Compass No 459 - June 2017

From the Principal

Living Well In Community

There are lots of rules, laws or expectations in our lives. There are different ways for us to view these guidelines and different language we can use around them. We can think about our lives as being controlled by rules, laws and expectations and sometimes feel frustrated by the constraint or we can view these same rules, laws and expectations as ways that we are kept safe, build and protect relationships, preserve good order in our lives and have a sense of identity. As an example, we can see the taxation laws as a way to support the building of infrastructure, have access to great health and education and to provide for people who are in financial need. 

Standing back from a rule, law and expectation and asking how does this help to keep us safe, build and protect relationships, preserve good order in our lives and build a sense of identity provides access to deeper insight. It helps us to calibrate our moral compass and lifts people above doing what they are told, to choosing to live in a way that focuses on what is just, recognises the dignity and worth of all people and enables the common good. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development capture this well.

The Ten Commandments can be seen in this same way. We can see them as a set of simple rules or we can unpack them more deeply and see them as a powerful mirror for us to see ourselves and others. Instead of feeling pious about our compliance with the literal definition of the 7th commandment we might ask ourselves, How might we be taking from others? By delving deeper we can use the commandments as a basis for powerful reflection around our relationship with God and others. We can nourish our inner moral compass to enable us to live well for ourselves and others.

Principal's Log

 We were very excited to hear about the way in which our Da Vinci Teams competed in the Da Vinci Challenge on the Gold Coast last week. This high profile competition, which involves activities designed to challenge the very best thinkers, attracts teams from schools across the state. Our students stood out for their persistence, strong consistent engagement and their ability to work well together as a team. We were delighted when our Year 7 team were announced the winners of the Mathematics Challenge and our Year 8 team as second place in the Ideation Discipline Challenge. This is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate our Year 7 and 8 students and all of the students who participated so well. We thank Mrs Jo Belchamber and her team for their preparation of the students.

We thank our community for the tremendous support of the Red Shield Appeal over the last few weeks. We raised over $2000 through our casual clothes day and pasta lunch and collected around a 1000 food and household items to support the Salvation Army. On Sunday students also collected over $7500 when they participated in the Door Knock Appeal. These contributions are greatly appreciated by the people of the Caloundra community, who benefit from the support of the Salvation Army. We thank Mrs Leanne Bevis, Mr Brendan Delaney, Miss Kim Stone and Mr David Druery for their leadership of this important service learning initiative.

Many members of our community enjoyed dining at The Boat Shed on Tuesday night as our Year 12 Hospitality students took over the restaurant for the evening. This was a culminating learning experience for our students and gave them the opportunity to showcase their skills in a real world environment. Well done to all students on a fantastic night. We thank Mrs Colleen Beattie and Mrs Rhana Holt for the organisation of this event and the professional development of student skills over the last two years.

On Wednesday night, members of our community came together to learn from our Year 9 STEM students as they showcased the innovative products they had created to solve real world problems. They rose to the challenge of having limited budgets and used accessible, recycled materials to design and make their working prototypes. The projects were designed to take advantage of technological advances for life in both developed and developing countries. They included the production of a robotic device that cleaned skirting boards, a digital mirror that included read outs of messages around its frame, a hydrogen producer and training wheels that could be fitted to enable an adult suffering from cerebral palsy to ride a bike. For developing countries they included roof and lighting designs that took advantage of solar power including one design that doubled as a mosquito repellent by emitting sound frequencies similar to those of a dragon fly, hats that collected solar energy and could be worn as lights at nights, water filtering devices and a solar oven. Parents, staff and students were impressed with the ingenuity, passion and deep knowledge of the students as they gave an outline of their product and answered questions. We congratulate all students and thank the University of the Sunshine Coast’s STEM Education Officer Ms Sue Lanham for opening the evening, parents and staff for their attendance and Mrs Claire Richards and Mrs Marnie Whittaker for their leadership. A wonderful showcase of talent and thinking!


We wish all of our Middle and Senior College students’ calm and insightful minds as they prepare for the upcoming assessment period and pray that God would grow us to live well for ourselves and others.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the Director of Students

Altitude Day

On Tuesday 23rd May, our Year 9 leaders attended Altitude Day. The day aimed to encourage young leaders to live their passion, challenge themselves, recruit mentors, make a plan and take action, develop a champion mindset and never give up. Following are some student reflections on the day.

“On Tuesday 23rd May, the Year 9 leaders attended Altitude Day, run by yLead. When we arrived, we played a quick game called POW to get us pumped and ready for the day. The first person to speak to us was Zoe Caroll. She discussed how to make a difference. Zoe is the founder of Zottie Dottie, an organisation where people can share their stories. Zoe believes that we can achieve so much more when we communicate, collaborate and care. Finding creative ways to promote mental health to young people has been Zoe’s focus. The main thing she taught us was to put our plans and dreams into action. Zoe did not know what she wanted to do with her life and then she had an idea and put it into action, now she has her own successful company. The second thing she taught us was to make a difference. If we see a problem do not just sit there and watch the damage being done, go and do something about it.” - Caitlyn

“The second speaker for the day was Barnaby Howarth and he was a true inspiration. This man has survived much in his life including being a type one diabetic since he was a teenager. In 2005 Barnaby was attacked by an alcohol-fuelled gang and ended up in a coma for four days. His friends and family were told that it was very likely he would die. However, shortly after this, he woke up but he found that everyday tasks seemed to be a struggle due to a severe stroke. After all this, Barnaby still didn’t feel sorry for himself. Instead, he set goals and did whatever it took to reach them. Before the attack, Barnaby was very passionate about AFL and he played for the Sydney Swans. Due to his positive attitude to life and his love of the game, he became an AFL Hall of Fame inductee. He has also summited Mt Kilimanjaro, trekked Kokoda, filmed documentaries and written books. He was a true inspiration to everyone in the room. I learnt I should not feel sorry for myself when things get tough but I should persist and reach for glory.” - Atlanta

“The third speaker was Rowie McEvoy. She taught us that you can have control over your feelings and that through mindfulness, you can see difficult situations in a more positive way. Rowie encouraged us to do what we love, stand out from the crowd (for the right reasons) and be fit, healthy and strong. We also did many other activities that reinvolved meeting other leaders from a range of Sunshine Coast schools and sharing advice. One of the highlights was singing ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’ as a whole group. Overall, this day was very productive and I believe that my peers will agree with me in saying that we got much from this day and the inspiring speakers. We learned that there is much more to leadership and about the keys to unlocking our potential.” - Jared

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

General P-5 Update

At assemblies we regularly recognise and appreciate the talent and expertise of our students in their various endeavours. This week we congratulated Year 5 student Romeo who won the Year 4-6 section at the recent Immanuel Arts Festival.

We all have the ability to be highly successful in some form of human endeavour. Sometimes, we miss the opportunity to succeed because of fear. Fear of trying something different, fear of failure or even a general lack of confidence. Developing emotional resilience in children helps to increase self-belief and develop a positive attitude. Some tips are provided later in my article.

P-2 Cross Country

This term, all students in Prep – Year 2 have been busily training for their Cross Country Carnival, which will be held on Wednesday 14th June. A letter providing further details of this event has been sent home. All parents are warmly invited to attend and support their children. 

Years 4-6 SCISSA Gala Day

Next Thursday, all Year 4-6 students will participate in Gala Day activities, competing against other schools in a round-robin style competition. Games will be held at a variety of locations across the coast. Further details are available through CareMonkey. Parents are most welcome at all events.

Developing Emotional Resilience In Children

Emotional resilience means knowing how to stop yourself getting extremely angry, down or worried when something ‘bad’ happens. It means being able to calm down and feel better when you get very upset. This week I would like to continue to share some strategies from the You Can Do It Program, which may help to eliminate or balance the negative mindsets that detract from children developing resilience.

Eliminating ‘I Can't Do It’ Thoughts

In order to combat this type of negative, pessimistic thinking, explain to your child that he/she has a choice in how to think about things that have happened and about the future. Explain that when something bad happens, such as getting a low grade at school, your child has a choice whether they think negative thoughts or positive thoughts.

  • Examples of negative ‘I Can’t Do It’ thoughts: “No one likes me. I’m not good at anything. It’s all my fault. Things will never change. I’ll always be hopeless with friends/in my work”.
  • Examples of positive ‘I Can Do It’ thoughts: “Next time things will be different. I know that if I do things differently and try harder, I am more likely to be successful next time”.

Explain to your child that ‘I Can’t Do It’ thinking leads to feeling very down when bad things happen and can cause us to stop trying and withdraw. Other suggestions for eliminating a child’s negative type of thinking include:

  • When your child is faced with difficult work, encourage them to think of the last time they were successful at doing something they didn't think they could do. Then, encourage your child to think: “I did it before, I can do it again”.
  • Evaluate your child’s progress based on what he/she has learned, rather than comparing them with other children.
  • Praise your child at those times when he/she continues working towards their goals or finishing work after experiencing difficulty or setbacks.
  • Before commencing a difficult task, remind your child to eliminate the ‘I Can’t Do It’ thoughts and focus on developing a positive mindset of ‘I will probably be successful’.
  • Model the two types of thinking to your child. For example, “I have to learn more about how to use a computer. I can think: ‘I’m hopeless at doing these things and I’ll probably never learn’ or I can think: ‘If I try my best, I’ll probably be successful’”. You could discuss the different impact these two types of thinking will have on your feelings and motivation.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

Food for Thought

The Language of Independence

Independence contributes to the development of self-esteem, identity and wellbeing. Doing something for yourself produces a powerful sense of achievement and success. When children have opportunities to make choices, to attempt tasks for themselves, and to take on increasing responsibilities, their sense of themselves as competent members of society grows. For more information, visit:

Ms Annie Williams, College Counsellor 

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival BBQ

FoP will be running a BBQ at the Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival next Tuesday 6th June at USC. All items will be $2 each (sausage in bread, cans of drink, chips and lollies). If any parents are able to assist on the day, please email:

Trivia Night

Our Trivia Night is set for Saturday 26th August. Watch this space for further details!

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is at 7.00pm on Tuesday 20th June in the College library. All parents/guardians and staff of the College are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

Important Notices

Rotary Youth Exchange – Host Family Needed

A Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Brazil will be attending Pacific Lutheran College for 12 months from the start of Term 3. Rotary is seeking host families from Term 4 onwards. If you are interested in becoming a host family, please contact the College Business Manager, Mr Mike Healy. Further details are available at:

Hospital Bus Stop

In April, the Sunshine Coast University Hospital officially opened to the public. Pacific has scheduled a stop in the precinct at the bus stop behind the private hospital. If you would like to take advantage of this stop, please contact the Business Office for further details.

Mr Mike Healy, Business Manager

Junior College

Out of Eden: Project Learn

As part of Out of Eden: Project Learn, Year 4 classes had a special guest speaker this week, a refugee named Hussein. Through the project, students have seen many examples of displaced peoples and learnt about the situations that confront them to find basic necessities that we often take for granted. Hussein’s visit was very powerful and we reflected on it as a class.

“Yesterday a refugee named Hussein came to Year 4 to speak to us. I felt so sad for him. He hasn’t seen his family for years. I couldn’t imagine not seeing my family for 10 years. Travelling to Australia was hard enough. He had no water for three days and he slept squished up next to 68 other people for two weeks. When he gets to meet his family again, it can’t be in Kuwait because he will be arrested. He will have to meet them in Iran. He loves our country more than most of us and he was not born here. He had a message for us to ‘Love Australia’. He kept saying it. He was inspiring and interesting to listen to.” - Angus

“As Hussein shared his inspirational stories with us, I thought about how amazing our country is and what we have to be thankful for. I look at myself as being spoiled and having so much. He risked his whole life to come here. I was puzzled by why he couldn’t get back to his family and I hope he gets to see them again one day.” - Chloe

“On Tuesday 29th May, a man called Hussein came to explain what life was life as a Bedouin. He explained what is was like on the other side of the world. I thought everyone has breakfast, goes to school, has dinner and goes to bed. But no, he had to keep travelling to different places just to survive. He had a scary journey and stayed in a detention centre. He really made me see the world differently.” - River

Mr Damian Davis, Year 4 Teacher

Extra-Curricular News

Da Vinci Decathlon Academic Challenge

Well done to all 40 students who represented the College at the Queensland Da Vinci Decathlon this week. The Decathlon is designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students across 10 disciplines: Engineering, Mathematics, Code Breaking, Art and Poetry, Science, English, Ideation, Creative Producers, Cartography and General Knowledge. More than 170 teams from some of the most prestigious schools in the state participated and competition was fierce!

Congratulations to our Year 7 team who came first in the Mathematics competition and our Year 8 team who came second in the Ideation Discipline Challenge. This is an exceptional accomplishment on our first attendance at this event.

“18^18, geothermal heat pump, American Independence, Numerology and a 5.00am start are just some of the problems we encountered during the Da Vinci Decathlon, held last week on the Gold Coast. Our Year 7 and 8 team made the two hour journey south to represent Pacific in a 10 subject (decathlon) competition on Thursday 25th May. The subjects ranged from the traditional Mathematics, English, Science and Mapping to the more modern general knowledge, ideation and creative producers and finally, the Da Vinci specialties of engineering and code breaking. The competition required teamwork, endurance, consistency and brain power to achieve success. The theme was ‘power’, which could be interpreted in many ways and the way you interpreted it could have changed your success in the day. Overall, the Decathlon will be remembered from two perspectives, the perspective of fun and the perspective of a big challenge. I look forward to going back next year to put our mark on the competition.” – Lachlan


Thank you to Mrs Melissa Ousley, Mrs Sonia Boland, Mrs Wendy Wescombe, Mrs Elley Wood, Mrs Claire Richards, Mr Andrew Block, Miss Rebecca Ross and pre-service teachers Ms Michael and Mr Sedgewick for their support of our students during preparation and at the competition. Thank you also to Ms Trish McLerie, our bus driver over the three days of competition.

Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Enrichment

Cultural News

Breakthru Dance Competition

Last Saturday, Year 9 student Courtney Callaghan performed a contemporary solo called ‘Remission’ for the Secondary Breakthru Dance Competition. Courtney moved the judges to tears with her performance. Not only is she a technically beautiful dancer, Courtney is also a very grounded young lady who despite all her dancing successes, both nationally and internationally, is still thankful and humbled by the opportunity to represent her school community. Well done to Courtney. To view her performance, visit:

Mrs Laura Bonner, Dance Coordinator 

From the Head of Career Development

Defence 2018 Gap Year – Closing Soon!

A gap year with the Airforce, Army or Navy is a great way to trial a career in the Defence Forces – and you get paid to do it! Positions are filling fast for 2018. Visit the website for information about the remaining positions:

Holiday Programs

ACU – University Experience Day

Registrations are now open for ACU’s Experience Day. If you're considering tertiary study this is the perfect chance to explore your study options by living a day in the life of an ACU student. Experience Day will be held from 9.00am – 3.00pm on Thursday 6th July. For more information and to register, visit:

NIDA Courses

National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) will hold short courses for students in Years 3-6, Years 7-10 and Years 11-12 during the June/July school holidays at the Queensland Academy for Creative Industries at Kelvin Grove. One of the courses offered to Year 11 and 12 students is the NIDA Audition Preparation course. Book now to save 10% with NIDA’s early bird discount. To find out more, visit:

University Tours

Explore your university options during the school holidays by taking a tour of the campus you are interested in.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor 

Junior Sport

SCISSA Gala Day 2

Next Thursday 8th June (Week 8), all Year 4-6 students will participate in Gala Day activities. Students participating in SCISSA sports will travel to various locations and play round robin games against other schools. Students will need to arrive at school by 8.15am so all teams can depart on time at 8.25am.

Kayaking and dance students will also take part in organised activities. Dance students will participate in workshops run by an external organisation and kayaking students will complete a one-day expedition under the guidance of Mr Gary Graves.

Further information about Gala Day has been sent to parents via CareMonkey.

Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival

The Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival will be held next Tuesday 6th June (Week 8) at the University of the Sunshine Coast. The Carnival provides students with the opportunity to represent their houses as well as gain selection to represent Pacific at the District Carnival later this year.

On the day, students need to be in their classrooms at 8.25am for roll marking, before boarding buses to USC. Under 12 students in Year 6 will compete at the primary carnival whilst students in Year 7 who are turning 12 this year will compete at the secondary carnival next term. Age champion medals will be given out at both carnivals. However, students wishing to gain district selection need to be aware that this will be determined by comparing student times, distance and heights from both carnivals.

If any parents are able to help at the carnival with timekeeping or judging, please let Mrs Natalie Campbell know via email at: We are currently very short on volunteers, so any time parents are able to contribute would be greatly appreciated.

Student Success - Cross Country

Well done to Olivia Cooke and Mona Finney who completed at the Sunshine Coast Regional Cross Country Championships on Tuesday. Both girls ran extremely well in a very strong field of U12 students from Redcliffe through to Noosa. Mona finished in 23rd place and Olivia finished in 4th place.

Olivia has now qualified to run at the State Cross Country Championships in July. Well done to both girls and good luck to Olivia for the upcoming state championships.

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport

Secondary Sport

SCISSA Results






Snr Boys A

Snr Girls A

B Division













19-12 / 31-5

7-38 / 7-14





Win / Win

Loss / Loss


Ethan Hall

Paige Layfield

Jackson Laverick

Nick Lloyd / Jett Crawford

Sandon Cunningham / Joaquin Nykiel

*The Senior Girls B volleyball team and U13 rugby team had byes this week.

Regional Selections

Congratulations to Brooklyn Graves and Nick Lloyd for their recent selection in regional teams for their sports. Brooklyn made the Regional Basketball team and Nick will be playing in the Regional Rugby Union team. This is an awesome achievement and we wish these students the best of luck at the upcoming State Championships.

Year 7-12 Athletics Carnival Dates
  • Friday 14th July (Week 1, Term 3): 1500m and Javelin events
  • Tuesday 25th July (Week 3, Term 3): Athletics Carnival at USC

Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Soccer

  • Games This Week - Round 11
  • Team Photos - Saturday 10th June
  • Pacific Soccer App
  • Match Reports
  • Pacific Soccer Merchandise
  • Pacific Soccer Raffle
  • Pacific Soccer Contacts

Click here to download the Pacific Soccer newsletter for this week.

Mr Matt Gigney, Secretary - Pacific Soccer Committee 

PLC Netball Club

This week we will once again host the Caloundra District Netball Association and we thank all of those who have volunteered to assist on the day. I am sure that we will once again show that whilst we might be the smallest club in the competition, we can put on a show that will ensure that all our visitors leave with a positive impression of the club and the College. 

Our stars of this week are the Ponies. This team only has seven registered players and has been graded within a difficult pool. Anybody who was lucky to see them play on the weekend would have been inspired by their commitment, determination and team spirit. Well done to the Ponies for a great effort on Saturday!

Once again it was difficult to select our team players of the week, however the recipients for their efforts on 27th May are:

  • Mustangs – Amelia Holmes for great team play;
  • Ponies – Madeline Attard for great defence and Keira Hickey for keeping on her player;
  • Brumbies – Kelsey Punter for great shooting and good defence;
  • Fillies – Ruby Akporhonor for great intercepting; and
  • Arabians – Caitlin Hall for great defence.

Mr Trevor Colton, President PLC Netball Club

Uniform Shop

Opening Hours and Online Ordering

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Weekly Services

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra

General Notices

LLL School Banking

Pacific provides opportunities for children and parents to operate savings accounts with the Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL). The LLL is a non-profit financial institution established in 1921. All LLL Deposit Accounts are ‘at call’ accounts and there are no LLL fees or charges.  All LLL deposit accounts have an attractive rate of interest with no ‘Bonus’ rate hurdles to jump.

The LLL pays a $5 gift to the first savings account opened for the child.

Deposits can be made through the College’s Business Office each Tuesday before school. To find out more, visit the Business Office.

Entertainment Books

Pacific Lutheran College is fundraising with Entertainment™ again this year. Order your NEW 2017 | 2018 Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships today and 20% of the proceeds will go towards Pacific Lutheran Early Learning Centre! To order your book or digital membership, visit:

Upcoming Dates

2 Caloundra Show Holiday
2-3 Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo
5-7 Middle College Exams
5-9 Senior College Exams
6 Year 3-7 Athletics Carnival - USC (9.00am-2.30pm)
8 Year 4-6 SCISSA Gala Day 2
11 Year 9-10 Two Wk Camp Departure – Uki (7.00am)
12-13 Year 12 QCS Practice
14 Prep – Year 2 Cross Country Carnival (1.40pm)
15 Year 7 Immunisations – Round 2
  Year 4-6 SCISSA Photos
19 Year 9-10 One Wk Camp Departure – Garapine (8.30am)
20 Friends of Pacific (7.00pm)
21 Year 11-12 Drama Excursion (Evening)
22 Year 4-6 Foundation Cup
  Term 2 Concludes
23 Year 9-10 Camps Return