YACHTS Inspiring Writers

YACHTS Inspiring Writers

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With a flurry of pencil, paper and rainbow clipboards held at the ready, our brilliant young writers from Years 2-5 honed their creative writing skills! Our writers explored writing tools, techniques and built vocabulary as they enthusiastically embraced opportunities to express ideas, innovations and dreams. Students worked in small groups collaboratively and brainstormed from beautiful images of flying houses, abandoned places and mysterious green tunnels!

Great questions were framed and discussed as new learning was incorporated into schemas. High quality, masterfully written picture books and novel extracts were shared and enjoyed by all, with students eagerly adapting authors’ craft to their individual writing pieces. Great pleasure was taken in reading these with friends and giving feedback on writing goals while analysing big picture messages and concepts. YACHTS students enriched their writing by narrowing focus to one idea, adding detail, varying sentences and creating mind pictures. From the workshop flowed many excellent pieces of writing with ideas for many more noted down in our writer’s notebooks for future writing adventures! A most productive and rewarding day! We are all writers!

Writing snippets:

A bit of mystery goes a long way!

Inside the tree, water was rushing through the roots.

Over the field Tobias travelled spreading wonderment.

He is drawn to the happiness of children like a moth to a flame.

Children of the town are delighted with joy like a spark of light.

Tobias jumps down from his home tree to the soggy grass below.

I sat there screaming, the fence looming over me like it was teasing.

Can wind stay in one place?

Ms Anthea Brighton, Head of Learning Enrichment P-5
