Year 1 Science Investigation Day

Year 1 Science Investigation Day

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Last week, Year 1 had a Science Investigation Day. Children participated in a rich range of ‘hands on’ experiences that explored how materials changed by being heated, cooled, mixed – even set on fire! We visited the secondary students who showed us how a range of propellants can be used to make boats move through water. We were also visited by Year 3, who guided us through an investigation regarding the ‘stretchiness’ of different brands of lolly snakes! The children greatly enjoyed making volcanos, melting chocolate, mixing materials to make play-dough, turning milk sour by adding vinegar and making a liquid float on another liquid. The children also brought in their own experiments from home, so thank you to all the parents for their support with this. Thank you also to Mrs Richards and Mrs Pollard for their assistance with this wonderful early years science experience.


Mrs Holly Humphrey and Mrs Jodie Connors, Year 1 Teachers 
