Standing Ovation for OCEANfest

Standing Ovation for OCEANfest

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Included in newsletter

Thank you to everyone for your generosity, hospitality and commitment to making the OCEANfest such a success.  Staff, students, parents and sponsors came together to provide an event where people could connect, relax, have fun and be entertained.  Repeated themes from people new to our community included amazement at the quality of the event, how talented our students were and the warm, welcoming, creative, professional and connected feel of our community.  Thank you to everyone for playing your part so well.  A particular thank you to our OCEANfest leaders, Mrs Teena Thompson, Mrs Bron Butler, Mrs Jenny Lee, and Mrs Tracey Hindmarsh and Parent Class Representatives.  There were many people who had spent hours making products, planning, organizing, to ensure the night went very well and then the cleanup and finalisation of activities. Thank you to our sponsors and many families who generously donated their time and contributed financially.  As someone who had the privilege of standing on the sidelines and saw you bring an amazing event together as parents, staff, and students …a grateful standing ovation!
