Students Performing Advanced Research in Queensland (Sparq-ed) 5 Day Immersion UQ

Students Performing Advanced Research in Queensland (Sparq-ed) 5 Day Immersion UQ

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Over the Easter school holidays, Emma Camiller immersed herself in biomedical research by attending a 5-day intensive Sparq-ed workshop at the Diamantina Institute in Woolloongabba located near the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the UQ School of Pharmacy. The program is run through a partnership between UQ and the Queensland Government to promote excellence and innovation in biological and biomedical education by delivering specialised programs to school students. The students work alongside current PHD researchers and educators.

During her five days, Emma read academic papers, accessed the medical library, learnt about scientific research and report writing and spent time both in the lab and at the institute where she participated in the research of HeLa cells and retro transposition events. The week concluded with students presenting their findings at a symposium.

Emma took up this opportunity to gain an insight into Biomedical research and to assist in her decision making towards tertiary study in this field on the completion of Year 12. Emma has always had a strong interest in medical research and this was only reinforced through her involvement in the program. Emma is currently completing an optional 2000 word scientific research report based on her lab experiences and academic readings.

When asked if Emma would recommend this immersion to other students considering advanced research or biomedical science, Emma said

 “This immersion program was an exciting look into the field of medicine and it allowed me to understand the biology of cells and to know whether I was going to choose this industry as my career. After conducting this immersion program I am now certain on medical research. Therefore if you are interested in medical science, I would strongly recommend this program”.

If you are interested in finding out more about Sparq-ed programs, including one and two day immersions, see their website for further details and speak to Mrs Purcell Careers Counsellor about the application process.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor