Staff on the Move
Staff on the Move
This term, staff have been embracing a new wellness initiative and are ‘Walking with Attitude’! For six weeks, staff are challenged to walk 10,000 steps each day. Twelve teams of five members had their walking shoes on and pedometers clipped when the challenge commenced last week. It is a fantastic commitment from 60 staff members across all areas of the school.
Already the feedback has been incredibly positive, as teachers pace out steps in their rooms finding new and innovative ways to incorporate movement. The library staff are eagerly volunteering to drop off books to classrooms in an attempt to earn more steps and our teacher aides have surprised themselves with how much they move in a day.
So keep your eyes peeled, look for a FitBit or a small pedometer and strike up a conversion! Proudly sponsored by the Staff Wellness Committee!
Mrs Lu Pollard, Year 3 Teacher