Year 4 Geography

Year 4 Geography

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This term in Year 4 Geography, students have explored the topics of sustainability, recycling and re-purposing of materials. The Landfill Harmonic was our motivation for this purpose. The Landfill Harmonic is a program based in Paraguay that aims to teach children, regardless of social or economic status, how to play a classical instrument. When the program started, the take-up rate far outweighed the number of instruments available and as a result, the leaders of the program were forced to look at alternatives. They began to construct instruments from landfill waste and have now given thousands of children the opportunity to master an instrument.

Inspired by the ingenuity of the Harmonic program, the Year 4 students designed and built musical instruments from household waste and any recycled materials they could find. They were required to design and choose suitable materials for their instrument and weren’t allowed to buy anything new for the project. They constructed their instruments at school and can be very proud of their efforts. This week, students performed with their instruments for the Year 2 classes.


Year 4 Teachers
