Valuing The Human Dignity of All
Valuing The Human Dignity of All
When we value the human dignity of all, our world view changes. We see ourselves as together with, rather than separate from. We recognise the common humanity of people. Having this as a central value changes how we engage with people within our community, country and the world. Imagine the world where our world leaders saw the common humanity of all people and used their influence and resources to improve the lives of people, irrespective of nationality or location. When we interact within our own community valuing the human dignity of all, we naturally shift to thoughts of caring with and for. Within our country where we the value the human dignity of all, there is a call to move towards creating more equal opportunity for all.
God created all people in His image. Historically there has been power in the hands of those who have had the physical strength, structures or capability to dominate. We also find these stories within the Bible, which feature conflicts within families, communities and between countries. Importantly woven through these power struggles is the essence of God’s love. From Genesis there is a constant theme of human beings moving away from God’s love, causing harm to themselves and others. Always within these stories which culminate with Jesus death and resurrection, there is God acting out of love to bring people back into relationship with Him and with each other. God calls us to respond to His love, to be reconciled with Him and all our neighbours.
Principal’s Log
The valuing of human dignity is a core value for the Pacific community. We have reflected on this value as we have commemorated National Reconciliation Week and recognised our contribution to the Red Shield Appeal. It has also been a key theme as we have engaged in our Courageous Conversations workshops to Year 7 and 8 students as part of the enhancement of the wellbeing and safety for students. Listening carefully to how our thoughts and words reflect a respect for and valuing of the human dignity of all, is a great gift we can give each other within our families and community. As individuals, friendship groups and families we are encouraged to keep this value front of mind and reflect on how our thoughts, words and actions reflect this fundamental value.
Thank you to our families who have supported the Red Shield Appeal. Mrs Karen Clark of the Salvation Army expressed her deep appreciation to our community for the donation of over 3700 items and $2200. We thank the Salvation Army for the work they do in supporting the families of our local community.
Well done to our Year 10 Volleyball girls who competed in Toowoomba over the weekend. They displayed very good sportsmanship, spirit and skills and enjoyed the experience of being able to board with students of our sister college in Toowoomba, Concordia. Well done to the girls and congratulations for reaching the quarter finals. Thank you to Mrs Leah Croke, Mr Cameron West-McInnes and coach Sarah Ashdown for leading this experience.
We congratulate our Year 7 and 8 students who have competed in the da Vinci Challenge and wish our remaining teams all the best as they compete this week. Thank you to Mrs Adelle Byerlee, Mrs Lynda Sides, Mr Andrew Block, Mrs Julie Darr and Mrs Chantelle McAllister for the coaching and leadership of these teams.
We look forward to connecting with Year 10 students and their families at the Year 11 2023 Information Evening on Wednesday 15th June. This event will be held at the College and provides important opportunities for parents and students to learn more about their QCE and beyond school pathways. Families are asked to note this date in their calendars.
We wish all those students who are engaging in assessments in the upcoming week, calm and purposeful minds.
We pray that God would grow our capacity to value the human dignity of all.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal