Year 3 Confidently Tackle NAPLAN

Year 3 Confidently Tackle NAPLAN

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Last week, our Year 3 students undertook their first national testing with NAPLAN assessments in reading, language conventions, writing and numeracy. With stripped bare classrooms and re-arranged seating positions, we prepared our little people for the task ahead with conversations, reflections, expectations and of course, content coverage.

To support this change to normal routine, we set up an art activity with puzzle pieces. The students chose a word that resonated with them to write on their puzzle and then broke it up. During NAPLAN week, they slowly withdrew one piece at a time to colour in. At the end of the week, students reconstructed their puzzles to reveal their word. There were words such as faith, love, joy and many more.


Congratulations Year 3, for successfully completing your first formal assessment. Below is a poem written by two students, Hugh and Toby, reflecting on the experience.

N ational assessment

A nxious attempting to do our best

P reparing us for high school

L earning to find spelling mistakes in the text was challenging

A ttitudes must stay positive

N ever forget to do the Victory Dance at the end.

Year 3 Teachers
