Uniform Expectations

Uniform Expectations

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

With students return to school this week, we have also changed to the winter uniform. It’s been pleasing to see the majority of students maintaining a high standard of presentation as we transition back to learning on campus. Parents and students are reminded that formal uniform items are to be worn with the formal uniform and sport uniform items are to be worn with sports uniform. There should not be mixing of one set of uniform with the other, in particular sports jackets and formal jumpers or sports hats and formal hats. Senior College students are to be wearing their blazers to and from school each day and all boys need ties and navy or black socks under their long pants (no coloured socks) as per the College uniform policy.

A reminder that for girls, make-up of any form (foundation, false nails or eye-lash extensions) are not allowed and should not be worn to school. Normal jewellery expectations as per the handbook still apply. For all students, hats still need to be worn (on heads) to and from school and during breaks.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school for clarification.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank the College Captains for their tireless efforts, thoughts and ideas throughout the year so far. It has been tremendously refreshing and energising to work with such a motivated and enthusiastic group of leaders who have continued to provide guidance and support to those throughout the whole College during these times.

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students