Compass No. 552 October 2019


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From the Principal

Congratulations Charles - National Champion

This week on assembly there was resounding applause for Charles Box who won his individual division of the Future Problem Solving National Finals. The middle years team of Jasmin Groves, Sebastian Box, Piper Reid and Trixie Willett and individual Logan Pohlner, who competed as part of a mixed school and age team, were also celebrated. This prestigious competition attracts some of the brightest and best students from across Australia and sees them engage in real life problem solving as individuals and as teams. The topic for the national finals was ‘Coping with Stress’ with competitors considering how exponential change and fast paced trends in society will continue to increase stress in the future. 

Students worked hard to prepare for the state and national levels of competition and we thank Mrs Jo Belchamber, Mrs Rae Hall and Mrs Petta Scheiwe for their leadership. Charles now has the opportunity to travel to the United States of America in 2020 to compete in the International Future Problem Solving competition.


Principal's Log

Our kayaking students also performed well at the Queensland Schools Canoeing Championships over the weekend with a number of students winning medals. While we are still awaiting final results from a school perspective, we celebrate the performance of all students. We thank Mr Gary Graves for his leadership of the program and Mrs Leah Croke, Mr Ben Ryan, Mrs Natalie Campbell, Mr Craig Spender, Natasha Whiteley and Jack Gothorp for their assistance. We appreciate the support of our parents who also helped throughout the season.  

We wish our Senior A Girls, Junior A Girls and the Senior D Girls basketball teams all the best for their grand finals this Friday night. The Senior A Girls have been in every A division final for their age group since they started as a Junior A team six years ago. We congratulate all of our basketballers on their season. We encourage staff, students and families to get along and support these teams and details of their games are included later in the newsletter.

On Saturday, Mr Mark Hauser and a number of past and present staff welcomed back the graduates of 2009. The graduates were amazed at the growth of the College, the styles of learning students were experiencing and the resources they now have. Staff and past students enjoyed the opportunity to connect together with people still sitting and sharing stories well beyond the official finish time of 5.00pm. Thank you to Mr Mark Hauser, Mrs Michiko Hauser, Pastor Tim Jarick, Mrs Steph Scarlett and staff for their leadership and support of the afternoon.

Preparations are well underway for the Pacific Pulse Surf Contest, which will be held next Wednesday at either Kings Beach or Currumundi Beach from 7.00am. The competition involves six primary schools from the Sunshine Coast and provides a great opportunity for students to showcase their skills. We thank Mr Darren Hooper and Mr Damian Davis for their leadership and sponsors Beach Beat, World Surfaris, Souls, Smorgasboarder, Rob Williams Real Estate and Laserzone for their generosity.

This Friday we look forward to welcoming grandparents and special friends to the College. It is always a highlight of the year and a special time where we can acknowledge the important role that grandparents and friends play in children’s lives.

Families can then enjoy a wonderful showcase at Viva La Arts from 5.00pm to 8.00pm this Friday. This student led initiative promises to be a great night where families can roam from place to place, enjoying the visual and performing arts talents of our students.

We give thanks to God for the generosity of spirit and the talent of staff, students and parents that flows through this community.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor


Usually, when we think of this thread of safety in a school context, we think of things like stranger danger for little children, cyber safety for teenagers and protecting young people generally from unwanted dangers. If we genuinely admit it, much of life is dangerous and full of risk. If we are to believe everything the media and our politicians tell us, we would live in constant fear. Fear of dangerous drivers, the threat of terrorism, an uncertain future for our planet, amongst other things. How do we educate, grow and encourage children to feel safe in such a seemingly unsafe world?

One way parents can react to this is to overprotect their children to the point of bubble wrapping them, so they don’t have to face any danger or adversity. Clearing a path for them in life, so they don’t fully experience the challenge of knock backs, difficult relationships, conflict or independence. We know though, that this doesn’t fully help young people grow in character and resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back and cope emotionally, socially and physically after setbacks. Yes, parents and any responsible adult’s job is to protect children from unnecessary danger. But equally important as the desire and need for safety in our world, is the need for young people to learn from their mistakes and take calculated risks. To step out and take that little risk in a sometimes scary world but know that there is a safe place with their family, their home, their teachers, their school, their community.

This is what this thread of safety involves; resilience, learning from adversity, growth in character, as well as trust in God. Our identity in God is an ultimate source of safety throughout our life, with all its potential ups and downs. Psalm 18 puts it this way; ‘I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold’. May God bless you and your loved ones with a deep sense of security and safety as you stay resilient.

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Director of Students

Zoning In

I am sure that we can all think of at least one example in our lives where we have been so engrossed by an activity that we have lost all track of time. Research tells us when we experience stretch and challenge on our existing skills, combined with clear goals and receiving immediate feedback on progress, we experience what may be referred to as being in flow. In other words, being in ‘the zone’. There is clear intent at Pacific to provide as many opportunities as possible for students to engage in. We are incredibly committed to forming the whole person before they finish their journey with us. We are incredibly lucky too, in having so many students who are engaging in a variety of domains, finding their passion and sharing their God-given gifts.

Last weekend, I was fortunate to attend the Queensland State Kayak Championships where students from Year 3-12 competed against a number of schools. Their months of dedicated training in the lead up to the event was evidence enough of flow, and for the vast majority this was rewarded with placing in the top three of their events. Thank you to staff members Mr Brett Kersnovske, Mrs Leah Croke, parent Mr Brendan Casement and all families who supported the event on the day. Thank you also to Mrs Natalie Campbell for her support in the lead up to the competition. Finally thank you to Mr Gary Graves, who has been the driving force of this program for many years through hard work and dedication.

This Friday I encourage you to all attend Viva La Arts from 5.00pm at the College to enjoy a showcase of the creative and performing arts. As a student inspired event, you are certain to witness fully engaged students doing what they love. It is also incredibly positive to see such energy and passion from Middle College students as they compete in the lunchtime touch football competition. Once again, the engagement of all students has been impressive. Mr Joshua Danzey has superbly planned and led this competition, allowing further examples of students in flow to be on display.

Finally, it was only recently that several students from Middle College represented Pacific at the National Future Problem-Solving Competition. A prestigious event, the competition involves both individual and team-based complex problem solving. Once more, these students have found a passion they can engage and experience flow in. Congratulations to all students who took part, with the support of Mrs Jo Belchamber and Mrs Rae Hall. I especially acknowledge Charles Box who was crowned National Champion in the individual competition he was a part of. I cannot think of a clearer example of flow when describing the way Charles committed to this timed event. Long may we continue to guide and support our young people as they unearth the passions they can commit to and stay engaged with.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Term 4 Events


Year 3 Camp

Next week on Thursday 31st October, Year 3 students will depart the College to attend their first Outdoor Education camp at Alexandra Park. All medical and consent forms need to be returned as soon as possible.

SchoolTV – Resilience

Resilience is one of those skills that all children need and should have. It refers to their ability to cope and adapt in situations when confronted with challenges such as adversity, trauma, tragedy, or even stress. It is a skill that can be learned from an early age through the support of an adult role model. In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will gain an understanding of how to support their child’s brave behaviour to help them adapt and build resilience. For further information and resources, visit:

Day for Daniel

This Friday 25th October is Day for Daniel. As parents, we are all familiar with Daniel’s story and appreciate the great work his parents have done through the Daniel Morcombe Foundation. At the Prep – Year 5 Assembly next week, I will be reminding students of the need to be safe when travelling to and from school. There are numerous excellent resources available online to support this important message of child safety.

Parents are encouraged to discuss and reinforce this important message with their children. The single most important thing to remember when teaching your children about stranger danger is to instil confidence, rather than fear.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

Food for Thought

SchoolTV - Resilience

Resilience is one of those skills that all children need and should have. It refers to their ability to cope and adapt in situations when confronted with challenges such as adversity, trauma, tragedy, or even stress. It is essential to their mental health and wellbeing as part of their journey to adulthood. It is a skill that can be learned from an early age through the support of an adult role model.

Being resilient does not mean your child won't experience any difficulties, but it will better equip them to manage those situations. Over-protective parenting can be viewed as being unhelpful towards the building of resilience. Although this may be a natural instinct, potentially experiencing failure is all part of the process. Encouraging children to take healthy risks will help them trust their capacity to deal with uncomfortable situations and increase their capacity for courage.

<>In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will gain an understanding of how to support their child’s brave behaviour to help them adapt and build resilience. For more information and resources, visit:

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Career Conversations with our Resident Dreamweaver

We were extremely privileged to have Head of Career Development Mrs Wanda Hayes share her passion and vision for Pacific students at our meeting on Tuesday night. Wanda, a highly regarded educator, spoke about how career conversations happen every day from a very young age, often without us even knowing. She shared research that indicates parents are the greatest influencers in a child’s future career choice and sees the role of parents as encouraging supporters. At Pacific, students are urged to dream big and challenge gender-stereotyped roles in the workplace. We thank Wanda for taking the time to share these insights with us during her busy schedule.

Volunteering Opportunities

We are looking forward to supporting the All Schools Triathlon this Sunday at Lake Kawana. If parents and/or Middle and Senior College helpers (Year 6-12 students) are able to help out at this event and/or the Noosa Triathlon in November, please make contact with Allyson Sarvari on 0402 276 988 or email:

  • All Schools Triathlon – Sunday 27th October from 6.00am – 11.00am at Lake Kawana
  • Noosa Triathlon – Sunday 3rd November from 9.30am – 2.00pm

Volunteers receive a t-shirt and a cap and will generally be helping on drink stations. Pacific will receive a donation for every volunteer we provide, which will help us raise funds for the installation of additional water coolers at the College.

Car Park Winner

At our recent Blockbuster Trivia Night, the Wilke family won the live auction bid for the Pacific car park space. We ask all families respect the generosity of the Wilke’s and refrain from parking in their clearly designated parking bay.

Next Meeting

The Friends of Pacific Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 19th November at 6.30pm in the College Boardroom. We encourage you to consider supporting Friends of Pacific by nominating or expressing your interest for the 2020 volunteer committee. It’s a wonderful way to connect with fellow parents and staff, learn more about what is happening on campus and support events that bring much joy to our student body. The AGM nomination form is available here.

The next Friends of Pacific General Meeting will be held at Pacific Lutheran College on Tuesday 19th November, commencing straight after the AGM. Please join us for Christmas drinks afterwards.

Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson

Secondary College

Year 11 Fitness

Each Tuesday during practical lessons, the Year 11 Fitness students participate in work placement at EZYFIT Health and Fitness Club at Kawana. EZYFIT owner Mrs Joey Mogg has kindly offered our students use of the facility. Our fitness students learn how to instruct classes, participate in administration duties and observe other fitness staff instructing clients. A huge thank you to the EZYFIT team for mentoring our students. 

Mr Gary Graves, Head of Health and Physical Education

Cultural News

Viva La Arts!

Come along to ‘Viva La Arts – a night under the stars’ to celebrate the incredible talent and creativity of our students. The evening, organised and run by our Cultural PAG, will showcase Music, Dance, Drama, and Visual Art in an exciting interactive and rotational format in different locations around the art, music and drama rooms.

The evening will begin at 5.00pm on Friday 25th October (the evening of Grandparent’s Day) at the amphitheatre, with a surprise performance and a special guest who will officially ‘open’ the event. Roam from venue to venue and be entertained by soloists and groups in each of the performing arts forms and walk through ‘Gallery Lane’, a pop-up art exhibition just outside the art block. There will also be a food truck open for purchases on the night.

In total, more than 50 students are involved, either in organisation or in performing (or both) for this exciting new initiative! ‘Viva La Arts – a night under the stars’… We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Janine Delaney, Cultural PAG

Music Ensembles Concert

A reminder that the Music Ensembles Concert is on Friday 8th November at the Sunshine Coast Function Centre (West Terrace Caloundra) from 6.30pm. The Ensembles Concert is a celebration of music at the College and provides a wonderful opportunity to hear what students have been working on this year. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Helen Williams, Head of Instrumental Music

From the Head of Career Development

VET Options - Senior College Students

Vocational Education and Training (VET) offers opportunities to gain work-ready skills while still at school and also provides credits towards student’s QCE (Qld Certificate of Education). VET courses are available in almost any field you can imagine, and in many cases school students can access VET in schools funding to cover the cost of the course. Many courses are available in online, self-paced format, and so can be commenced any time. If you are interested in finding out more about how to include VET options in your program of study please make an appointment to meet with Mrs Wanda Hayes, or speak with our VET Coordinator, Ms Paula Willis.

Maths Summer School – Year 10 Students

The Queensland Mathematics Summer School (QMSS) at UQ is a five day program from 20th-24th January 2020 for mathematically talented Year 10 students planning to study Year 11 Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics in 2020. QMSS is an exciting opportunity for students to meet a wide variety of people who share a common love of learning and passion for mathematics. Students will learn about advanced mathematical ideas and be exposed to new ways of thinking. At QMSS, students can explore undergraduate and even graduate-level topics while building problem-solving skills that will help

CAS Hawker Scholarships

The Charles Allan Seymour (CAS) Hawker Scholarship commemorates the achievements of one of Australia’s most respected statesmen. Selection for this scholarship is based on personal qualities, demonstrated leadership as well as academic ability. A full CAS Hawker Scholarship is valued at up to $60,000 over three years and normally covers all college fees and university HECS fees. Successful applicants can choose to study at one of the following institutions:

Applications for the 2020 CAS Hawker Scholarships open on 9th December 2019 and will close on 8th January 2020. Learn more at:

Applying for a Teaching Course at University?

Students applying for entry into Education degrees for 2020 must submit written statements through an online questionnaire to address suitability criteria for the course. These form part of their QTAC application. These statements must be submitted before the QTAC documentation due dates (see key dates on the QTAC website). You must have submitted your statements by 6th December 2019 for the 23rd December 2019 and the 13th December 2019 for the 15th January 2020 offer rounds. To view a Fact Sheet explaining what is required in the written statements, visit:

Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development

Junior Sport (P-6)

Pacific Pulse Surfing Contest

Next Wednesday, we will host our annual inter-primary school surfing contest, The Pacific Pulse. The contest has been running for the last 14 years and provides a great opportunity for young students to ride waves and represent their school. This year we have 48 surfers registered from the following schools:

  • Pacific Lutheran College
  • Good Shepherd Lutheran College
  • Caloundra State School
  • Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Buddina State School
  • Talara State College

The contest will be held at Kings Beach or Currimundi Beach (conditions dependent) with first heat in the water at 7.00am. Surfers will have the chance to surf in two individual heats as well as a school tag team heat.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank the following sponsors who have kindly supported our event this year. Without their generous support, our contest would not be able to go ahead.



Monday Afternoon SCISSA Training

A reminder that afterschool SCISSA training for Year 4-6 students is on again next Monday 28th October. Students train from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. If your child is unable to attend training for any reason, please notify admin prior to training.

Prep – Year 2 Swimming

Information regarding the Prep – Year 2 Learn to Swim Program has been sent out via CareMonkey. Students will be required to participate in two weeks of Learn to Swim classes, which are held at the Kawana Aquatic Centre on the following days:

Week 7

  • Monday 18th November  
  • Wednesday 20th November
  • Thursday 21st November

Week 8

  • Monday 25th November    
  • Wednesday 27th November

Students will travel with class teachers to and from the pool by College bus for the two-week program. Further information is outlined on CareMonkey and parents will also need to provide their consent via CareMonkey.

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport

Secondary Sport (7-12)


The Queensland Schools Canoeing Championships were held at Lake Coomera on Saturday 19th October. It was great to see so many students participating in the Olympic K1 and K2 class. A special congratulations to Ethan Watman and Jack Gothorp for representing the College in the C1 and C2 canoes for the very first time. A special thank you to a number of Senior College students who did an outstanding job helping out with equipment and gaining valuable school points by competing in the older age groups.

I would like to thank numerous people who helped out with the kayaking program throughout the year. A huge thank you to Mrs Leah Croke, Mr Ben Ryan, Mrs Natalie Campbell, Mr Craig Spender, Natasha Whiteley and Jack Gothorp for helping out with the weekly training. Thank you to Brendan Casement for towing one of the trailers and Mr Baker and Mrs Watman for helping with boat repairs throughout the season. The program would not occur without the help of the many parents who regularly washed, repaired and loaded kayaks each training session.

We are still waiting on the school points but it was a magnificent team effort again in 2019.

Mr Gary Graves, Kayaking Coordinator

SCISSA Soccer Results






Intermediate Boys A




Dan Michaels

Intermediate Girls A




Ella Wildman

Junior Boys A




Austen Thomas

Junior Girls B




Jessica Lloyd

Friday Night Basketball Finals

Well done to the seven teams who played in their semi final matches last Friday. It was great to see so many of our teams make it this far, but unfortunately the Intermediate B Girls, Junior B Boys, Intermediate A Boys and Intermediate A Girls narrowly missed out of making it into the grand finals this week.

Well done to the Senior D Girls, the Junior A Girls and the Senior A Girls who will play off in the grand final this Friday. The Senior A Girls are the first ever Pacific team to make it into a Senior A Division grand final in a Sunshine Coast Secondary School competition.

Games for this Friday are as follows:





Junior A Girls


Caloundra (1)


Snr D Girls


MFAC (1)

SCGS (Green)

Snr A Girls


Caloundra (2)


It would be great to have as many Pacific supporters at these games as possible, so if you can make it to cheer on the girls it would be great! We wish all three teams the best of luck!

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students

Club Sport

Pacific FC

Rep Prep Session

On Wednesday this week, we welcomed players to our second representative preparation session. This was a great opportunity for junior players to train with others. We thank K3 Coaching for their leadership with this program.

Congratulations Jez

Congratulations to past Pacific Soccer and Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association player, Jez Lofthouse (2007-2011) on his nomination for the 2019 NPL Queensland Young Player of the Year Award.

Our community can vote for Jez online, by clicking here!

Mr Zane Russell, Pacific FC President

PLC Netball Club

PLC Netball achieved another first last Thursday with our Vice President Christian Gorham being elected to the position of Vice President of the Caloundra District Netball Association (CDNA). In taking up his appointment, Christian will also retain his PLC Club duties. 

Christian has been the driving force behind many Club initiatives over the last three years and the Club would not have achieved the success that it has without his ongoing efforts and support. We believe that he will bring the same commitment to his CDNA duties and wish him all the best in his new role.

As part of our ongoing development program, the Club has secured the services of Kim Howard, the former assistant coach at the USC Lightning to assist with the development of our coaching staff. Kim will work with Michelle Dufty, our Director of Coaching, to further develop the ‘technical’, leadership and communication skills of our Coaches. The first skills session is scheduled for Saturday 7th March 2020.

The Club is seeking expressions of interest from those who wish to take on the role of a coach for season 2020. Coaching provides an excellent opportunity to develop your leadership and decision-making skills, whilst reaping the rewards of being involved within the Club and the players. Opportunities are open to parents and students from Year 8 and upwards.  Expressions of interest can be directed to myself or Michelle.

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President

Uniform Shop

Upcoming Closure - Stocktake

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

This year the Uniform shop will be closing for stocktake on Tuesday 26th November. Please ensure that, if you are in Year 9, that you have purchased your blazer, tie and trousers (for male students) and blazer and senior tie (for female students) before this date. 

2020 Uniform Requirements

If your student is commencing Year 1 in 2020, please see the below pictures for formal uniform requirements. All of these items are available in the Uniform Shop. Formal shoes for Year 1 are black leather lace ups. Skate shoes, high tops and Mary-Jane style shoes are not part of the uniform.

If your student is commencing Year 6 in 2020, please see the below pictures for formal uniform requirements. Year 6 students require a formal hat to be worn with their formal uniform. The bucket hat continues to be worn with their sports uniform. All of these items are available for purchase in the Uniform Shop. Formal Shoes are black leather lace ups. Skate shoes, high tops and Mary-Jane style shoes are not part of the uniform.

As the new year is always busy with new students, existing families are encouraged to make their purchases before the end of this term. Swimming trials are also in the first couple of weeks of school resuming next and all students in Year 3-12 are required to have school swimwear (or approved race swimwear) for both the trials and carnival. It is advisable to try swimwear on to get the correct fit. A full range of sizes will be in store from the beginning of November for both styles.

The Uniform Shop will be reopening on Monday 20th January 2020 for new student fittings. For appointments, please contact the Main Reception on 5436 7300.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor

General Notices

Service Notice


Sunday Worship Times

St Mark’s Church @ Pacific

9.30am Pacific Lutheran College

(Entry via Red Cedar Drive, Meridan Plains)

Google Maps St Mark's Lutheran @ Pacific


Are you looking for a friendly church where young people, old people, children, families and singles are appreciated, empowered and encouraged to grow as Christians?

Everyone is welcome!

Get in touch: Pastor Ray Morris

0429 856 532

Pastor Ray, St Mark’s Lutheran Church

LLL Banking

Pacific provides opportunities for children and parents to operate savings accounts with the Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL). The LLL is a charitable financial institution which provides savings accounts and has been trusted since 1921.

The LLL has a variety of savings accounts: personal and joint accounts; guardian accounts for children; and Business accounts, including self-managed super funds and not-for-profit organisations.

LLL Savings Accounts have many features, including:

  • A great interest rate;
  • No fees or charges at all;
  • Internet banking;
  • No minimum balance or deposit requirements;
  • No ‘bonus’ interest hurdles; and
  • Your money is available to withdraw at any time.

For further information regarding the LLL, visit the College’s Business Office or

Pacific Fitness Hub

Parents have enjoyed the opportunity to participate in Pacific Fitness Hub’s classes! The classes are a great way to keep fit and make new friends.

  • Training: We will be offering a mix of various types of training, tailored to each individual, including high intensity, weights, cardio, core training, yoga/ flexibility.
  • Transformation: Mason will track your progress and achievement of your goals.  Functional fitness assessment, body composition measurement and goal related fitness assessment will be recorded at commencement and on completion.
  • Goals: Improve strength, increasing lean muscle, increasing endurance, mobility, flexibility, reducing body fat percentage, improving sleep, concentration and mood and increasing energy levels, nutrition changes.

For enquiries and registration please contact Mason on 0433 421 969 or email:

Upcoming Dates


25                   World Teacher’s Day

                       Grandparents and Special Friends Day

                        Viva La Arts (5.00-8.00pm)

27                    St Mark’s @ Bombala – Reformation Service (9.00am)

28                    Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15-4.15pm)

30                    Pacific Pulse Surf Contest

31                    Reformation Day

                         Year 3 Camp Departure – Alexandra Headlands

                         Years 4-6 SCISSA Trial Games


1                       Year 3 Camp Returns

                         Ensembles Concert

4                       Year 12 Study Day

                         Middle College Orientation Day

                         Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15-4.15pm)

                         Middle College Orientation Evening (6.00pm)

4-8                   Year 11 Exams

5-11                 Year 12 Exams

6                       Prep 2020 Information Evening (5.00pm)

7                       Years 4-6 SCISSA Gala Day

8                       STEM Showcase