Vacation Care

Vacation Care

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Vacation Care is just around the corner! The program has been finalised and is due to be sent out within the next week… so please keep an eye out for it! As usual, it will also be available on the College website. If you would like your child to attend, please ensure they are enrolled with the Outside School Hours Care service. Due to limited vacancies, it will be a first in, first served situation.

We have a few new experiences planned, which we believe the children are going to thoroughly enjoy. Using a programming tool called Mind Maps, we have collected many ideas for the program directly from the children themselves. We encourage all families to read the program carefully as you may recognise where the ideas have come from! We are hoping that families can help in gathering some items for our special days, particularly our ‘Recycled Art and Craft Day’. OSHC needs plastic milk and soft drink tops, old CD’s, plastic soft drink bottles large or small, buttons and old pieces of material. If you have any of these items we would love to take them off your hands. Please just drop them in to staff at OSHC.