World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day
Sunday 13th November is World Kindness Day. Often we undervalue the positive impact that small acts of kindness can have on another person. Smiling, speaking in a friendly voice, helping another person or doing something thoughtful for someone else can brighten a dull day and even invigorate our own feelings and emotions.
Are such behaviours innate or do they need to be learnt? Recent scientific evidence has found that surprisingly, our brains are actually wired to be benevolent. However, our social environment is often directed towards an ‘every man for himself’ attitude, based upon success at the expense of others.
Like any skill, how to speak and act with kindness is something that can be taught. At the College, the development of social and emotional competencies in students is a major focus. Research regularly reaffirms the ideas that happy, confident and resilient children perform more successfully academically. As a community, let’s focus on treating others with kindness.