Year 4-12 Sports Awards
Year 4-12 Sports Awards
This week was a huge week for the College as all students from Years 4-12 gathered to celebrate the success of sporting programs throughout the year. We were extremely fortunate to have Australian champion, Olympic flag-bearer, dual Olympic gold medallist and all-round superstar, Anna Meares, in attendance as our guest of honour to present the awardees with their medallions.
Anna was truly an inspiration to our students and staff alike and it was a memorable opportunity for all involved; one that we will all remember for the rest of our lives. We thank Anna for giving up her own time, in the midst of a very hectic schedule, to attend our awards and for meeting some of our staff and students! I would also like to thank Mrs Tracey Brown and her family for liaising with us to accommodate Anna’s visit. Her help was invaluable in making this possible.
Congratulations to all who received premiership awards, coaches awards and MVP awards. Well done to all who gave up their time to represent the school in sport throughout the year, in one of our most successful years of sport to date.
We look forward to seeing as many athletes joining teams again in 2017.