Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Welcome back to Term 4! We hope everyone had a restful holiday and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. A reminder that all general loans issued before the school holidays are due back this week. We will run overdue notices next week to allow students time to return their books.

New Book Club brochures are here and will be distributed next week. Further, a second delivery of items from the last order has arrived and Mrs Peta Griffin has notified students if they have something to collect.

During Term 4 we will be trialing some changes for lunchtimes in the library. Information has been shared with classes already. A ‘Geek Girls’ group (Year 3-7/8) will be held during Wednesday lunchtimes (subject to change if another day suits participants more) and a Middle College Book Chat group is also being introduced. An initial meeting to gauge interest for this group will be held next Tuesday 10th October at lunchtime for Year 4-8 students.

Ms Sue Warren, Teacher Librarian 
