Student Garden
Student Garden
The Year 6 students have been very busy reviving the old garden beds behind the Prep buildings. They have been moving rocks, clearing the leaves and twigs, and planting around the garden beds in preparation for plants that will be arriving for our Student Garden very soon.
We would like to thank our school community who have been generously donating items so that our Year 6 students and other interested "green thumbs" can learn about ways that we can look after and enhance our environment. In particular, we would like to thank iLandscape in Caloundra for the organisation of donations and the very generous donation of plants for our garden beds. Harmony Landscaping have been very supportive by donating new soil for the garden beds that have allowed us to prepare the boxes for plants. What a wonderful school community we have!
If you have any other ideas for things that the students might be interested in using in the garden that they are creating, please contact Mrs Linda Sydes
Mrs Linda Sydes, Teacher Year 6