Visual Arts

Visual Arts

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Recently, Luca Buttrose submitted his IA2 artworks to the ISEA (International Symposium of Electronic Art) Student Competition. This competition focuses on speculative futures and encourages students to explore futuristic themes. Luca's artworks explore human interaction with nature by manipulating it to serve human needs, such as cell manipulation and engineering. He skilfully applies scientific methods, examining cells at a macroscopic level, digitally distorting them using touch design, integrating AR and AI music to create an interactive experience that highlights the connection between the natural and the artificial.

The ISEA Student Art Competition is highly competitive and represents an advanced level of artistic endeavour. Simply being entered into it is a significant achievement. We extend our best wishes to Luca as he participates. You can interact with these artworks in person at the Pacific Art Gallery. Come in before school or during lunchtimes to visit!

Miss Elise Black, Head of Visual Art
