Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

It was a pleasure speaking to many of you either in person or online at our parent information evenings. Our PLC Library is open from 8.00am until 4.00pm each day. We are a busy, lively library with lots of students visiting every day. At lunchtime we have silent areas for study and reading, as well as more social areas for playing chess or board games, doing arts and crafts, building with Lego, exploring the STEM activities in our MakerSpace or experiencing virtual reality.

Our website contains our library catalogue, where you can search for books, check your loans and place reservations. You will also find links to research skills, our LibGuides page which supports student assignments, our ebook collection and our Clickview video library.

Our Middle and Senior students can access the library homepage here https://library.pacluth.qld.edu.au/oliver/home/news while the Junior students’ page is here https://library.pacluth.qld.edu.au/oliver/junior.do?_open=1

Drop into the library to borrow, ask for book recommendations or for assistance with finding information.

New LibGuides Added

The following libguides have been added to support current assignments. The password is plc.

Year 7 HASS – Deep Time https://libguides.pacluth.qld.edu.au/deeptime

Year 10 Business – 4-Day Work Week https://libguides.pacluth.qld.edu.au/4dayworkweek

Ms Narelle Keen, Head of Library
