Visual Arts

Visual Arts

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Where were all the art teachers Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th of July?

We were at the annual Queensland Art Teachers Conference, which gathered 330 art educators from across Queensland. The event focused on the theme "Create the Future," exploring topics like integrating AI, AR, VR, sustainability in arts curriculum, and future applications.

Miss Elise Black, who has been the Communications Officer on the Executive Team of the Queensland Art Teachers Association for three years, assisted the executive team in developing this event and served as the MC for the two-day event.

Mrs Marnie Whitaker was selected as an educator showcase presenter to other art educators, demonstrating her expertise in using digital technologies and AR to enhance audience engagement and provide students with opportunities to present their artworks in engaging and contemporary contexts.

Mrs. Lara Masselos, Acting Head of Department  Film and TV engaged in workshops introducing innovative technologies such as movement tracking and 3D AR. These sessions aimed to enhance knowledge, skills, and interdisciplinary innovation within the arts subjects.

Additionally, we collaborated with Sunshine Coast art teachers on a project where we created wearable art pieces using recycled materials. The Sunshine Coast team won first prize across all other regions!

We're excited about the inspiration gained and look forward to implementing our new knowledge into our curriculum over the next year.

 Miss Elise Black, Head of Department - Visual Arts
