Welcome to our Library

Welcome to our Library

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The library provides resources – both physical and online – to support students’ reading, research needs, and well-being. This week students have been supported in their learning through the provision of online resources such as LibGuides. All students should bookmark the library homepage to access the full suite of our library resources. I look forward to speaking to you about our library resources during the parent information evenings.

Junior College Library https://library.pacluth.qld.edu.au/oliver/junior.do

Middle/Senior College Library https://library.pacluth.qld.edu.au/oliver/home/news

Next week we hope to welcome students back to the library in person. The library will be open from 8am until 4pm, with a range of activities available at lunchtime. Students who have not yet collected their textbooks can pick them up from the library.

Ms Narelle Keen, Head of Library
