Year 2 Excursion

Year 2 Excursion

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On Friday 10th June, Year 2 went on an excursion to support their learning in Science and History this term.

To further enhance our understandings about water, we visited Baroon Pocket Dam. Ranger Ellie from SEQ Water talked with us about the importance of water as one of the earth’s resources and how we care for the environment by using, moving and storing water. We went on a bushwalk and looked at the Bunya Pine trees and the different environments around the dam. Then we were put into groups to do some water testing. We could tell if the water was healthy by the number of water insects and larvae we found in the water samples. No one fell in either so that was good! The Baroon Pocket Dam water is healthy, even after the large amount of rain we had recently.

After lunch we boarded the bus and went to visit the Little Lighthouse at Kings Beach. In History, Year 2 has been learning about local landmarks and their significance. We drew pictures of what we thought the area might have looked like in 1898 and what it looks like now. There are many more buildings now.

Finally, we drove to the SS Dicky Memorial for a look. We saw the propeller of the ship that has been set up as a reminder of its adventures.


Year 2 Teachers
