Thank You and Farewell 2017 Year 12 Students

Thank You and Farewell 2017 Year 12 Students

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This is an exciting and special time of year where we celebrate our graduating Year 12 students. It has been good to see them making the most of their final few days together, enjoying different activities including a thank you breakfast, painting of a canvas tile, hearing various presentations to prepare for life after school, winning a touch football match against staff, planting a tree with their Year 2 buddies and walking the labyrinth. As individuals and as a cohort they have made a significant contribution in all areas of College life. We have enjoyed learning with them and seeing them extend their academic capabilities, valued their strong engagement with sport and applauded their talent in performing and visual arts. As leaders they have brought a positive, warm, welcoming optimism to all they have done and raised student leadership to the next level.


As a College community we congratulate and thank our Year 12 students of 2017 for their very significant contribution. We thank their families for the important part they have played as partners in the growth of this community and of their children into the fine adults they have become. We look forward to their graduation and closing chapel and finally celebrating with them at their formal. We wish them every blessing as they take steps into the next exciting phase of their lives.
