Welcome to the New Term

Welcome to the New Term

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We hope all families spent a relaxing and enjoyable time together over the holidays.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Research continues to recognise the important role that parent support plays in creating an environment where children can achieve their academic potential. Next week, parent teacher conferences will be held for Prep – Year 5 students. The conferences provide an ideal opportunity for parents, teachers and students to discuss each child’s progress and development. Although the conferences are not compulsory, we encourage parents to attend if they have questions regarding their child’s academic performance and development. 

You Can Do it

This term across Prep – Year 5, the focus for the You Can Do It program relates to developing wellbeing with a focus on resilience and happiness. Life is full of challenges and being resilient enables us to deal with these experiences positively, enhancing our wellbeing and happiness.

So, how can parents enhance their children’s wellbeing, enabling them to become resilient, happy human beings?

Last term, SchoolTV provided an excellent resource outlining strategies and information designed to assist parents. Research shows that one of the most important protective factors in the lives of young people, is a close relationship with a supportive adult. Learn more at: https://pacificlutheran.qld.schooltv.me

Uniforms and Hats

Students and parents are reminded that the College hat is an important element of the school uniform. During break times, students need to wear a hat or they are required to stay out of the sun. Students should also be wearing their hats when travelling to and from the College

Students in Years 1-5 may only wear their sports uniform to school on the days they have HPE lessons. Years 4 and 5 students may also wear their HPE uniforms to school on Thursdays for SCISSA sport. Students might also be requested to wear their sports uniform to school for carnivals or excursions. On all other occasions, students should attend school in their formal uniform.

If for some reason your child is unable to wear the correct uniform to school, please send a note to your child’s class teacher. A uniform reminder letter will be forwarded to parents whose children are in the wrong uniform without a note

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5