What’s Happening in the Library?

What’s Happening in the Library?

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Included in newsletter

Visiting Author, Jess Black

This week, students in Years 3-5 met Jess Black, author of series such as The Kaboom Kid, Little Paws, Bindi’s Wildlife Adventures, and Pepper Creek Ponies. Jess spoke entertainingly about her work and writing and answered many enthusiastic questions. All her books were immediately borrowed from the library afterwards.

Book Week Costume Parade

A reminder that the costume parade is on this Monday, 22nd August at 8.40am on the oval. A photo booth will be set up in the library at lunchtime for students to get their photos taken.

Book Club

Order forms were distributed to Prep to Year 7 this week. Please get orders in online by Friday 26th August.

Ms Narelle Keen, Head of Library
