Year 12 Leadership Day - Year Level Connectedness

Year 12 Leadership Day - Year Level Connectedness

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This week, Year 12 students participated in a Leadership Day. This day built on established leadership principles and learnt concepts from last year’s leadership discussions. Students enthusiastically participated in activities, which gave them an opportunity to use a range of skills including, teamwork, leadership and reflective skills.

Thank you to the Lutheran Youth of Queensland team for facilitating this day. Particularly, we thank Juliette Warne (Leadership Trainer, Lutheran Youth of Queensland) for leading this team.


We look forward to 2016 being a year of deep growth, where senior students take responsibility for their learning, behaviour, actions and attitudes, as they grow their capacity as self-directed young people. Please feel free to contact me via phone 5436 7334 or email regarding Senior College students.

Miss Kim Stone, Head of Senior College Students