Year 12 Results

Year 12 Results

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Year 12 students will receive their Senior Education Profile (SEP) from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) in the mail from Friday 16th December. The SEP will be made up of one or more of the following documents (depending on student’s eligibility):

  • Queensland Certificate of Education.
  • Tertiary Entrance Statement (OP and FPs).
  • Senior Statement.
  • Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement.

All results contributing to the Queensland Certificate of Education and OPs and FPs will be available in student’s Learning Accounts on the Student Connect website from 9.00am on Saturday 17th December. To access their results, students will need their Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and password (initially the day and month of birth). Students will be able to access their results more quickly if they have previously accessed their Learning Accounts. To find out more about the SEP, visit: