Year 5 Camp

Year 5 Camp

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Last week, the Year 5 classes travelled to Bornhoffen PCYC in the Gold Coast hinterland, for their Outdoor Education experience. Activities at the camp included abseiling down a waterfall, creeking, water watch, low ropes course, games and a bush walk up Mount Zimba. The Year 5 teachers were very impressed by the wonderful student attitude towards all these new challenges and their encouragement of each other.

Camp instructors were very experienced and made the experience safe and fun for everyone. If any Year 5 families noticed that something didn’t make it home, come and check out the stinky bag of lost property in the 5S classroom!

Thank you to Dr Peter McMahon for his organisation of the camp, Mr David Druery and past students, Eliza and Josh, for their professional conduct and support on camp.

Mrs Sarah Atkinson, Miss Adriana Schuster and Mr Scott Crompton, Year 5 Teachers