Year 11 2023 Information Evening

Year 11 2023 Information Evening

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Included in newsletter

Year 10 students and parents are invited to attend a presentation on Wednesday 15th June that unpacks the Queensland Certificate of Education and provides information about Senior College academic pathways.  Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks (ATARs) and alternate study patterns and pathways will also be discussed. This evening will be an important precursor to the 2022 Subject Selection Expo on Wednesday 13th July.

Both parents and students are strongly encouraged to attend to gain insights into the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority and the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre’s processes and the multiple ways that students may approach their senior course of study.

The evening will begin at 6.00pm in the Pacific Lutheran College gymnasium and conclude at approximately 7.00pm.

Mrs Anne-Marie Gerlach, Head of Learning Senior College