Year 5 Market Day

Year 5 Market Day

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Last Friday, Year 5 students, under the guidance of teachers and with support from families and friends, ran a Market Day. Students presented a great variety of creative, innovative and tasty products, all of which proved hugely popular with customers.

At assembly over the past two weeks, our focus has been ‘everyone can make a difference’, as coined in the song “My Own Two Hands”. Sometimes we think our individual efforts are pointless – for example, it’s not worth picking up rubbish because environmental pollution is an enormous worldwide issue.

In this context, the Market Day was not only a culminating activity in Year 5 HASS: Business and Economics’ Entrepreneurial unit, but stalls raised in excess of $1780 for the Australian Lutheran World Service, thereby making a difference in the lives of many!

Even when issues or problems seem insurmountable, using our own two hands to make the world a better place does make a difference, locally, nationally and globally.