Year Two Drought Angels

Year Two Drought Angels

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

During Term Three, Year Two learned about the ways in which water supports life.  They investigated the water cycle, the different uses of water and explained the journey water takes to the tap.  Students also participated in an excursion to Ewen Maddock Dam, to explore water catchment and treatment in the local area.  They then posed questions and investigated via STEM projects, issues that affect local and global water catchments and supply and their impact on life, such as water filtration, water supply and storage and even desalination.

Students began to wonder what they could do to help persuade others in the community to be water-wise and promote water-wise behaviour.  So, they filmed short, persuasive, water-wise videos and held a ‘Drought Busters’ day to view the movies in their very own cinema.  Students raised $170.85 towards the Drought Angel appeal.  Well done Year Two!


Mrs Leonie Prout, Year 2 Teacher
