAFE at School course next year can now apply for their course.

To apply, follow these steps:

  1. Check the courses available in 2022 on the Sunshine Coast, here:
  2. Visit
  3. Enter the code TQEC2201 to access the application form.
  4. Complete the application form. Students will need their USI, to include on their application. The must create their USI, unless they have already done so previously. They can find an existing USI (if they have one) here: Or they can create a USI here:
  5. Once the application is submitted, an email request will be automatically sent to the student’ parent/guardian for approval, so students should discuss their plans at home before submitting the application.

Please remember that some TAFE at School courses are offered on a one-day-per-week basis, at a TAFE campus. Students who choose these courses will be therefore required to miss one day of school each week for the duration of the course. We can not guarantee that your TAFE day will not clash with your chosen subjects here at school, so adjustments may need to be made to your subject choices to accommodate the TAFE course.

Please note that applying for courses at the Sunshine Coast Technical and Trade Training Centre is a different process. See information below.

Trade Training Centre Applications Also Open

Year 10 and 11 students who wish to commence a new course at the Sunshine Coast Technical and Trade Training Centre should register to attend one of their information evenings coming up – details are below. At the information evenings, students will receive an EOI form to complete, to register their interest in their chosen course. To register for the information evenings, please call the SCTTTC on 5499 5222.

Information evening dates:

  • Automotive, Construction, Electrotechnology and Plumbing courses: Wednesday 1st September, Tuesday 7th September or Wednesday 6th October at 5:30pm.
  • Aviation (Remote Pilot) course: Wednesday 25th August at 4:00pm.
  • The SCTTTC also offers courses in Salon and Beauty, but there is no information evening currently scheduled for these courses. Please contact the SCTTTC about your expression of interest for these courses.

Please remember that all SCTTTC courses are offered on a one-day-per-week basis, at the SCTTTC campus near Caloundra High. Students who choose these courses will be therefore required to miss one day of school each week for the duration of the course. We can not guarantee that your SCTTTC day will not clash with your chosen subjects here at school, so adjustments may need to be made to your subject choices to accommodate the SCTTTC course.

Defence Careers Evening

Students who are interested in finding out more about career options in the Defence Force are invited to attend a Defence Careers information evening, at Mantra Mooloolaba, on Wednesday 25th August, from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Registration is essential: to register, go to

ADFA Virtual Open Day

The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is holding a virtual Open Day, this Saturday, 21st August. The event  will feature a range of pre-recorded and live content including tours of the campus; presentations from the various UNSW-C schools and ADFA sporting, cultural and social clubs; interviews with current Trainee Officers, ADFA Alumni and UNSW-C Academics; and live question and answer sessions on social media. It will provide an opportunity for prospective Trainee Officers from all over Australia to learn more about ADFA, UNSW-C and Defence as well as having their questions answered. Virtual Open Day content is available now at

Junior Physics Odyssey at UQ

Are you a Year 10 student who loves Science? If so, you might be interested in participating in this event at University of Queensland during the September holidays. Junior Physics Odyssey is a 3 day program for Year 10 students, where you will hear from researchers, meet with current students and explore diverse topics. You will also meet like-minded people while participating in an exciting range of hands-on physics experiments and workshops. For more information go to

Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development 

From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Future Problem Solving Qualifying Booklets

Congratulations to our Future Problem Solving students who last week completed their Qualifying Booklets for the competition. Five teams of students from Grade 6 to Grade 11 worked together under exam conditions to identify and solve problems in an unseen future scenario. This is a great accomplishment and marked the culmination of over a semester’s work. The students have been coached by students Charles and Sebastian Box and teachers Mrs Sydes, Miss Byerlee and Mrs Belchamber.

Scenario Writing Competition

Year 11 students Makani Campbell and Piper Reid competed in the Scenario Writing Division of the Future Problem Solving Program. They both prepared futuristic short stories related to one of five topics. Their stories were set 20 years in the future, depicting the logical outcome of actions or events taking place in the world today. Ms Roy and Miss Byerlee provided guidance and feedback on the writing.

All submissions will be evaluated and returned by early September.

Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Enrichment 

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

We are very excited to see so many families have already booked for our Aussie World Family Fun Night!  Our event has now moved to Term Four. Please contact Friends of Pacific should you require further information.

Aussie World Family Fun Night rescheduled to Friday 22 October 2021, 5 – 9pm


Get your tickets at Flexischools Aussie World Tickets or scan the QR code to link

Planning continues for our 20th Anniversary Soirée Under the Stars. Invitations for this 18+ event will be sent out in the coming weeks to the College’s Alumni, current Parents, Staff, College Council and FoP.

Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.

Pacific Together

Pacific Together is a discrete helping-hand offered by Friends of Pacific, in conjunction with Pastor Tim, to College families in times of need.

If you or someone you know within our College community needs extra support anytime during the year, the Pacific Together care group may be able to help in some small way or offer a care package in times of need.

We invite you to contact Pastor Tim Jarick or Pacific Together via FoP email:

Next Meeting

Friends of Pacific meet next Tuesday evening August 24th at 6:30pm and all are welcome. We anticipate the meeting being held via Zoom, please email Friends of Pacific to register your interest in attending.

Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

College News

Centre Stage

Submission date extended to Monday 23rd August! Good luck everyone!

Mrs Janine Delaney, Head of Department - Drama

The National Self-Detection Program for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is the most common type of spinal curvature.

When scoliosis develops the spine bends sideways and rotates along it’s vertical axis. These changes have cosmetic and physiological effects with long-term consequences which may result in significant health problems when a severe curve is present.

The optimum time for the detection of scoliosis is just after the onset of the adolescent growth spurt, and this corresponds to Years 5-7 for the majority of girls.

This program is endorsed by the Paediatrics and Child Health Division of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Over the past several decades we have seen major advances in the management of spinal deformity generally and of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in particular. It is now well established that early detection of AIS, and treatment where indicated, result in better outcomes as might well be expected on general principles. This is the basis of screening adolescent girls for scoliosis because in the early stages of curve development the girls have no symptoms.

Please click on the link below for further information.

Visit by Registered Nurse for Free Prep Vision Screening

Good vision is important for a child’s educational, physical, and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child’s ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development.

A Registered Nurse will be visiting the school Term 4, Week 1 on Thursday 6th October to conduct vision screening for children in their Prep year. An email with further information on the program and a link to complete the online consent form has been emailed to all Prep families. Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact the school to arrange this.

If your child’s vision is screened, you will be advised of the results in writing. If a vision concern is found, you will receive a phone call from the nurse to discuss referral to an eye health professional for further assessment. If a vision concern is identified and your child requires glasses, eligible health care card holders may be assisted with free basic glasses through the Spectacle Supply Scheme.

Participation in vision screening is not compulsory. If you do not wish for your child to participate in screening, please complete the consent form and indicate that you wish to decline screening.

If you have any questions, please contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372 or the College Nurses on (07) 5436 7311.

Mrs Sharon Middleton and Mrs Maree Hooper, College Nurses

Library News

Book Week is Next Week!

We have a week’s worth of exciting activities planned for Book Week next week. Monday, of course, is our dress-up day. Check out the internet for lots of easy costume ideas. The parade will take place on the oval near the hall at 8.30am. Each day there will be activities at lunchtime in the library, including craft and virtual reality, for all year levels. There will also be escape rooms set up for our middle and senior students. The theme for this year’s Book Week is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.

P-2 Author Visit

Author, Kellie Byrnes will be visiting the school to speak to students in P-2 on Tuesday, 31st August about creating stories and being an author. If you wish to purchase any of Kellie’s books and have them signed, please fill out the attached form and return it to the library before her visit.

Ms Narelle Keen, Teacher Librarian

Club Sport

Pacific FC

SCCSA has released the competitive Finals Schedule for 2021 based on the ladder draw prior to the Covid lockdown.

We now have 4 of our 5 competitive teams playing in some sort of final - whether it be a Prelim, Grand Final or Plate Play-off. We congratulate the teams who are in the finals and wish them the very best.

Saturday 28th August - Plate - playing for 6th or 7th place

U14 Pacific Seals

Pacific Lutheran College

Main Field - 10.00 am kick-off

Saturday 28th August - Preliminary Final - playing for a Grand Final Championship berth​

U16 Pacific Cobras

Pacific Lutheran College  

Main Field - 11.50 am kick-off 

Saturday 4th September - Grand Final - Playing for Championship

U11D - Pacific Razors - Premiers

Palmview Sporting Fields 

Field Three - 8.30 am kick-off 

Saturday 4th September - Plate - Playing for 5th or 6th place

U15 Pacific Eels

Palmview Sporting Fields

Field Two - 11.50 am kick-off

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President 

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark's

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we are able to meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, signing in, and hygiene requirements we need to follow in order to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates


23        Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15-4.15pm)

23-27  Book Week & ICAS Science Competition

26        Year 4-6 SCISSA Trial Game- MFAC

30        Year 6-7 Author Visit

30        Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15-4.15pm)

31        Year 12 Mock External Exams Commence

31        P-2 Author Visit

31        Year 9 Outdoor Education Information Evening (6pm)