Compass No. 600 March 2021

From the Principal

Purpose Through Serving Others
We find our purpose through putting the needs of others before our own. Simple things such as being inclusive and encouraging people, bring benefits to others and to ourselves. Where we switch from looking inward to outward, the light of possibility shines. Where we can use our gifts to support other people there is a mutual benefit. We find extra motivation where we see the purpose of learning as a means to grow skills and capacities to make a difference. Finding purpose in the simple rhythms of day to day life, through looking out for those people who might need encouragement or through applying ourselves so that we can better serve the needs of others, shifts our focus and grows capacity.

The importance of service to others is a very strong common thread in Christianity and the research of positive psychology. Within positive psychology there is a recognition that service to others and living for something beyond ourselves is key to our wellbeing. Within Christianity we see service to others as a response to God’s love and the blessings He has given us. Through this response there is an outward flow of God’s love and grace that brings purpose, light and hope.

Principal's Log
We congratulate Mrs Michiko Hauser on her selection to be a member of the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) languages curriculum writing team. ACARA is currently reviewing and rewriting the national curriculum. It is a testament to Mrs Hauser’s language education expertise that she has been selected to be part of this team. Mrs Hauser also makes a very strong contribution to Japanese teaching within Queensland through her roles of Lead Endorser, Chief Confirmer and Lead Marker with the QCAA. Mrs Hauser brings a very strong servant heart to all she does. Students at Pacific benefit greatly from her expertise and generosity of time as a leader, teacher and her strong involvement in a broad range of cocurricular activities. We congratulate and thank Mrs Hauser for all she does.

We also congratulate all of our College Captains who recently represented themselves and the College well in the Lion’s Youth of the Year competition. We particularly congratulate Noah Beasley who won the Caloundra Club Public Speaking Award and final. We wish Noah all the best as he now goes on to compete at the regional level.

We celebrate and recognise the contribution of our College Council secretary Mrs Deni Fowler for her role as a member of the Queensland Independent Schools Parents Network. This peak body, which is the recognised representative voice for parents who choose independent schools, is regularly consulted by governments and other key education groups. The group provides access to valuable resources for parents and schools and advocates strongly for the enhancement of strong parent school partnerships. We look forward to continuing to incorporate the research provided by this group into our community and learning partnerships. Interested parents are also encouraged to subscribe to their newsletter:

The goodwill and generosity of spirit of students, parents and staff provides tremendous opportunities for our young people. Each day we see strong servant hearts making a difference within and beyond our community. We thank all members of the community for the gifts that they so generously share and pray that God would continue to enrich them and others.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor

Sense of Purpose
Let no one despise you for your youth. (1 Timothy 4:12)

Young people notice when an adult speaks down to them or is disparaging towards them because of their age. Have you heard or even said these words, “You’ll understand it someday, just you wait”. “What do you know, you’re just a kid!” or this one that was common in former times; “Children should be seen and not heard”.

These statements are really putting down young people because of their age. Ageism is a real issue in society. We might think of it in terms of older people, but it does exist in our society’s attitudes to young people too. Moreover, young people in our society know and feel this. An organisation called Mission Australia does a survey of 15-18-year-olds each year in Australia. Last year for the first time, even in a pandemic year, over 25 000 young people listed discrimination and equity as the most critical issue facing young people in Australia.

People not valuing the young is an issue that has been around as long as human nature has been broken.

The phrase; Let no one despise you for your youth, was written in a letter by Paul to a young man called Timothy. Paul was mentoring Timothy, who became a leader in the early Christian church. Timothy started as a young person who was thought to be a bit timid, a bit shy. He may have even been an introvert. He may have experienced some sickness too. But over time, with encouragement by Paul, he grew in purpose and became a leader in his community. He taught them and set them an example in speech, in conduct, in love, and in faith.

Timothy’s sense of purpose looked beyond the criticism of others. Over time he grew in meaning and a sense of God’s call on his life despite what he may have thought about his own abilities. We are told that Timothy set his hope on the living God, Jesus, who is the Saviour of all people. May each of the young people in our school community, also like Timothy, find meaning and a sense of purpose in this same hope. Amen.

First Communion

Any Year 4 or 5 families who are interested in First Communion for their children are invited to contact Pastor Tim for more information: or 5436 7353.

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Head of Senior Students

Senior College Update
As we approach the second half of Term 1, the pressures and demands in the Senior College begin to increase for all students. Throughout this term already, Year 12 students have been working through Internal Assessment items and it has been good to discuss their progress and results. One common theme that I keep hearing in these informal discussions is the students’ appreciation of the support that they have received from staff both inside and outside of the classroom to help them with their learning.

Year 10 and 11 students are also approaching various assessment deadlines. During this time, it can sometimes be easy for students to feel overwhelmed. It’s important for students to know that support is available to them from PCG teachers, class teachers, Heads of House and the Heads of Learning. I encourage students to actively connect with these staff who are always happy to help where they can, to offer advice and encouragement. We wish all students all the very best in their studies for the rest of the term. Students results and goals will be discussed over the next few weeks and early in Term 2 with PCG teachers, when they engage in Care Conversations. Care Conversations are a valuable opportunity for all students to be a part of in order to identify areas for growth and celebrate achievements.

At this point in the year, it is important for Year 11 students to start thinking about how they are going to be more active leaders within the school. Students have each been given a leadership reflection document to consider their talents and abilities and how they can best utilise those skills. I have already been impressed with a number of students who have started to show initiatives of their own in volunteering to help in various areas of the college, assisting others and how they interact with one other. I am looking forward to seeing them excel in their two leadership days with the LYQ facilitators in Term 2 and Term 3.

International Women’s Day Breakfast

The International Women’s Day breakfast is on this Friday. I encourage all to come along to celebrate the wonderful gift we have in our sisters, mothers, wives, grandparents and other significant women in our lives. I hope to see you all there.

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students

From the Learning Team

Cultural Force of Environment - Using Space to Support Learning and Thinking
Classroom environment is one of the most important factors that affect student learning. An ideal learning environment is when students view their classrooms as positive and supportive. It is a space where they feel safe and secure.

A positive nurturing environment is an indispensable part of learning. It is in a positive environment that a student feels comfortable; a place where healthy relationships with peers and teachers flourish. In a positive environment, the process of learning becomes something that students easily adapt to and look forward to. To achieve this environment, young students need to be nurtured with love, care and support. As we all know, today, learning in a school involves more than just being exposed to information and set content. Research has established that children absorb all that they observe around them and that they learn best when they feel comfortable enough to explore their environment. In a positive and nurturing environment, students show their authentic curious self and paint the world with their unique and individual brush strokes.

Simply put, a positive classroom environment is essential as it enables students to be inquirers, thinkers and explorers and true leaders of their own learning. A positive environment is where children can work as a team, celebrate each other’s achievements and learn from mistakes. It enhances students’ ability to learn and to be productive in the true sense of learning things on their own.

A few factors that contribute to creating a positive learning environment are establishing a supportive learning culture, addressing a learner’s needs, and encouraging a student’s involvement in all activities. Additionally, classroom seating needs to be arranged such that students can learn individually as well as participate in a group activity.

Our teachers keep in mind that the classroom is a child’s second home and therefore, they make efforts to make students feel as comfortable as possible. They strive to create an environment that is more conducive to engagement and learning. A classroom environment that is not positive and full of restrictions and rigid rules, impairs learning by narrowing a student’s focus and inhibiting his/her ability to explore multiple viewpoints and solve problems. A positive classroom environment helps improve attention, reduce anxiety, and supports emotional and behavioural regulation of students.

When we, as educators, foster a positive learning culture; our learners are more likely to acquire higher motivation that leads to wonderful learning outcomes.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community
Mooloolaba Tri Volunteering Opportunity

An opportunity exists for Parents and Senior College helpers to volunteer at the Mooloolaba Triathlon next Saturday. This is a fun opportunity to get together with others from our wonderful PLC community and contribute to a great Sunshine Coast event. Pacific receives a donation for each volunteer we provide on the day.

Volunteers will assist competitors to rack their bike prior to Sunday’s race. Volunteers will receive a Moo Tri Volunteer T-shirt and a lunch pack.

  • When and where: Saturday 13th March from 10.00am to 4.30pm, Mooloolaba.

If you would like more information or can commit to helping, please see Ms Angela Hill in the Wellbeing Centre or contact Mrs Jenny Lee via email to:

Pacific Together

Pacific Together is a discreet helping-hand offered by Friends of Pacific, in conjunction with Pastor Tim, to College families in times of need.

If you or someone you know within our College community needs extra support anytime during the year, the Pacific Together care group may be able to help in some small way or offer a care package in times of need.

We invite you to contact Pastor Tim Jarick or Pacific Together via the FoP email:

Quote of the Week

“The empowerment of women is about the empowerment of humanity.” – Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick

#ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

College News

Lions Youth of the Year
Last week was the judging at local level for the Lions Club Youth of the Year. This is a national competition, and we are pleased to have contestants for both the Caloundra club and the Lake Currimundi and Kawana club. Students presented at an interview where their contributions to academic, sport, cultural and service activities were discussed. The final aspect was an evaluation of each as a public speaker at a club dinner meeting. Our school captains and vice captains were worthy representatives of the college.

Tegan Graves, Nicola Hewitt and Olivia Gartrell attended the Kawana event while Noah Beasley, Elijah Modlin and Connor Dines spoke at Caloundra. Noah was successful receiving both the Public Speaking Award as well as winning the club final. He now goes on to regional level on March 6. We wish him the best for continued success.

Mrs Tina Cox, Public Speaking Coordinator

Design and Technology
Last Wednesday, students from Year 11 and 12 Furnishings and Industrial Technology Skills visited two industry workplaces. Their first stop was Caloundra Framing Factory where they were shown commercial picture framing practices. Students were able to make strong connections between the framing processes and equipment to those used in our own college workshop.


The second stop was to a local large-scale, automated cabinet making factory. During the visit, students were given a tour of their CAD modelling room, streamlined production processes and assembly line. Students were amazed by the many CNC routing machines, conveyor belts and several robotic arms which help store and transport projects around the factory.

Mr Ben Dutton and Mrs Marnie Whittaker, Design and Technology Department

Information Technology

Information Technology is a fast evolving field and so, the curriculum at the College is forever changing to reflect current technologies.

In 2021 we have introduced virtual reality and augmented reality into our Year 8 curriculum using CoSpaces with the merge headsets and the merge cube.

Students have been working to create 3D worlds inside CoSpaces and then use the headsets to explore and interact inside the worlds in virtual reality mode. They can then use their mobile device to view the cube as a hologram and turn it to view it from all angles.

Students have really enjoyed the challenges in learning to explore and create in such a novel way.

Mrs Janine Stone, Head of Information Technology

Year 12 Maths Methods Assignment
This term, our Year 12 Maths Methods students have engaged enthusiastically with their assessment. Tasked with creating a new logo for the College, students are required to use a variety of mathematical functions (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric) to build their design. The logo needed to maintain the authenticity of the current college symbolism and colours. Calculus was required to determine the areas each section of the designed logo, and depending upon the students’ House (Bula, Mumba, Wira), the ratios requirement was 4:2:2:1:1, where their House colour was dominant. (Other colours used are white and grey). The logo will then be placed upon a billboard space to communicate to the community the new branding.

Using technology was the focus for working through the task, to determine each function and their respective domains, to integrate to determine each area, complex where functions intersected each other or lay below the x-axis.

Mrs Jasmin Steven, Mathematics Teacher

Cultural News

Dance Uniforms Have Arrived!

Uniforms are available for purchase for students studying dance or participating in the SCISSA Dance program for Sport.

The uniforms will be available (in store only) through the Uniform Shop starting next week. Bookings are essential through the main office on 5436 7300, opening hours are 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

All dance students are welcome to purchase these items to wear during your dance lessons – it is not a compulsory purchase for SCISSA students.

For further information contact Mrs Kristy Astwick

Mrs Kristy Astwick, Dance Teacher

Music News

Last weekend, 13 Pacific music students attended the annual Sunshine Coast Youth Orchestra residential camp. They spent the weekend rehearsing within their groups and the camp culminated in a spectacular concert on Sunday afternoon for friends and family. The students represented Pacific in an outstanding way and we thank them for their continued involvement in music in the broader community.

This week we are taking the final call for students interested in travelling to New Zealand as a part of the Ensembles Music Tour next year. If you haven’t yet registered your interest and you would like to go, please email me on

Mrs Helen Williams, Head of Instrumental Music

From the Head of Career Development

University Showcase 10th March
The University Showcase is coming to Pacific again on Wednesday 10th March. This is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 12 students to hear from and speak to representatives from a wide range of Universities, as well as QTAC, TAFE and Defence Force Recruiting. All Year 12 students will be attending. The Showcase will be here, in the Gym, from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

QUT Advice Night for Year 11 and 12 Students and Parents

Year 11 and 12 students and their parents are invited to get their questions about uni answered at QUT Advice Night on Wednesday 24th March from 5.30pm – 7.00pm. The webinar will offer advice about course and career planning, how to apply to uni, study costs, and resources available to support parents and students throughout the year. There will also be the chance to hear from real students about their uni experience and ask questions about their course and uni life.

ADF Gap Year Applications Now Open

An ADF Gap Year is a unique opportunity to experience life in the Navy, Army or Air Force, without needing to make a long-term commitment. Applications are now open for current Year 12 students.

Students who take part in the ADF Gap Year program:

  • Gain valuable skills and work experience.
  • Enjoy a great salary package plus free healthcare.
  • Live a varied, active and healthy lifestyle.
  • Make friends with like-minded people.
  • Have the opportunity to see more of Australia.

Whatever your interest, there are a variety of roles to select. These include experiences as an officer, in management, engineering, logistics and warehousing, combat and security and administration.

For more information, or to start the application process, click here.

GriffithBUSINESS Responsible Leaders of the Future Conference

Open to Years 10, 11 and 12, the Responsible Leaders of the Future Conference offers a full-day program that provides a hands-on experience and challenges students to problem solve, develop ideas and suggest solutions to reimagine how organisations and leaders face 21st century challenges.

Students will work together with a diverse and talented cohort to explore how they can disrupt traditional models and explore themes and skills like entrepreneurialism, leadership, sustainability, equity, innovation and adaptability.

  • Gold Coast: Monday 24th May 2021
  • South Bank: Wednesday 26th May 2021

To register your interest, email:

Women in Trades Speed Careering Event

The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) is running a series of speed careering events later this year, across Queensland.

If you are a high school girl looking to build your career on a trade such as carpentry, building, electrical or even automotive and mechanical, then NAWIC would love you to join them for an exciting speed careering event.

  • Meet tradeswomen who are training, working and running their own businesses in the construction, mining and automotive industries;
  • Network with women in various stages of their careers in a broad range of trades;
  • Hear first-hand the benefits and rewards of pursuing a trade career;
  • Discover how to commence your own trade career; and
  • Of course, learn the tricks of the trade!

Register your interest via email

Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development

Sport News

Sport News

Well done to our six Pacific swimmers Emily Lengenberg, Euan Lengenberg, Sam Shefe, Josh Brouw, Abby Novosel and Mae Clarke who represented both the College and Independent District at the Sunshine Coast Regional Swimming Carnival this week. Swimmers from Noosa to Redcliffe took part in this carnival with the top swimmers qualifying to swim at the Queensland State Titles later this month in Brisbane.

A special mention to Emily and Euan Lengenberg who had some outstanding results and have now qualified for the state titles. 

Emily Lengenberg:

  • 1st – 100m Butterfly (State Qualifier)
  • 1st – 50m Butterfly (State Qualifier)
  • 2nd – 100m Backstroke (State Qualifier)
  • 2nd – 50m Backstroke (State Qualifier)
  • 2nd – 100m Freestyle (State Qualifier)

Euan Lengenberg:

  • 2nd – 100m Backstroke (State Qualifier)
  • 5th – 50m Backstroke (State Qualifier)

Year 5 /6 Sunshine Coast Primary School Water Polo Competition

Monday night saw the opening games played in the Sunshine Coast Primary School Water Polo Competition. Pacific has entered a mixed boys and girls team made up of Year 5 and 6 students.

The competition is made up of 12 teams from Independent, Catholic and State Schools on the Sunshine Coast. On Monday night our Pacific team played two friendlies with a strong 9-1 win over St Andrew’s Anglican College 7 team and a 1-7 loss to St Andrew’s Anglican College 8 team.

The competition officially commences next Monday. Good luck to the team in their future games.


Week 6 Results




Jnr Girls Volleyball

PLC 2 – NCC 0

Brianna Walsh

Int Girls Volleyball 1

PLC 2 – MFAC 0

Mona Finney

Int Girls Volleyball 2

PLC 0 – NCC 2

PLC 0 – ILC 2

Jessica Watkins

Elizabeth Maclean

Int Girls Volleyball 3

PLC 1 – MFAC 2

Annalise Whight

Int Girls Volleyball 4

PLC 1 – MFAC 2

Paige Whincop

Int Boys Volleyball 1


Josh Turnbull

Int Boys Volleyball 2

PLC 0 – GCC 2

Elliott Burlone


Independent District Teams

Congratulations to the following students for their selection into Independent District Teams.


10-12 Girls

Ivy Davis

Touch Football

16-18 Girls

Storm Sawyer

Touch Football

13-15 Girls

Macey Winter

Katie Graves

Zara Richters


16-18 Boys

Elijah Modlin


10-12 Boys

Max Mortimer-Short


Monday Night Netball Results

Well done to all Pacific teams for their strong efforts for the first round of competition this week!




PLC Crystal


Isla Lendrum

PLC Amber


Eva Carey

PLC Emerald


Jessica Watkins

PLC Jade


Freya Mulholland

PLC Opal


Charlotte McDonagh

PLC Pearl


Remy Hammond

PLC Sapphire


Amedy Buchanan


Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport and Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific FC

Pacific FC Family Fun Day

Pacific FC hosted our Family Fun Day on Saturday afternoon. 2021 marks the Club’s 20th year and we’re hoping to create a memorable year to celebrate. It was beautiful to see many players and families, new and returning, come together to celebrate the 2021 season.

Everyone enjoyed the sausage sizzle, cold drinks and icy poles provided free of charge from the Club. We played games such as badminton, ping-pong and soccer tennis which hotted up competition between lots of parents!

All teams have filled their Manager and Coach positions and we thank all parents who have generously given of their time to ensure all teams (both players and families) have the best shot at success by supporting them. HEJA is the preferred Team Management app. It’s developed for team sports management and is inclusive as all parents/players have access to it. Managers are encouraged to create their own Team’s version.

It was great to see many meaningful connections as families talked and shared stories through the afternoon while the children kicked around soccer balls and enjoyed various activities. Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association place fun and friendship as the cornerstone of the fixtures played and Pacific FC’s event was a perfect reflection of these values.

Our season officially starts this Saturday with Pacific FC hosting a Roo Ball Carnival for U6 and U8 teams, and other age groups having rooball and grading games at various Clubs across the Sunshine Coast.

If you’d like to enjoy the most affordable and inclusive team sport on the Coast, we have openings in our U7 Swordfish (2014) and U9 Squad (2012/2013).

Lastly, please give a massive thank-you to the squad of volunteers working hard behind the scenes to create memorable and enjoyable events like this.

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

PLC Netball Club

Team selection has been completed and this week the teams commence training as a unit.

We are seeking additional players born in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The teams in this age group play modified rules within a non-competitive environment as an introduction to netball. The cost of registration is $185.00, which includes your hire dress. This makes PLC Netball one of the most cost-effective sporting options for young girls and boys on the coast (yes, we can accept boys into our younger teams). If you are interested in playing netball, please contact us via

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President

College Tuckshop

The College Tuckshop uses the FlexiSchools system, providing a simple online location for parents to place orders. Through FlexiSchools, parents are able to create an account and order and pay for items online. To register online and create an account, click here. Parents are also able to add funds to their children’s student ID card so that they can make purchases over the counter. To learn how to link a student card, click here.

Mrs Shea Moor, Tuckshop Convenor

Pacific Early Learning Centre

Book a Tour
Many of life’s big lessons are learnt before beginning school. Learning how to interact, the power of curiosity and the importance of love and understanding. We believe that nurturing your child’s character and sense of wonderment is as important as keeping them safe.

You and your child will benefit from:

  • A qualified and experienced team;
  • Engaging and purposeful play-based learning, embracing children’s thinking and collaboration;
  • A spacious modern facility, full of natural light that supports social interactions between children of different ages;
  • A mud kitchen, climbing tree, rainforest walks, library experiences and special visits;
  • A foundation of Christian values;
  • Being a part of Pacific Lutheran College’s welcoming community; and
  • Enrolments that commence from two-years-of-age.

For more information, please contact the centre directly on 5436 7377.

Ms Julie McCosker, Service Leader

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark's

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 8.30am and 9.30am. We are thankful that we are able to meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, signing in, and hygiene req

uirements we need to follow in order to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates


5                          International Women’s Day Breakfast (7.00am)

                            Musical Camp Departs

                            Senior Trish Buckley Volleyball – Round 1

7                          Musical Camp Returns

8                          Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)

11                        Year 4-6 SCISSA Trial Game – SCC

12                        Senior Trish Buckley Volleyball – Round 2

13                        Music Scholarship Test

13-14                  Duke of Edinburgh – Adventurous Journey

15                        Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)

16                        Year 4 Outdoor Education Information Evening (5.30pm)

                            Friends of Pacific (6.30pm)

18                        Year 4-6 SCISSA Gala Day 1

19                        Pacific as a Peace Place

                            Senior Trish Buckley Volleyball – Round 3

20                        Academic Scholarship Test