Year 5 Champions for Change

Year 5 Champions for Change

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Our Year 5 Champions for Change have been busy this term, researching and campaigning to commence a sustainable process for collecting recyclable containers consumed on the Junior College campus. The hope is to roll this out across the Middle and Senior College in Term 2.

Last week was the first week of utilising our green wheelies, having class champions and tallying and reporting back to the year levels. We were delighted and amazed to discover that we collected over 250 containers in one week! Our most impressive year level was Year 3, whose students collected 73 containers in total. This week, we know the students are being vigilant, so we can’t wait to see the results.

We have modelled and discussed the three steps needed to recycle safely and effectively, before placing containers in our wheelies:

  1. Empty the containers;
  2. Clean out any extra scraps; and
  3. Remove lids or straws.

This Friday is the Neon Disco and our Champions will ensure we can capitalise on any empty containers.

Please look for our green wheelies and support our College, our environment and the passion of our Year 5 Champions for Change.

Mrs Lu Pollard, Year 5 Teacher
