Sustainability and Environmental Awareness
Sustainability and Environmental Awareness
With the recycling of organic waste occurring at the College, the next step in the process of lowering our environmental footprint will be continuing to focus on the collection of recyclable material and reducing the waste going to landfill. At assembly, I spoke with students about placing recyclable waste items into the yellow recycling bins located throughout the Junior College campus. This concept has been well supported by our ‘Waste Warriors’ who are doing a great job during break times.
I also encourage parents to consider this when preparing food for lunches and morning teas. As a parent, I appreciate the convenience of snap-lock plastic bags, plastic food wraps and fruit juice packed in tetra packs (which are recyclable). However, there are alternatives for replacing much of the plastic used in lunches. Although the use of paper bags is not ideal, paper is certainly preferable to plastic. Reusable stainless-steel water bottles and cutlery can be used instead of plastic. Reusable containers are great for storing snacks and meals as well.
Developing a social culture of sustainability and environmental awareness begins in childhood. By involving students in the practical application of such a philosophy, as a school we can help students grow into adults who are environmentally aware and who practice simple forms of waste management and recycling. Individually, we may perceive our actions only make a small difference, but collaboratively, the impact can be immense and make the world a better place.
All Prep – Year 2 students have begun preparing for their Athletics Carnival, which will be held on Monday 2nd September. The Carnival will start at 1.00pm and conclude by 3.00pm. Parents are most welcome at this exciting event.
Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5