Tween Talk - EveryBODY is Beautiful

Tween Talk - EveryBODY is Beautiful

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Goodlife Community Centre in Buderim is hosting a workshop by Headstart, designed to help girls aged 8-12 years understand that they are much more than just a body.

During the workshop, girls will learn all the editing and tricks that go into making people in the media look flawless, plus break down any myths regarding ‘perfect’ looking people in the media.

Girls will learn to embrace the way they look and celebrate diversity.

The most important thing they will learn… is that the way they look is such a small part of who they are!

Visit the website to register or click the link here.

Bonsai parenting: Why so many children end up in therapy

Locke has observed the ‘overparenting’ phenomenon emerge in the 15 years she has been treating children and teenagers as well as in her university research.

Overly involved in their children's lives, these parents are constantly trying to solve their problems and harbour unrealistic expectations of their potential, she argues. When they are confronted by their child's shortcomings or difficulties, these parents seek out clinical diagnoses.

"A sense of melancholy is labelled depression; any trepidation is labelled anxiety. A friendship fight is bullying," Locke writes in her book The Bonsai Child, which is her term for children who are over-nurtured.

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
