Walk for Oxfam

Walk for Oxfam

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

On Saturday 23rd June, three teachers - Mrs Tanya Graves (Year 2 teacher), Mrs Libby Anderson (Prep), Mrs Lu Pollard and one parent - Mrs Fionna Van Hooff, endeavoured to complete a 55km walking challenge from Lake Manchester to Mt Coo-tha in the Brisbane region.

The ladies walked for fifteen hours through the gorgeous landscape, commencing at 7.00am and finishing exhausted yet exhilarated at 10.00pm that same evenings. The purpose of this challenge was to raise money for Oxfam.  They were able to raise $1700 for the wonderful international charity organisation.  Some of the cash was raised by selling reusable bags.

If you ordered one or more of these bags, please be aware that they will be delivered in Week 1 of term 3. Thank you to all the families and friends who supported these ladies in this wonderful adventure. It has been such a positive experience for us all.


Mrs Lu Pollard, Junior College Teacher
