Year 1 Geography and Art

Year 1 Geography and Art

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This week in Year 1, students considered the key features of a town that would be a great place for families with children to live in. They drew a plan for the building or feature they were making and then we built the town model collaboratively. Natural features like rainforests and beaches were also included in the designs. Students then drew a map of the town, demonstrating their growing understanding of an aerial view and features of maps.


Mrs Holly Humphrey, Year 1 Teacher

The Year 1 cohort has also been working enthusiastically with art teacher Dr Kym Rodgers in small group workshops. They are working with 21st century printmaking technology by using a gellie plate. The students are making a four colour print using four different stencils based on ancient indigenous Australian art practice. According to Dr Rodgers, students’ responses said it all; “wow these are cool”. These cool works will be displayed in the Student Art Exhibition in October this year.


Mrs Denise McMahon, Head of Visual Art
