Term 3 Reports – Years 9-12
Term 3 Reports – Years 9-12
Year 9-11
Term 3 reports should be completed by Friday 16th September. An SMS will be issued to parents when the reports become available through Parent Lounge. Parent Lounge can be accessed via our website at: http://pacificlutheran.qld.edu.au/my-plc.
Please use the following details to login to Parent Lounge:
Username = XXXXXX (your parent code which is the account number on the top right corner on your fee statement)
Password = XXXXX (your BPay reference number on the top right corner on your fee statement)
Reports will be available for viewing for the first week of the school holidays (to Monday 19th September). At this point, they will be unavailable again for two weeks while teachers complete the Year 12 reports.
Year 12
To provide greater time for Year 12 students to complete assessments, the reporting timeline for this year level has been extended. Therefore, the Year 12 reports will be available by the end of Week 1, Term 4. Once again, an SMS will be issued to parents when these are completed. Parents are to follow the above instructions to access the Year 12 reports.