Vacation Care
Vacation Care
Vacation Care is nearly here. We have a jam-packed fun filled program planned for these upcoming school holidays. Anyone can come and join in all the fun we have. If you have family and friends why not tell them and you can all enjoy the fun together. We have some exciting excursions planned – going to the Rollerdrome and going to the strawberry farm and learning all about how strawberries get from the farm to our mouths. We all will be going Nerf crazy with our Nerf Extravaganza day. Plus we will have the opportunity to experience camping in our very own OSHC yard. All program and booking forms are available on the College website or drop in to see Nat and the team at OSHC for more information. So, what are you waiting for? Come on in and join in the fun.
Mrs Natalie Sorbello, Educational Leader