Year 11 Leadership Day

Year 11 Leadership Day

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Last week, the Year 11 cohort engaged in their first leadership day with LYQ. As with most things so far this term, the structure of the day was a little different, with the program being delivered online. The session focussed on what leadership meant to the cohort and aimed to get students thinking about how leadership looks in the everyday patterns of school life. It was great to see students engaging with the LYQ facilitators and to hear their responses as they shared their thinking throughout the day.

As part of the Senior College, we encourage all Year 11 students to consider themselves as leaders and continue to set a positive example among their peers and other year levels. The formation of Pastoral House Groups this term has provided a great opportunity for this.

The Year 11 cohort will engage in another Leadership Day early in Term 3, just before leadership applications and interviews take place. I look forward to walking with this cohort as they continue to build on their leadership throughout the remainder of the year.

Senior College Defensive Driver Course

Next term, Pacific was scheduled to take part in a Defensive Driver Course through the RACQ in Brisbane. Last year the course proved to be a highly valuable opportunity for Senior College students. With current restrictions in place, we have put a hold on this year’s course for now. When we are able to offer this program again we will advertise to the student body. The practical course deals with defensive driving at speed (controlled), in wet conditions, course manoeuvring and theoretical applications and demonstrations as well. In order to join this program, students must have their L-plates as a minimum. Stay tuned for more information about this.

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students